Today’s circuit targeted my core and incorporated a lot of plyometric exercises that got my heart rate up fast.
Oh heeey burning abs!
I did each mini circuit three times through. That did the trick!
It was rather rainy outside when I went to make myself breakfast this morning, so I figured a pretty smoothie would be a good way to counteract the dreary day.
Into the blender went:
- 1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 spoonful cashew butter
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- Enough almond milk to get everything moving
The strawberries dominated the flavor (and color) of this smoothie and that was fine by me. Love ‘em!
Speaking of strawberries, are any of my Florida friends out there planning to attend the Florida Strawberry Festival this year? Ryan and I went a couple of years ago and had berry good time.
In addition to lots of fun concerts and carnival rides, the festival also has some ridiculous food. We’re talking fried Twinkies, fried Oreos, fried Reese’s, doughnut burgers and more. If you want to clog your arteries, it’s pretty much the place to be.
February Book Club
With 39.25% of the vote, the winning book for the February PBF Book Club is…
Blackberry Winter by Sarah Jio! We will be discussing this book on the blog on Tuesday, March 5.
Question of the Morning
- Is there a festival or big outdoor event in your area that you look forward to attending every year?
Though it isn’t a festival, when we lived in Orlando, Ryan and I looked forward to attending the Baldwin Park Doggie Derby every year. If you’re a dog lover and live near Orlando, you have to go. It is so much fun! Sadie won one year and made us a little too proud. And that’s the last trophy that the Fagan family has earned. Ryan and I clearly need to step up our game.
Very ready to start the book for your bookclub! it looked interesting when you were describing it! My family lives in Seattle Washington! Gonna go get the book today!
That looks like a perfect circuit for my gym trip later!! During the summer in my town there are always a ton of festivals with AMAZING food – like the Greek, Italian, and Portuguese festivals!!
That workout looks awesome! I just pinned it and hopefully will fit it in this afternoon when I’m done with class! Not sure if there are any festivals in particular I’m looking forward too, there are always a ton of street fairs here in Chicago during the summer, everyone is just craving to get outside after the long winter!
We live in a really small town and in July they have “Mollyockett Day” and have a parade, fireworks and booths set up in the common- including delicious apple crisp 🙂
I was sweating just reading that workout!
i <3 apple crisp! sign me up!
Yeah! Excited about the book club book. 🙂 And jealous of the strawberry festivals – nothing like that up here in MN!
I’m just finding so many no-equippment circuts today! Guess that means no excuses…. Haha, actually my school has a big concert every year, and have famous alumni come back and sing for us. It’s a lotta fun!
Hold the phone. Doughnut… BURGERS?! That just sounds nasty haha but kind of intriguing at the same time. I think I’d stick with the fried oreos and the strawberry bowl that you’re eating and looks delicious! That’s a great core workout. I sometimes get bored with the one we follow for track.
That is a great picture of you! You look so happy! I’m glad Blackberry Winter won! It was the one I voted for 🙂 Smoothies have also been a hit in my house this week. It’s already 70-80 in Texas so they hit the spot!
That workout looks hard but like a good way to get it sweat sesh in quickly. I would opt to try it today but my abs are super sore from yesterday’s workout. Putting the new book on request right now & hoping it gets here in time!
i’m on the wait list at my library, too. i just got an email that last month’s book is now ready for me. a liiittle too late. 🙂
Ha! At least your copy came in. Mine is still on hold, in limbo somewhere. How long does it take to get a book, people!
There is an Irish Festival that my family and I attend every year. It falls right around my aunt’s birthday, and it’s what she always wants to do!
That workout sounds like it would do the trick! Also love that smoothie recipe–yum! 🙂
That smoothie looks delish, I need to start making more smoothies! When I was in college, the town it was in held a festival called Corn Fest. I saw Lady Antebellum there, and the festival was free! They also had the best corn dogs ever!!
Can’t wait to try this workout! Thanks 😀 I have never been to the strawberry fest in florida, but I might go this year! My Publix strawberries come from Plant City… so that’s a good sign 😉
That strawberry festival looks awesome! Every year we have a cherry festival which I’m sure is very similar 🙂
Ab work is my nemesis but I know it’s needed and I’ll admit, I like that soreness after a good workout!
No festivals but my older brother is getting married 4th of July weekend! Excited for that!
I absolutely love all summer festivals!! Last year, I attended an event called Dig-In: A Taste of Indiana with all local Indiana foods and wines and it was soo much fun! I hope I can go again this year 🙂
Our local Taste of Red Deer, it is mainly a dessert event that is held with our Christmas Festival of Trees event. So many yummy desserts!
Oviedo has Great Day in the Country. It is held in November right before Thanksgiving. Tons of crafts, food and entertainment. We’ve gone since I was a kid and I always try and find unique, handmade little gifts when I’m there 🙂
let’s make it a date and go together this year!! that sounds right up my alley. 🙂 can’t wait to see you on saturdayyyy.
Woohoo! So excited about this book! I’m reading it now – really fun read!
