Isn’t the palm tree design creative?
Loving the addition of pink!
I was initially planning to take the day off from the gym this morning, but when Ryan got up to go and I got out of bed to use the bathroom, I didn’t feel all that sore anywhere other than my quads and decided to go with him and do a simple arm workout since I’m sure this week will be pretty low key on the exercise front with Thanksgiving on Thursday.
I did something a little different today and upped the amount of reps in a bunch of the sets and was surprised to find that I was able to go past my usual 15 reps without too much trouble. Maybe it’s time to up the weight?
My workout looked like this:
I finished my workout with a bit of ab work on the exercise ball.
Breakfast this morning was a recreation of Friday’s delicious eggnog overnight oats, only with more Greek yogurt and no banana because we’re all out.
Served right out of the Tupperware! No need for extra dirty dishes this morning.
I’ve also been drinking water like a mad woman ever since yesterday’s race.
After the race yesterday all I wanted was salty food and water (once I stopped feeling pukey, that is)! That probably explains why I ate French fries, a pretzel roll and a bunch of pork with gravy for dinner. Craving = Met!
My sweet tooth is gradually returning this morning, though salty foods still sound awfully delicious. I almost busted out tortilla chips for breakfast but opted for some string cheese after my overnight oats instead.
Post race cravings always amuse me.
I always think I’ll crave indulgent baked goods, ice cream and my usual favorite foods, but inevitably all I want is salty food, watery fruit and veggies. Seriously strange.
Question of the Morning
- Do you notice a change in your food cravings after a particularly hard workout or race?
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this morning!
the palm tree one is the coolest! neat hanger. where’d ya find that?
Was going to ask where you got the medal holder but I totally see now!
Congrats again and I just got compression sleeves about 2 weeks ago (ugly, white, orthopedic looking ones…seriously) and I love them!
Wanna come run clearwater with us?? 🙂
Congrats on the awesome run!!
Love the socks, I think I need to get some myself. I am definitely like you, after a long run crave salty carby snacks.
Just have a questions about your upper workout- why do you do 3 min of bicep curls? Why not up the weight for a regualr set?
just wondering, always love learning of new training techniques
julie! where’d you get the metal holder? it’s awesome
It sounds like you might have been a bit dehydrated after the long run in the sun/heat, so it makes sense that you were craving salt (electrolytes) and water. Your body wanted its supplies to be replaced.
I ALWAYS crave salt after races!
I know I’m late to the party (catching up on old posts, last term was killer in grad school!), but I thought I’d add in.
I heard somewhere that when you’re craving salty things your body really needs protein. When you crave sugar, it’s your body needing carbs (or you just have a rampant sweet-tooth!). So perhaps that’s why you were craving salty food post-run?
I did your upper body workout today and loved it! My arms are like jello 🙂
Hi Julie! I just started reading your blog and I really love all of your great recipes and workout advice. I am trying to work on my arms and want to try this arm workout above with the supersets. Question though – when you do this workout, do you switch off between the two moves in the superset or do you go straight through 3 sets of each move and then move onto 3 sets of the next move? Just wondering which is the most effective. Thanks!
thanks so much for reading and commenting! 🙂 to answer your question, i switch off between the two moves. hope this helps!
Thanks, Julie, it does. I did the 20 min elliptical workout yesterday morning and then I did this workout last night while watching The Voice and my arms are feeling awesomely sore today!
I know this is an old post, so I’m not sure that I’ll get a response, but I was wondering if I could get a litlte clarification on the superset workout! I tried it this morning and was unsure as to whether I should be doing the shoulder raises, for example, with 2 10lb weights or 2 5lb weights (adding up to 10lbs). I felt that confusion on all of them except for the extensions…