I can’t seem to get enough of them lately.
My morning meal included two cashew butter pancakes topped with syrup and a sprinkling of sunflower seeds for some crunch. Great Tuesday fuel!
First Day of School
Yesterday was the first day of school for many of the kids in Ocala. As Ryan and I drove home from the gym, we passed by kids waiting at the bus stop and I was reminded of the feelings I had surrounding the first day of school.
While the summer was so much fun, I enjoyed returning to school and loved the energy of the school year. Ryan said he was never a fan of the first day of school and would’ve gladly let summer stretch on forever as a kid.
I loved shopping for school supplies and picking out new notebooks and all that jazz. I remember sitting down with my new notebooks and pens and playing around with different styles of handwriting as I took notes in class. Did I want to make my a’s fancy this year or just regular? Serious decisions, I know.
If you are a teacher or student or have little ones heading off to school soon, I hope this school year is a great one for you!
Questions of the Morning
- Did you enjoy the first day of school?
- Did you or your family have any first day of school traditions?
I loved school supplies, but sadly I hated going back to school– kinda depressing but I was bullied to no end in school so I always had anxiety the first day lol
Back-to-school shopping was my absolute favorite thing! Especially for clothes and school supplies. My mom always got mad at me for wanting a new set of markers every year, even though the ones from the year before were barely used 🙂 Also planning the outfit you’re going to wear on the first day? Stressful but the best!
I loved the first day of school as a kid! It was always fun to see your old friends and there was the excitement and nerves of finding out who you were assigned to sit next to. Ah… I miss being young!
Let’s get serious Julie, the most important part of the first day of school was seeing if there were any cute boys in your class…for me I was always hoping I’d have a class with one B.Baxter…thankfully, after 5 years of waiting he was in my calc class senior year. And ditto on the school supplies…Lisa Frank! Holla!
clearly. 🙂
When I was a kid, yeah, the first day of school was fun. As a teenager, eh. Although it was fun to find out who was in your classes. I really liked buying back to school supplies too. Trip to office max??? Wheee!
Julie, just wanted to comment to say that I LOVE your blog! Stumbled on it last week (through Ashley S.) and can’t stop checking out all of your workouts and recipes. It’s totally inspired me to get back into working out and eating right after a crazy summer. Also love the stuff about Ryan, Sadie and your family!
First days of school were always bittersweet for me. I could never sleep the night before and always wanted the perfect “first day” outfit. My mom was also super embarrassing and made us take a picture in front of the house every year.
thank you so much, marci! i’m so glad you found me!
I used to dread the first day of school so much, and I’d get this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I just never wanted the summer to end!
I always loved the first day of school. It was easy. I got my binder and pens ready – so perfect.
I hated the first day of school… I always had bad anxiety when I was little, so the thought of school always sent me into a panic fit lol.
I thought the first day of school was fun–new hairstyle, etc., but I thought the actual school part of it was ridiculous. Such a huge waste of time, in my opinion 😉
I always hated the first day of school. I was in “track” school. So, we had “the first day of school” jitters a few times a year.
My favorite tradition was school supply shopping. I have always loved school supplies, even now, there is nothing like a fresh box of pens haha.
I know how those kids feel – I’m back to school on the tenth after taking a year off (grad school! Eek!)
And I’m going to walmart and picking up new pens and notebooks and the like. Because now I have an excuse. 🙂
I LOVE the first day of school. I loved it even more when I was still a college prof. Nothing like the fear of freshers to spur your day.
I used to love the first day of school and the days leading up to it where we’d go shopping for new school supplies and new clothes. I loved picking out that perfect first day outfit, and I too remember deciding what my handwriting would be for the year… 😉
I have always been that weird kid that LOVED school supply shopping. I still to this day stock up when school supplies come out because I love brand new notebooks and pens and supplies!!!
I was always scared of the first day of school! I could never sleep the night before 🙂 And I still love shopping for school supplies, I just put them on my dresser and act like I need cute pens and paper pads!
Im with ryan, hated the new year, anxiety for the first day and stressed about new classes!
It’s actually a law here in Michigan that public schools don’t start until after labor day, so my kids still have two weeks left of summer vacation. After a near 3 month break, I’m more than ready to get them back to school! I always loved the first day as a kid, blank notebooks, new pens…hells yes!
The first day of school is always an exciting time. However returning to college is soooo much better!
