The second half of the Healthy Living Summit was just as fun as the first… and I was a whole lot more at ease since my personal presentation was over.
Lots of treats prepared by other bloggers were enjoyed during the afternoon presentations. I joked that desserts for HLS were sponsored by the bloggers themselves!
Maybe next year, I’ll make some peanut butter granola to share!
That little gem would be a cake pop, made by Paige. It was pretty much unbelievable and I cannot wait to make cake pops for the next party I attend. They were a definite hit among attendees I basically drooled all over myself as I ate it.
Evan also passed around peanut butter and chocolate brownies to help satisfy our sweet tooth.
Peanut butter and chocolate? Someone’s speakin’ my language.
The afternoon sessions were really interesting.
Two of my roommates for the weekend, Lisa and Tina, were on a panel and my other roommate Courtney and I beamed with pride as we watched them rock it!
Roommate love!
Let me just take a minute to profess my complete adoration for these ladies. My favorite memories associated with Healthy Living Summit occurred outside of the conference. The late nights tucked away in our hotel room after a fun evening of dinner and drinks were my favorite. Every night Lisa, Courtney, Tina and I were up until nearly 2 a.m. talking away until our eyelids were too heavy to stand it.
Getting to know all of the bloggers at the conference in real life, away from their blogs, only made me love them even more.
Holy tangent! Back to the conference…
I also attended a presentation about blogger safety by Monica that was very eye opening. I recently did a blog post on the topic and thought those of you who were worried about blogger safety might benefit from these two takeaways:
- Don’t use Foursquare to check into places. Just don’t. The story shared by one blogger totally blew my mind.
- When photographing pets up close, be aware that their tags often have your phone number or address on them.
The final presentation I attended on Monetizing Your Blog was led by Katy Widrick, and I actually got to introduce her!
At that point I was totally over feeling nervous in front of the other bloggers, so saying some wonderful words about Katy didn’t made me want to shake.
Katy is such a public speaking pro!
Once her presentation wrapped up, it was time to head back to the hotel room to change before a FUN night with some of my favorite bloggers.
More to come!
I should have gone to HLS this year, you are the only one of my fav bloggers I have not met yet!!
I loved being able to meet you at the summit. You are such a gem and I loved your “Rising above negativity” talk! Very uplifting!
such a treat!! 🙂 thanks so much for your comment about our presentation!
Those cake pops look delicious!
It’s so fun to see you and the other bloggers I read so often together in pictures. 🙂
I liked your tangent…. they seem like pretty great girls! -2AM fun!
Peanut butter and chocolate should be an official language…just saying 😉 Great photos! sounds like so much fun!
Aweee I loved meeting you ladies!!! It was a serious blast. During your talk on negativity, I was trying so hard to keep my composure. It’s not an easy subject to talk about, and you did a great job. I can’t wait to see you all again!
you had an AWESOME comment after our presentation. i think it hit home with a lot of people.
I want a grown-up lady slumber party!!!
Sounds like a blast, and I want cake pops in my mouth STAT. Will you sleuth the recipe and post it up??
Sounds like an awesome conference! I’d loove to go some day! 😀
I’ve loved reading your recaps and those of other bloggers. It sounds like it was an awesome conference with a lot of great takeaways.
Hopefully it continues as an annual event!
Hiya! I just discoered your blog and you and your posts are so awesome!
I was afraid at first of becoming a blogger myself due to all of the funnies out there, but I do my best to stay safe and make sure to keep everything as a whole and nothing specific!
Wow, sounds like you had an absolutely amazing time, and a completely memorable experience! I love reading about all of this, but it also makes me sad because I couldn’t meet all of you inspiring girls! Bahh, hopefully sometime :). Can’t wait to read more! And you should totally make peanut butter granola to pass out…that stuff is like crack
I JUST MADE CAKE POPS LAST NIGHT!!! i can’t believe you had them too! they are absolutely amazing!
yum cake pops! aren’t they just the best ?
I almost flew myself out to Philly on Friday night just so I could be your fifth roommate. Seriously, what I would have given to be able to meet the four of you this weekend! Gaah! I heard you rocked your panel! 🙂
So nice meeting you Julie! 🙂
right back at you! thanks so much for your insights about becoming a bodypump instructor, too!
cake pops are becoming quite the trend- i’m going to have to try these!
Aw, the HLS conference sounds like so much fun — especially the late night slumber parties. The nights spent staying up late talking with your girlfriends are always the best!
Looking forward to hearing even more about the weekend!
Oh my goodness, I love that you linked some of the yummy food that you talked about. Now I can add more blogs to read and check out. A weekend out with girl, with good food and lots of talking and hanging out is the best. It’s food for the soul.
Thanks for the shout out!
The presentations were major this year – all of them were so good!
You were a rock star giving Katie’s intro 🙂 It was so nice to meet you this weekend! <3
What awesome roomies! I LOVE Courtney, Tina, and Lisa! I can’t wait for HLS next year! I’m SO going 🙂
Looks like such a fun experience…I’m sure you did fine, even if you were nervous! 😀 From what I heard, everyone LOVED your presentation! I hope I can go next year! You better bring some of your peanut butter granola, its fantastic! Making more as soon as I can actually use my oven!
Julie, I never realized you were so tall! I always thought you were on the shorter side but maybe that’s because you take pictures with Ryan all the time and he must be really tall. You officially have it all…beautiful hair, gorgeous smile, Tall and thin and what seems to be a great personality from what i can tell on your blog. Color me jealous!!
i’m 5’7”! 🙂 ryan is 6’1”, so he makes me look shorter in pics! 🙂
wow! I must look really short in pics because I’m 5’5” and my husband is 6’8” 🙂
Gah – that cake pop looks like heaven and like something I could definitely go for right now!!
Glad it was such a success!
I totally wish I could hear the stories/presentations you are referencing (like the blogger safety story). I wish someone was youtubing this HLS!
Me too! Julie, would you mind sharing the story? Hearing this stuff makes me really realize how careful people need to be. Thanks!
I wouldn’t mind hearing that story, too!
That’s exactly what I was thinking! I hope there will be some sort of clips!
Great tangent–I bet it was wonderful!!! 🙂
What a fun group of ladies to room with… I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, I’d totally want to be in your room! 🙂
Was it your first time attending HLS? If so, was it kind of nerve racking being a “new attender”?
yes and yes! but i will say that everyone is so kind and welcoming and it made it such a warm experience. i can’t wait to go again!
True story – I used to post often on facebook where I was at and what I was up to. Then my house got broken into when I was out of town by someone I knew…I don’t update facebook or any other social networking sites really anymore with where I am or anything for that exact reason. There are some really creepy/mean people out there.
Makes my heart warm! We told some GREAT stories and i loved getting to know all of you better. Thanks for being my roomie, and hope we can room together again SOON! BLOGGER VACATION!!
I live alone in a studio apartment and that’s one thing I miss about roommates in college, chatting for hours! Those sessions sound great, I hope I can go to something like that to learn more about blogging, I started mine two and a half weeks ago! I’m a newbie but very type A! Go big or go home!
Interesting tidbit about checking in…I do check in from time to time but it’s always after I get home lol! And I do this on my personal profile but not on my business one where I don’t TRULY know everyone.
Can you share (or direct me to the original blogger) the Foursquare story? I use Foursquare pretty heavily…
I have never used foursquare- what is it? Im kindof glad I dont use it haha. But I never even thought about the dog tag!~