I just moved to Boston, and I found out around Christmas that there is a marshmallow fluff factory near me. Every autumn, they have the Fluff Festival. They have a fluff cooking contest and marshmallow shooter that they hand out to all the kids. I haven’t decided if I want to check it out or stay as far away as possible!
DC has a bunch of beer and wine festivals that have yummy food as well. I haven’t been to a totally food specific one in the area yet though.
Such a pretty smoothie! I need to buy some strawberries again… It looks like they’re slowly but surely making their appearance in grocery stores again.
Every May we have an event called “Living Traditions” in downtown SLC, and it’s basically a big cultural fair with tons of different tents with various ethnic foods that you can sample. It’s so fun and SO delicious!
Omg I just freaked out — you’re going to LOVE Blackberry Winter. LOVE LOVE LOVE. It’s fantastic, and Satah Jio is just plain ol’ a great writer!
Sarah **
I have been wanting to read that for a long time! and I definitely pinned that circuit!
One thing I love about my city and makes dealing with the long winter a little more manageable, is the fact that we have a good amount of festivals here in the summer. From street performers, heritage festivals, and carnivals, it seems like there’s always something going on. Now if only summer would get here quick…
A strawberry festival sounds fun!! I’d probably leave with no strawberries though as I usually eat them within minutes.
Best festival around here is Oktoberfest!
Darn it! The book I wanted didn’t get picked again! Obviously I do not have the same taste in books that the majority of your readers do. Quick question…what is a reverse crunch?
YES! I found my workout for the day 🙂 Thanks!!
Blackberry Winter is SO good! A little predictable after a certain point, but it’s a really nice read.
We have some lovely festivals I like to attend here in Delaware. How about the Apple Scrapple Festival? Or Punkin’ Chunkin? Definitely must sees if you’re anywhere within a couple hours drive of my lil ole state.
Have you ever thought of joining cross fit? all of your workouts are very similar to cross fit style workouts!
Calgary Stampede. They have all kinds of weird foods to try. I love the little mini doughnuts. Have a good day.
I have always wanted to go to the Strawberry Festival in Florida but never got around to it. Strawberries are probably my favorite fruit! Have fun. 🙂
I totally wish we had festivals or big events like that to go walk around and enjoy. Not really aware of any though..I should just start a gluten free festival of my own where I could actually eat all the yummy goodies. 😉
I don’t think there are any festivals or big events that I’m looking forward too but I usually go to a few when the weather is nice! I’m sure when those days get closer I’ll hear about them.
I HATE all the nasty fried food at the fairs. They just aren’t good! lol. I always go for freshly made kettle corn. It’s just amazing!
Great workout! Might give it a try in the morning! How long did it take to complete?
I always love your circuit workouts, can’t wait to give this one a try!
Definitely going to make it to the Strawberry Festival this year 😀 And that cardio & abs workout looks so great, I’ll be putting that one on my to-do list this week/weekend.
There’s about 2093482 street fests every weekend in during the summer in Chicago, which is easily one of the best parts about being in the city during the summer. I went to a couple last year and they were a great time! Taste of Lincoln Ave. was definitely my favorite, but that was mostly because they had a couple of my favorite bands playing and I was able to get in for super cheap!
Hah! Your goofy puns never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning!
I will be trying out that workout tonight 🙂 Thanks so much!!!
**I just posted a new blog post featuring my very 1st YouTube video…please check it out**
Circuits are my go to workouts right now bc I dont have much time with a baby on the go!
There are quite a few festivals here in the summer that I have been meaning to go to but keep forgetting about. I really want to attend the Cherry Blossom Festival in SF Japantown. Haven’t done that one in years. Always look forward to Oktoberfest 😀
Must go hit up the book store to get the book 🙂 Yay. This will be my first book club!
Ive been obsessed with circuit workouts recently, this looks super fun! Thanks for sharing!!
We have the Houston Rodeo each year, which I absolutely love!
And can I just say that you somehow made an intense workout look so inviting by the cute way in which it is displayed!? Very impressive
That smoothie looks delish! I actually made myself a strawberry colada last night! And I am not surprised that Sadie won a derby, she is just too darn awesome!
NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade! My dad manages to snag tickets each year to sit at St. Patrick’s Cathedral!
Just requested the book-yay!
That smoothie does look awesome, yummmmmY 🙂
O the doggie derby sounds like a ton of fun. I’m going to look into if there’s something like that in the SF Bay Area for our little doggie. Though, I’m guessing our little bundle of joy might not win any awards unless snuggling, twirling, and absolute utter cuteness are categories. 😉
That definitely sounds abtastic! Yowch, bicycle crunches always kick me butt. Fried twinkies/oreos/reeses??? Holy cow! We have a fair not far from where I live – Puyallup Fair. Last year, we went and they had FRIED BUTTER!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! And then they buried it in powdered sugar. My arteries clogged a little just walking past the booth!
Love all the workouts you create, such a help in deciding what to do at the gym! I’ve even copied them all into a handy word document! Thanks Julie x