As a kid, I often disliked the first day of school. I was awkard and uncomfertable with all things new. So it was definantly a time of anxiety for me. However, my kids love it! We take pictures of them holding a sign with the grade they’re entering, much like the one you posted. We talk about how they will treat everyone and how it is to make everyone feel comfertable. We also have discussions about their new teachers and how they’re adults and to respected just the same. I love this time of year. I love everything from the weather where I live (Northern AZ) to the school supplies lining the isles at Target and WalMart!!!
Today was my first day of school (my last first day of college!)! I have to say I’m not a fan of first days, or at least not in college. Spending half an hour reading over a syllabus I could have read at home is pretty boring, if I came all the way to class I want to do something!
In grade school though I used to love first days because they were usually full of playing games and meeting new people. And I still love buying new school supplies, even in college.
I LOVE school supplies and going back to school. I ordered all 12 (12!!!) textbooks online this year and the packages are coming in the mail which is great too.
I have always loved getting new school supplies!! I love getting new notebooks and pens!!
I usually looked forward to the first day of school. I’m a high school English teacher now and the first day is still my favorite… everyone is so quiet and well-behaved. This doesn’t last long. 😉
As a teacher, I STILL love back-to-school time due to the school supply shopping!
I loved the first day of school. I loved them so much I became a teacher, and I get another first day of school tomorrow. Preparing my room and anticipating my students is just as exciting as when I was a student myself.
Thursday will be the first day of my third year in college!! I’m excited to start school again, but not for classes! Mostly to see all my friends, boyfriend, and just get back to my normal routine! Once I figure out what supplies I need for my classes I will be heading off to Target! As for buying books….that always ruins my day.
Yesterday was my first day of law school, and ironically I made your Pumpkin Protein Pancakes. I had never made them before and they were the perfect fuel to get me through five hours of class time. I have always considered the first day of school an occasion to celebrate and I thought pancakes were a perfect way to start a challenging new chapter of life. Today, I also tried your Almond-Butter Protein Pancakes and they were fabulous, too. I don’t have syrup to top them off, but I’ve been using light agave nectar and it’s just the right amount of sweetness. Thanks for all your continual inspiration!
I have been on a huge sunflower kernel kick lately. They are just delicious! I do not miss the first day of school, but I am excited for my son’s first day of 1st grade in a couple of weeks.
I loved school, but the first day always made me a little nervous. Now that I’ve graduated from college, I miss being in school and am dying to find a way to go back, even if it’s just for fun. I am pretty sure I want another degree, though, in journalism and/or creative writing.
Do you have the recipe for those Pancakes?!?!?! School Supplies and Fall and deciding your letters for the entire year are some of my favorite memories!! And i adore Pancakes as well!! have you tried Buckwheat Pancakes with Apple Sauce? They are pretty delicious!
I always looked forward to the first day of school (except this year, senior year in college=hardest for me). I did the handwriting thing too-some years I’d write ridiculously small or large or super thin, decisions decisions.
The first day back at school was always one of my favorites! I also love notebooks, agendas, and new pens! I’m really organized so I really enjoyed organizing all my things and mapping out how I would write in my planner, ect. I just graduated with my undergrad and I enjoy school so much that I’m going to grad school…start this Monday!! I’ve already been organizing my supplies for school and my desk 🙂
In school I use to love going back- because after a while holidays would get borang! But with uni, I never want to go back. I’ll take year long holidays thanks haha.
My mom ALWAYS took my picture on the first day of school every year. I hated it after a while, but looking back on the pictures it is such a cute gesture 🙂
I used to love to switch up my handwriting as well! I’m pretty sure it changed annually, along with my Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper.
First day of school = new outfit & picture on back porch in said new outfit, complete with backpack, bad hairstyle, a few missing teeth, & cheeseball grin before heading out for the big first day.
I always loved the start up of school as a kid… new clothes, shoes, school supplies. Now I am a teacher and I still love the start up. We don’t start for a few more weeks but I am beginning to set up my classroom and shop for school clothes.
I’m with you, girl! I would go shopping for school supplies with my mom as soon as humanly possible, usually in July hahah. I loved getting new pencils, pencil cases, notepads, etc. AND I was the same as you always deciding what style of writing I was going to have for that year hahaha! I actually complete forgot about that, but you reminded me. Good times.
Your pancakes are perfect – do you mind to share the recipe?
btw – I am a geekish *love school* girl. I never minded going there and now that I am working my ass of during holiday season, I cannot wait for university to start again.