I continue to be surprised by how much joy such a tiny little person brings into my life and how much joy I derive from being his mom. I tell Ryan all the time I totally underestimated how much I would love our baby and genuinely enjoy being with him.
A few months ago, I asked my mom if, whenever she looks at me, she still sees me as a baby. She said no, she sees me for who I am now but has wonderful memories of me as a baby. This is to be expected but also makes me a little sad since the baby I know Chase to be right now will not be my little baby boy for long.
Without a doubt, the advice Ryan and I have received the most from fellow parents is to cherish every moment with your child because the time goes by so fast. I have almost made this my new mama mantra and am truly taking it to heart. I have never in my life felt more present than I do now that I have a baby to care for and I’ve also never seen time fly as quickly! Every day I try to notice moments and focus on Chase and the way he is in the present because I’ve already seen him change so much. He’s so different today than he was when he was a newborn and that was only eight short months ago!
Now Chase is full of excited energy. He chats up a storm full of baby babble every day, wiggles around like crazy, yells out to Sadie and has started to demand attention if we start to walk away from him when he wants a playmate. He’s also incredibly strong with one heck of a grip and some serious little pincher fingers that often find their way to my face when he’s nursing.
Chase flashes smiles our way liberally and his giggle is, without a doubt, my favorite sound in the entire world. I’ll do anything over and over (and over!) again just to keep that boy laughing!
A BIG thing happened on the sleep front for us a week ago. We finally transitioned Chase out of the Magic Sleepsuit. You guys probably know by now that the Magic Sleepsuit absolutely saved us when our pediatrician told us it was time to drop the swaddle. Chase simply could not settle himself when we tried to have him sleep unswaddled but the moment we slipped him into the Magic Sleepsuit, all was right again in Chase’s world.
I dreaded transitioning Chase out of the sleepsuit but knew it was something we were going to have to do sooner rather than later. Though Chase has been rolling from his belly to his back for ages, he did not roll from his back onto his belly until this month, so keeping him in the sleepsuit was a no-brainer for us for quite a a while. Once babies can roll from their back to their front, the sleepsuit should no longer be used and Chase achieved that particular milestone this month, so the sleepsuit had to go.
After one horrible sleepsuit-free attempt that involved hysterical crying, I rushed off to Target and picked up a Halo Sleepsack. We used them for Chase when he was a newborn and I thought that we could use a bigger one to help ease him into sleepsuit-free sleep by very lightly wrapping his chest and leaving his hands free. This worked like a charm and my plan is now to wrap his chest lighter and lighter until he no longer needs it and can simply sleep in a sleepsack without the chest-swaddle component. I just wanted to share a little bit about our transition out of the Magic Sleepsuit on the blog because I’ve received a lot of questions about it!
As for other aspects of baby sleep, we’re still doing well during the night, with the exception of our travels to Florida. During our travels, I kept up with Chase’s nightly dream feed between 10 and 11 p.m. but he woke up around 3:30 a.m. crying and since we were staying with others, I didn’t feel comfortable letting him fuss for long, so I fed him at 3:30 a.m. for four days in a row. That was enough for my breasts to get used to producing more milk at that time, so when we made it home, I experienced slight engorgement as we worked back to no feedings from 11 p.m. through 6 a.m. (It truly amazes me how my body responds to even the slightest change in Chase’s feedings. The boobs know!)
Naps are also continuing to improve. Chase’s morning nap is still his absolute best one of the day and I can almost always count on two hours of solid work time every morning from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. His afternoon nap isn’t nearly as predictable, but he will usually sleep for at least and hour (two hours if we’re lucky) every afternoon, but the timing of his afternoon nap is something I’m still trying to figure out.
Bedtime happens between 6 and 7 p.m. and his nightly bathtime ritual with Ryan is something I think he really enjoys!
