I love basically any BodyPump class, but when you couple BodyPump with my intense love for LaBouche, you have a real winner.
Today’s BodyPump class was rockin’ and had me feeling the burn. I’m really enjoying the new release. It’s amazing what quality music can do for a workout.
With each BodyPump class I take these days, I can’t help but get a little sad when I remember that the gym we will likely join in Ocala doesn’t offer my beloved ‘Pump. (I did find one gym in the area that offers BodyPump, but they only have it one day of the week at a time that doesn’t really work for me.)
I will really, really miss BodyPump when we move. The class provides me with one heck of a workout. I am trying to think of the lack of BodyPump classes in Ocala as an opportunity to explore new workouts, but I am pretty bummed. I guess I’ll just soak it up while I can!
Walk + Breakfast
Ryan joined me and Sadie on our morning walk around the lake today which was great! It’s nice to have a human to talk to sometimes.
We walked around the lake, taking about odds and ends… including the NBA and NFL. I oddly don’t mind listening to Ryan talk about sports because he knows the facts and tidbits I will find interesting and typically shares only those with me. I like the details about the players’ personal lives, team dynamics, etc. Today we discussed the NBA lockout. Riveting stuff, I’m tellin’ ya.
Once we arrived home, it was time for breakfast.
On the menu for today was two waffles, a dippy egg seasoned with salt and pepper, veggie bacon and a wedge of Babybel cheese.
Today’s breakfast felt like a bit of a treat. I felt like I was eating a weekend breakfast this morning! Something about waffles and dippy eggs scream lazy Sunday morning to me.
And now I should probably shower. Probably.
Question of the Morning
- What group exercise class, cardio or weights machine would you miss the most if it was removed from your gym?
I’m not great at running on my own, so I LOVE group fitness cardio classes. I don’t think I could live without my turbo Kick class!
Hope you can find something similar, it might just be called something different… for example, my gym can’t call spinning spinning because “spin,” “spinning” etc. are trademarked, so instead they just call it cycle. It might be the same with BodyPump… I’m sure since it is so popular there is something that is close in nature.
If not, you should definitely look into teaching!
I really miss cardio kickboxing. It was the only fitness class I tried that I liked (ok, so I only tried two). But the only time it’s offered at my current gym is 8pm. Umm, no thanks! I wish they had classes at decent times. either 10-11am or 1-4pm would be perfect, but nothing!
I would be devastated if they took out the squat rack at the gym, I already have to wait for it and my workouts aren’t complete without squats and deadlifts!
Well I don’t go to a gym, actually I jog everyday and I’m attending dance class so I don’t know about gyms but it’s true that when you’ve found something that you really like it’s hard to let it go. But I also belive that sometimes it allows you to experiment other things and I’m pretty sure you’ll find another type of work out that you’ll enjoy!
I would miss yoga. I take it from a studio so I guess it may not count as a group class from a gym! I have decided I will never move somewhere without a yoga studio. I grew up in a tiny town in Kansas with nothing but a gas station. I couldn’t deal with that lifestyle again. I’m too used to Starbucks, Target, and yoga now.
I miss turbo kickboxing so much! I did it multiple times a week before I left for college, and now a year later I still think about how much fun it was and how good of a workout it gave me.
I miss the boot camp class that they used to have at my gym!
I am just trying to get into classes now!
I wish they had a better class schedule sometimes. A variety of times for different classes would be gret!
Julie I didn’t read through every comment so someone might have already said this….
Why don’t you become a Body Pump instructor!?!? I think you’d be great at it! You’ve been doing it long enough the know what a good instructor does, and you have a passion for it. Those two things would make you a great candidate. I think it’s something you should look into it. 🙂 Getting a workout + make a little extra dough = *winning*
I would definitely miss my yoga classes – i’m not motivated enough to do that intense of a practice on my own!
Treadmill, for sure! (As you can see from my blog post yesterday, I am a fan of running long distances on it haha)
I think you should get certified and teach Body Pump Yourself!!
My college gym was awesome and I took step classes all the time (so 80’s I know) so after 4 years of religiously going to those classes “free of charge” and then realizing I had no money to pay to join a gym was so hard!
I’m intrigued by the veggie bacon…what are the nutrition facts compared to regular and/or turkey bacon? And how does it taste compared to them as well? It’s kind of strange looking to me (almost dog-treat-ish) so I wanted your opinion before I try it… :o)
Does your new gym offer any other full body weights class? Maybe you could become an instructor and teach your own body pump classes!
I’d totally miss the bosu ball if it was removed from my gym… greatest invention ever!
There are only a few classes I enjoy like body pump and spinning! I’m trying circuits tomorrow so that may join the list!
The time doesn’t work for you? How does working from home not allow you to do pretty much whatever you please
i try to keep normal working hours and stay on the same 8 -5 schedule as my husband. for me, this works best for my personal productivity. i like to workout between 5 and 7 a.m. so i can be working by 8.
I recently moved across the country and no longer have access to Body Pump. I was going 3 days a week before I moved. I feel your pain! However, it has encouraged me to be creative in my workouts since Body Pump doesn’t require much planning. I’m excited to see what kind of things you come up with!
I would miss RPM the most-it’s such a great and intense workout plus I get to still sit on my butt for parts of it! haha! I take probably 5 or 6 RPM classes per week and I have plans to one day become certified-just have to lose a bit of weight first.
I would also miss Pump-I’ve been doing it for about two weeks and I take it on Mon, Wed, and Fridays and I get bummed if I miss one day! lolll
Does that veggie bacon really taste ok??? It looks fake!! I’ve always wondered though if it would taste good
I missed Boogie Boxing when I left my gym (a class filled with pylometrics, resistance training combined with martial arts and latin/hip hop movements). It was intense and burned over 800-1100 calories in 50 minutes. After I left the gym, I decided to join a boot camp (rather than a fitness center) which happened to be the best thing that has ever occured in my life.
Like a few others asked, have you considered becoming a certified group fitness instructor? For some, it’s better to participate in the class that you love and really get a good workout out of it rather than teach and not get a fulfilling workout-But then again, you can always have the advantage of doing both!
Hey, perhaps there will be a new class you will equally enjoy at your new gym! Ya never know!
I would miss Zumba, it is such a great form of exercise.
I get a free membership at the gym my hubby is a personal trainer at but I keep my membership at Baileys because I’m in love with my sunday morning TRX class. Yes, silly me pays $40 a month just to be able to continue to take that class. Dedication!!
I think some other folks said this already but you should become a body pump instructor!! Then you could do it whenever & wherever you wanted!
Not that this would ever happen, but I would be distraught if my gym got rid of the ellipticals. Hands down my favorite cardio machine.
I would be super sad without my turbo kick or spin classes!
Hey look, one of Sadie’s dog treats got on your plate. Real bacon won’t kill you.
I still love listening to all those old club songs. They do make for great work out music.
I would miss my step aerobics class. It’s great cardio and strengthens my legs. Tae bo is ok but boring after a while. I would try a couple of different classes if I was you. You may find something you like, you never know 🙂
Enjoy reading your blog. Very funny and interesting!
I am not a member of a gym, but if I were to lose my Bob Harper Cardio Max DVD or Jackie Warner Circuit Training DVD, I would be one lost puppy.