What is the easiest dinner in the world? Salmon!
Why did I go years and years without making this delicious fish?
I’m so glad I got over my fear of preparing salmon and tackled it because it pops up on our dinner menu all the time now!
- Salmon Burgers
- Cashew-Crusted Salmon (<—I need to make this again! Yum.)
- Salmon with Raspberry Glaze
- Honey Soy Glazed Salmon
Tonight’s salmon was rosemary garlic broiled salmon. I cooked the salmon the way I always do, seasoning it with garlic salt and rosemary.
Ryan’s words: “I like the thyme you put on there.”
It was rosemary, but I’ll take it. At least he pronounced thyme correctly! He used to say the “th” like “the” rather than “time.”
I love listening to people say words differently. Ryan swears that I say the word “cashew” like “ca-shoo.” Lies, I tell you.
(Just in case you missed it, I previously posted a list of the 20 most commonly mispronounced food words on the blog. I definitely said quite a few words incorrectly!)
On the side of our salmon we ate roasted cauliflower, which I prepared by tossing the cauliflower in olive oil, seasoning it with garlic salt and roasting it in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes.
I’m thinking I should tackle another dish that has always intimidated me sometime soon. I’ve always been intimidated by pot roast, prime rib and ham (the whole thing, not just a ham steaks). Pretty much any big meaty dish freaks me out!
Question of the Evening
- What is one word people have told you that you say funny?
Apparently when I was a little girl I used to say “pink” like “pay-ink.” And I also thought “crayon” was pronounced “crown.” Thank you to my best friend Kristen for teaching me that one!
I grew up learning two languages, English and Italian, so lucky me I’m always mispronouncing words in both languages! I’m terrible at talking…
Apparently I say milk like melk…I don’t know not much of a difference for me to be able to tell when I say it! 🙂
Instead of spagetti I used to say “scetti” when I was a kid and I still have a real problem with the word “pure”…it was always comes out over extended. I avoid talking about “pure orange juice” !
For years and years I said “munster” instead of monster! I never even noticed I was saying it wrong 😛
Until just a few weeks ago I thought it was pronounced TH-yme too..oops!
Haha, cute!
I say “AY-gg” instead of “egg” and “mehlk” instead of “milk.” And instead of saying “women,” I say “womin.” Weird, right?
Salmon looks delicious! For the longest time, I thought wheelbarrows were called wheelbarrels. Finally when I was in my 20s, someone corrected me!
omg, i think i do the same thing…
Inspiration for tonight’s meal… Perfect! 🙂 haha I always get razzed for saying “fuus-rated instead of “frustrated”. Ive been corrected a zillion yines but i jist cant seem to shake the habit! haha
My husband says I say caramel & bagel wrong!
For an easy pot roast, use your crock-pot. Makes the most tender roast ever. For a twist I cook the roast in my crock pot with bottled Italian dressing, yum!
The salmon looks yummy and I don’t even like salmon! I want to try roasting cauliflower. It looks yummy! 🙂
I’ve been told that I have an accent. Not quite sure how because I’m from Philly. I’m told that I pronouce “gas,” and “coupons” incorrectly. Haha.
It drives me nuts when people say Jew-LA-ree instead of Jew-el-ree. It has “Jewel” in it and it should be pronounced that way lol!
my husband has a hard time pronouncing “reverberate”…he says “riverbate” and then has to spend the next few seconds fixing what he said. i die every time, and then somehow i fall in love with him even more.
also: my friends in college made fun of me for saying “teeV” instead of “tVee.” …i don’t see a difference. lol
It looks great with the rosemary!
omg….had to comment on this one! One of my best friends pronounces mortgage as “mor-tage”. I’ve corrected her a million and one times, but she still says it…..drives me crazy!! hahaha
Until I was about 20, whenever I read the word hors d’eourves (or-dervs), in my head I pronounced it ‘hores-de-vores’. it took me 2 decades of my like to realize that or-dervs and hores-de-vores were the same thing.