Oh feeding! I don’t know why, but I tend to let feeding Chase solids stress me out a bit. Whenever I feel myself stressing over Chase not eating enough or anything else related to new food experimentation, I try to remind myself of the saying, “Under one, just for fun.” I know he’s getting his real nourishment from nursing right now, but it’s also hard not to want your baby to be a good eater and immediately love and enjoy all the healthy foods you put in front of him. It’s challenging sometimes when I feel like Chase has zero interest in eating real food at all. This is when it’s super tempting to feed him food I know he’ll eat and enjoy (like pureed butternut squash or sweet potatoes – and even those won’t appeal to him on certain days) but I am trying to incorporate a variety of food and bites of soft real food as well.
As I’ve said before, we’re doing a mix of purees and bites of real food and the real food (baby led weaning – BLW) approach is definitely my favorite. (Though I prefer BLW, I will say that Chase absolutely eats more when we go the puree route.) Chase seems to think picking up food on his own and putting it in his mouth (or all over his face/on the ground/in his hair) is a lot more fun than me spoon-feeding him. Feeding time is always a very, very messy time in our house!
One thing that totally surprised us related to feeding this past month was Chase’s love for meat and fish! I placed some soft baked strips of salmon in front of him and was shocked when he seemed to love it!
So he likes things like salmon but scoffs at green beans and many of the combined food purees. It’s all a learning experience for both of us and it is fun to see him discover new foods, though his face always wrinkles up whenever he takes his first bite of anything. He’s a skeptical eater, that’s for sure!
As far as nursing is concerned, we’ve definitely hit our stride and things continue to go well. We’ve come a long way with breastfeeding and it feels so much easier than it did in the beginning. Though I still do my best to feed Chase in very low-stimulation environments (he is still extremely easily distracted), nursing him now is much less stressful than it was at four months when it often felt like a battle.
The only new thing that has started happening this month related to nursing is that Chase has started to pinch me, grab at my face and even scratch me if his nails aren’t trimmed. He’ll be peacefully eating away but his little hand is always on the move and if I don’t keep my face away, he’ll find my nose, eyes and mouth and pull, pinch and prod like a champ. Let’s just say breastfeeding is nothing like the calming experience I predicted but it has provided me with constant giggles. It’s an adventure!
How Am I Doing?
A couple of months into Chase’s life, something switched within me and I began centering a lot of my thoughts in gratitude which has truly made the BIGGEST difference for me when dealing with the challenges of motherhood. I feel like I could do an entire blog post on gratitude but the short of it is anytime I find myself feeling frustrated or challenged by something, I remind myself of the bigger picture. For example, when Chase was still waking three times a night at six months old, I reminded myself how incredibly fortunate I was that Chase’s sleep was our biggest issue. I can handle a billion sleepless nights and when I’d be up for the third time at night, nursing Chase at 3 a.m., I’d focus on how grateful I was to have a healthy, happy baby to feed. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but it has absolutely helped me keep my mind focused on what really matters.
Without family in the area or any childcare right now, there’s a big balancing act I’m working on perfecting when it comes to mothering Chase and getting anything work-related done every day, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
On days when I feel stressed and overwhelmed, I remind myself how incredibly fortunate I am to have a blog that allows me to work from home and a healthy baby who needs me and soaks up all the love I have to give him. From the beginning, my goal as a self-employed work-from-home mom (with a very non-traditional and flexible job) was to always keep Chase my top priority. Keeping Chase first seems natural and when blocking off time to work in the evenings or on the weekend is necessary, it’s something I have no problem doing if it means more quality time with my boy during the daytime. I love our play dates with friends, Gymboree time and outdoor adventures. Watching Chase discover something new or master a new skill is always a highlight for me!
- When we move our finger up and down on his lips when he’s “talking” to make silly noises
- Standing (assisted)
- Fingers
- Watching (and grabbing!) Sadie
- His activity jumper
- LaCroix cans (We obviously only let him touch and mouth these when we’re holding them)
- Water bottles
- Butternut squash
- Salmon
- Sweet potatoes
- New experiences
- Faces
- High voices
- Being outside
- Getting dressed
- Green beans (They make him cry!)
