My sister arrived in Orlando for the evening late last night. We had a great time catching up and chatting like we always do whenever we’re together.
Leslie is a college senior which obviously means that she still possesses the ability to sleep past 8 a.m. on weekends. Since that art was lost a long time ago on me and Ryan (and Sadie, though I’m not sure she ever had that talent), we woke up a bit early and got started on breakfast while Leslie was sleeping.
Whenever we have a guest stay with us, I like to make a comforting breakfast and figured pancakes are always a hit!
I was feeling a little creative, I decided to try my hand at a pancake cake.
I combined the following: to serve two (Ryan made himself eggs):
- 1 c. Bisquick Heart Smart mix
- 3/4 c. almond milk (regular milk will also work)
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp. canola oil
- 1/4 c. slivered almonds + more for garnish
I poured the mix into a loaf pan and let it bake at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes.
After topping the baked pancake with syrup, we dug in.
This random little experiment paid off!
Both my sister and I really enjoyed the baked pancake cake.
I bet it would be really delicious with chocolate chips and bananas incorporated into the batter as well.
In case you’re in the market for a yummy Sunday morning breakfast of a different variety, here are some of my favorites:
- Oatmeal Protein Pancakes
- Peanut Butter Stuffed French Toast
- French Toast Casserole
- Greek Yogurt Pancakes
Time to change before church!
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
This looks INCREDIBLE! How genius – why have I never thought of this before?
i love turning traditional things into something even cooler! Im more impressed you had your creative thinking cap on that early-I’m still a wonky sleepy head until I’ve been up for a few hours!
How creative! Looks super delicious too! 🙂
Nice thinking!!! Great idea!
Okay, that is the coolest “pancake” recipe ever! It’s a combination of my two favorite breakfast items – pancakes and bread! 😀
That’s SUCH a good idea! Mmm almonds are an awesome addition, too 🙂
I love pancake tasting things. I have a pancake muffin recipe bookmarked right now.
Wow, this looks amazing! Brings a whole new meaning to the name panCAKE!!
Holy cow, this is perfect!! I never thought about this! Thanks! Enjoy your time with your sister. 🙂
What a cool idea! A lot easier than flipping pancakes too!
Girl you’re so creative! I love pancakes, but an idea like this would never pop into my mind. Even if it did, I would have no idea how to go about actually making it! Props! Haha, you’re so right though, chocolate chips and bananas would up the ante for sure. Have a fun time with your sister!
That looks delicious. I’ve used pancake mix to make biscuit casseroles before, but never for a sweet cake- love it! Enjoy the time with your sister!
This looks SO, so good! And solves the problem that I can’t flip pancakes very well. At all. 🙂 I think I’ll make this soon and absolutely take you up on the chocolate chips addition!
Awesome idea! I assume this would work with any pancake batter? MUST TRY IT ASAP. (Pancakes/crepes have kind of always been my favourite thing in the world!)
Hi! I love your blog and read it ALL the time! This morning was so hilarious because after cooking breakfast for me and the hubby I went to your blog and saw BAKED PANCAKES!!! I did the same thing this morning! I thought I was the ONLY one in the world baking a pancake for breakfast. I baked it because I wanted to put it in one of those disposable heart-shaped pans for an early Valentines Day breakfast. I also made some cream cheese icing from scratch and spread ito n top. It ended up tasting SOOOO good and the texture was great!! Love your blog btw! The best one I have come accross 🙂 Take care!
Wow — what a great idea! I make my husband pancakes on weekend mornings, next weekend I am TOTALLY going to surprise him with this!
That looks delicious! I would probably actually eat pancakes if I could make them this way. I’m always too impatient to actually stand at the stove to make them for breakfast 🙂
A great idea! Never knew pancakes can be made into cake!!!
Looks delicious! Have fun with your sis 🙂
What a great idea! Anything with the word “pancake” in it is always good in my books!
GENIUS! I wanted to make pancakes for Vday tomorrow but since my boyfriend works at 8 am I figured I wouldn’t have time, but this would probably be faster since you don’t have to stand there and flip multiple batches of cakes!
Very cool idea. It’s like you’re eating cake, but just for breakfast 🙂
What a great idea! That’s one of my favorite parts of having company – the yummy breakfasts! 🙂
I love this idea! Can’t wait to try it out!
I really like this idea! And it seems perfect when you have people joining you for breakfast! I can’t wait to try this soon!
Never would have thought of that! I love that it doesn’t make a huge portion, too. Cooking for one, I always have a gazillion leftovers. Going to have to try this!
What a great, simple idea!
And this is why I will never be a cook. I can never come up with awesome ideas and end up putting a frozen waffle in the toaster. I’ll have to try this out.
Looks wonderful – and way simpler than actual pancakes which I LOVE!
yummy yummy!
Creative and cool- thanks for the idea 🙂
that looks GOOD! how did you come up with that?
What a neat idea!!!! I bet your sister loved waking up to a nice brekkie like that 🙂 I sure would!
how brilliant is that? you’re so creative.
this recipe seems especially great for someone like me, who always manages to mess pancakes up by burning one side or not spraying even non-stick to the pan…
What a great experiment! I never would’ve thought to try something like that!
I saw this post yesterday and started craving pancakes…I obviously had to make this for dinner!! I added in some banana and it turned out amazing. Will definitely be making this again…and soon!
I just made this today and it was amazing… the only thing I did change was that I used walnuts in it instead of the almonds because I didn’t have any. Thank you for a great breakfast 🙂
My husband and I LOVE a baked “puff pancake” that I think you and Ryan would enjoy–it has a lot of egg and not a lot of flour, so it keeps you full forever! We like it with a thinly sliced apple or banana on the bottom or strawberries on top. It’s usually sweet enough that you don’t need to, but sometimes I like to dust it with powdered sugar :o) I like to do it in a cast iron skillet so that I can saute the fruit and bake it in the same dish. This is a good basic recipe. I use 3/4 c room-temp whole milk instead of just 1/2 c, though…and forget the blender–it works just fine to do it in a mixing bowl with a whisk!
i just made your baked pancake for my husband i this morning. i didn’t have any almonds but i put in blueberries and it was so yummy…..we finished the whole pan!!!