And I think you’re going to find those roasts WAY easier than you think. Just set it and forget it 🙂
I have so many of these from family.
warsh your head out = wash your hair
curver your head = curl your hair
buggle gum = bubble gum
am-bu-LANCE = ambulance
N-velip =envelope
piddow = pillow
sadly, there are a lot more! haha
Don’t be afraid of the pot roast; it just sounds all difficult and scary! If you have a crock pot, it will be your favorite winter comfort food to come home to because it’s THAT easy. Good luck!
When I was little, I used to call oatmeal OH-PAH-MEAL for the longest time. I honestly thought the food was pronounced this way until a few years later when my mom finally corrected me. I also thought manilla folders were called VANILLA folders (hence their vanilla like color) until a few years ago. I still slip up at times and think they are vanilla folders! lol
hahaha my man friend says “water” funny. it’s like “Wuter” hahaha
And my friend Eric cannot pronounce quinoa no matter how many times I tell him haha
I’m a little late to reading this post, but I was just so glad to see that someone else thought “crayon” was “crown” too!! I, to this day, don’t like saying the word and still have a hard time pronouncing it correctly. I also used to pronounce “frustrated” as “fustrated”. I couldn’t hear the difference, but one day my college roommate couldn’t take it anymore and clued me in. I’m glad she did!!! Now when my mom says it that way, I totally get where my roommate was coming from, ha.
LOL! I probably say tons o stuff wrong with my NY accent which is sometimes really strong and other times not really evident!
Ahh funny pronunciations I can go on about this all day. I’m an Army brat but most of my childhood we grew up in Oklahoma. I have since moved to the DC metro area and culture shock… I was caught right in the middle. We used to hear people all of the time saying “warsh” instead of “Wash”, “warter” instead of “water” it was hilarious. And esp hilarious when it happens in church. I am definitely a person that says “Y’ALL” a lot but I don’t care. It’s a very inclusive word & I love it 🙂 . Thanks Julie for your blog. It rocks! And I love salmon as well it is Dee-lish!!
Haha I get made fun of by my boyfriend for dragging out the “I” on italian, eye-talian. hahaha sounds right to me! Other than that i get fun of for saying alot of things “weird”… U.P. of Michigan will do that to you 🙂
I have always thought I had a really neutral accent (region-wise), but many people over the years have told me I pronounce things oddly. I grew up in North Carolina, but my mom is from Massachusetts, so I never thought I sounded really “southern.” One of the first conversations I had with my now-husband was him making fun of how I said, “white-tailed deer.” He still claims I said, “Whaat-tilled dur,” and I will apparently never live it down. Though he is from Virginia and pronounces “pen” and “pin” exactly the same, and I can never tell which one he means out of context.
I LOVED reading these!! I’ve noticed more and more that I’m developing a serious MN accent. I’ve lived here my whole life but never noticed it until recently. Now I hear myself elongating O’s all over the place!!
When my sister was a toddler she couldn’t say spaghetti so she said bus-ghetti. We still tease her for that one.
My biggest pet peeves though are eXpecially instead of especially and pacifically instead of specifically. Both drive me bonkers!!!
If you haven’t done the accent vlog that’s been going around i think you should! SO MUCH FUN 🙂
I pronounce eggs and legs differently-
i say it with the sound of of aid in band-aid.
I’m from the south, so I hear all kinds of crazy pronunciations that would make you guys laugh! The one that irks me the most though, is that down here almost everyone says the word “on” exactly like the word “own”. Ugh!!
I have two questions though – how do you pronounce “floret” and how do you pronounce “rabe”? (Obvioulsy we eat a lot of broccoli in my house!)
I got called out at work last week for the way I say ‘both’. I, and the one other person from the west coast in the office, pronounce it ‘boLth’! All of our east coast coworkers made fun of us of hours!