- When we wipe his nose or clean his ears
- Being in one place for too long
- Low voices
- The wind
Eight Month Baby Favorites
We’ve had some new discoveries this month that Chase seems to love and I’ve added them to this list that also includes some of our tried and true favorites that continue to be our go-to items for Chase at eight months old.
- Baby Einstein Activity Jumper
- Sophie the Giraffe Teether Toy
- Jelly Strands Baby Teething
- Tagies Monkey
- Sesame Street Silly Sounds Remote
- Oball
- Skip Hop Activity Mat
- Baby Einstein Take Along Musical Toy
- Ju-Ju-Be Diaper Bag Backpack
- SkipHop Portable Changing Station
- Chicco TRE Stroller
- Chicco Bravo Stroller
- Pottery Barn Stroller Blanket
Past Baby Updates
William will be two in a couple weeks and I can’t even believe it! You should check out Woolino sleep sacks! I used a Halo until I learned about Woolino and now I’ll never go back!
Are you pumping as well and if so what’s your pumping vs nursing schedule? I have a three week old and am trying to figure out my supply and demand with adding a pumping session in there so daddy can feed the occasional bottle!!
I honestly HATE pumping and really do not do it much unless I need someone else to feed Chase when I am not around. We have a small supply of breastmilk in the freezer and I try to add to that when I can here and there but I really haven’t set up a pumping schedule at all and personally prefer to just nurse Chase myself. (Of course there are exceptions — like I pumped during my shoot in NYC and during a shoot I did in Charlotte a couple of weeks ago when my mom and Ryan were watching Chase and I was away from him…) I know a lot of people who are nursing really prefer to keep up a pumping schedule so others can help with bottle feeding and I TOTALLY see the appeal of that! Chase is just a really FAST eater, so right now it just seems easier to nurse him since I’m almost always with him rather than pump. One of my best friends pumps every day during her baby’s morning nap so her husband can do the evening feed before bed which seems like a great option!
Food/eating is a constant frustration! I have a two year old and three year old, who repeatedly refuse food given to them at meal times, but will pick something (ANYTHING) up off the floor and immediately pop it into their mouths! And so… don’t fret! 🙂
Oh my gosh, my little guy (9 months next week!) does the SAME things while nursing! Pinching and always rooting around with his hand on my face and in my mouth haha. I’m hoping this crazy nursing is a phase he’ll grow out of? We shall see 🙂
Their strength is crazy, right!? The first time he pinched me I was so surprised I actually squealed out loud!
aww i always love these posts! Thanks for sharing all of those great pictures. I honestly cant believe how much I love my niece and I cant even imagine what it will be like to have my own!
Hey Julie!
I can relate with the afternoon nap struggle. I found that keeping to a 3-4 hour wake time after waking up from the morning nap works wonders for me. So if chase is waking up at 11:30am try to aim for afternoon nap time at 2:30 or 3. Hope that helps!
This is helpful! Sometimes it seems like he wants to go back to sleep as early as 1 p.m. and other days, he does well until closer to 2:30. It’s hard to figure out a pattern!
This is helpful! Sometimes it seems like he wants to go back to sleep as early as 1 p.m. and other days, he does well until closer to 2:30. It’s hard to figure out a pattern!
Seriously one of the cutest babies 🙂 Sounds like you guys are doing well- my best friends son will be 1 in less than a month and I can’t believe it so I can only imagine how much more crazy it is to see your own baby grow so fast!
He’s such a cutie! I don’t have kids but I really enjoy these posts. My husband and I are hoping a baby is in our near-future.
This is so cute, and so true that time flies. I’d recommend to get a digital camcorder, and always keep it charged, and just tape and add the little moments that seem so normal and everyday now, but watching a tape with all the collected memories will be magical in 1-2 years.
When I had my daughter someone told me: with kids, the days are long but the years fly by. So true.
Have you tried shredded cheese with chase? Makes a mess but the kids usually love it.
I haven’t tried that yet! We actually haven’t tried any dairy yet but it’s on my radar!
You and Ryan are doing great as parents. I can tell by your comments that you have so much love for Chase. God Bless you and your family
Thank you for such a kind comment, Carol. I really appreciate it! <3
Chase is such a beautiful baby and growing in leaps and bounds. You look amazing as well.
My little guy turned 18 months today and I truly do not know where the time went. I completely agree with your approach of gratitude, it is not always easy, but helps put life into perspective.
I am also amazed at how much our 10-month old LOVES salmon. It seems so weird to me. We’re trying to give it to him once a week for brain development.
That one was definitely our biggest food shocker so far!
I love reading these posts! His little grin is the cutest thing ever!
Thank you so much for this!!! Last night my 8 month old son decided to revert back to his “baby” days and wake up at midnight thinking it was party time! He wouldn’t go back to sleep until 3am. I was almost in tears, and this really hits home- bc as much as I hated last night, especially as a working mom full time- I really do want to cherish every moment with my fast growing baby bc I know this time will be gone before I know it!
So glad Chase is starting to sleep better! Adeline has always slept in a HALO Sleepsack ever since the newborn days. We used the one with the swaddle component up until she was probably 13 or 14 weeks old and then we transitioned her into the sleepsack that’s JUST the sack and that’s what she still sleeps in. Honestly, daycare was a huge help in the swaddle transition. She started daycare at 12.5 weeks, and in the few weeks before she started I worked a lot with her on sleeping unsaddled since they can’t swaddle at daycare and I knew she’d just HAVE to learn to sleep on her own. Her first few naps at daycare were pretty nonexistent for sure, but at night once she started daycare, she was so wiped out from a big day at school that easing her into just the sleepsack wasn’t bad. She quickly learned she needed her beauty rest 😉 And, early on, my husband would put her down for naps in her crib just on her own, with maybe a blanket, and she would do ok for little bits of time, but if I tried that she wouldn’t nap. It was almost as if she knew that she had to sleep that way for Adam and not for me, ha! Babies are smart creatures! Anyways, you are doing a great job, and all babies have different sleep preferences! Chase is perfectly normal! If it weren’t for daycare, it would have been several more weeks for sure before Adeline would sleep without her chest “swaddled”. I love what you said about being grateful and cherishing ever moment. It truly is a blessing to have a healthy baby, even if they aren’t the best sleepers 🙂 Big picture for sure!
Your updates always leave me in tears! As a first time mommy I can relate to everything you describe! I am so much more thankful for all that we have and make my goal for each day to soak in as much as I can with my sweet girl! Being mommy is the best!
It’s so sweet the way you talk about your son! I enjoy reading all of your updates on him.
Thank you, Lindsey!
I was shocked the first time I saw my friend’s little boy practically do a push-up, at under 4 months! It’s crazy how strong they are and I can’t imagine what he’ll be able to do at 8 months.
Love these updates! He’s such an adorable little guy.
I love reading your posts! My son is 2 months younger and it’s fun to peek ahead a little.
P.S. We went to jr high/high school together 🙂 (Kim Garcia)
Aw thanks so much for commenting, Kim!!! I remember you well and really appreciate you reading!
Being a mommy has suited you so well. I’m so glad you are loving every minute of being a mom. xo
My baby will be six months old next week. I find these posts so helpful. Our biggest struggle is to get him to sleep my himself. I get so frustrated about it. Feeling kind of hopeless and overwhelmed with all the sleep training methods out there!
I absolutely adore watching Chase on your snapchats!! He is just PRECIOUS!! I am 28 years old, and my mom still thinks I’m her baby! She still gets sentimental. HAHA. I don’t have any children yet, but I can’t wait. I can’t imagine the feeling you have as a mother. It shines so bright through you how much you adore and love Chase!!!
Green beans make him cry? LMAO
He’s such a cutie! Love the updates. 🙂
Hi Julie,
When you were using the Merlin sleepsuit, did you use it for naps too? And did you have the cotton or microfleece version? Trying to get some better sleep out of my little one. He is 11 weeks and sleeps okay at night but will only nap in his rock n play and is starting to not even nap in there well.
We used it for all sleep — naps, too!! And we had the cotton version!
Your love for Chase totally shines through your posts and it’s so neat to read about. He really is transitioning into a really cute little human being!
My little girl honestly never slept well. I am pregnant with my second though, so I will have to do something different this time around ha! I’m so glad that Chase is sleeping good now. 🙂
I love Chase updates! He is only three weeks older than my little girl so I love comparing to see what is the same and different between the two. Does Chase have “stranger anxiety”? We are also living away from family so when we go see them, it takes my LO a while to get used to them again and it just pulls on my heart strings because I know they just want to pick her up and hug and kiss on her right away but that usually ends in tears 🙁 Any strategies to shorten this “stranger” period?
He is okay with strangers right now, but does MUCH better with women than with men. We have to tell every new guy he meets to speak to Chase with a BIG smile and a VERY high voice otherwise he’ll often cry! I’ve heard stranger anxiety can get rough though – especially around 9 months – so I am bracing myself!
Have you looked into a 2-3-4 day time nap schedule? That saved me my sanity with both of my kids. They can pretty much be on that schedule from 8 months until 16-18 months, or whenever they’re ready to drop to one nap. Good luck!
I haven’t but I am off to Google this now!
Do you have any book recommendations about the transition to solids? My son is almost 5 months old and I am getting nervous about it!!
If you are wanting to know more about BLW, I suggest the The baby led weaning cookbook. It gives you a great quick rundown on BLW.
I love the updates about Chase! I was interested in BLW. I have a 2 month old who will start solids soon so I wanted to start my research now. Do you have a suggestion on any websites or books that I can look into that explains it more! Thanks! 🙂
Yes!!! Brittany’s post about BLW is great and I recommend her book, too! http://www.ahealthysliceoflife.com/our-adventure-with-baby-led-weaning/
I love reading these posts! My little one is on the way – she should be here in August, so I’m totally bookmarking all your baby tips. Chase is adorable, I can’t believe he’s already 8 months!
I love reading your blog Julie, it’s something I really look forward too. It’s especially neat because your son is only about 2 months older than my first baby (a boy) so it’s so helpful to hear what another new mom is going through. Our little boys have a lot in common and so often I read your posts and think, “Owen does the same thing or likes the same stuff.” You have a great outlook on life. ~ Megan
Hi! Well this is the first time I’m leaving a comment. I just wanted to let you know how much your blogs have helped me through the first 7 1/2 months of my little mans life. My first child was born 8/11/15. You were just a little bit ahead of me. I can’t tell you how much hearing that someone is struggling with the same things has meant to me. Sleep regression, breast feeding, etc. Just thank you!
I love monthly updates, and I go back and read yours for each time Olivia hits a new month. I like what you said here about asking your mom if she still thinks of you as her baby. I ask my mom stuff like this all the time. I’m so worried about Olivia growing up, and I ask my mom if she loves me as much now as she did then when I was cute and she could play with me. She still swears that the love grows infinitely every day, which I do find to be true as the days go on.
As for moving from Merlin, Olivia just went down for a nap and Merlin was in the washing machine. She’s sleeping in the Halo sleepsack with varying levels of success. She keeps rolling her head around and making little noises, but it’s altogether more successful than I expected (editL just woke up crying). I do have another Merlin arriving today, though, so that we don’t have to have this happen every time we wash our Merlin (we just moved her into it a week or two ago).
We just got home from her four month appointment and the doctor said we should introduce solids. I’m just not there yet, and I may just ignore that advice and wait until 6 months. In fact I’m pretty sure I will…
Thank you, Meghan! I’m so glad you’re enjoying them! <3 As for introducing solids, definitely do what is right for you and your baby. We waited until 6 months and I thought this was particularly interesting: http://www.growingyourbaby.com/2015/06/02/solid-foods-fed-infants-early-cdc-says/ It seems to play into what you’re already thinking, too! 🙂
Follow your gut! The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends solids no sooner than 6 months. Baby should also show signs of readiness including sitting upright unassisted (interest in food is NOT a sign or readiness). It is sad that so many pediatricians are not up to date in this information!
Haha the look on Sadie’s face – I don’t want to do this, nope, not all 🙂