I am trusting all the parents out there who assure me “it just gets better” because I am loving this baby phase more than I anticipated. Truthfully, when I was pregnant, I told Ryan I wanted to skip the baby phase and jump right into the toddler phase when I could have a little buddy to interact with on a daily basis. I’ve told you guys before that I never really considered myself a baby person, but oh my gosh did that ever change when I had a baby of my own to cuddle, love and nurture. For someone who thought you couldn’t really play or interact with babies, I’m glad I found out that I was very wrong. Chase is so playful and interactive and I really enjoy goofing around with him, showing him new things and watching him learn and grow every day.
I’m constantly impressed by how much he already knows and absorbs on a daily basis. He understands a handful of command words now and will clap (so much clapping happens in our house) or click his tongue (this amuses him so much) when I ask him to and we’re working on dancing and waving which he almost has down.
Chase is a very observant baby and also very social. He’ll smile at just about anyone who looks at him (and start smiling and craning his neck to engage people when they aren’t looking his way which makes us laugh) and chatters up a storm with lots of high-pitched screeches and guttural noises that amuse me to no end.
The water is quickly becoming one of Chase’s favorite places to be, whether it be splashing around during swim class or in the lake or playing washcloth tug-of-war with Ryan during bath time.
Chase now has six teeth which blows my mind! For a while there he didn’t have any and then it felt like a new tooth was coming through every week. Our vampire fang baby now has two upper middle teeth in between his fang teeth and two teeth on the bottom of his mouth.
He is an expert inchworm crawler and can quickly get to anything he wants to but still isn’t doing the traditional alternating hand/leg baby crawl just yet. This seems to frustrate him a lot but the fact that he can roll or inchworm crawl to everything he has his eye on helps!
Sleeping + Dropping the Dream Feed
Last month we were going through some sleep challenges thanks, in large part, to Chase’s first earache, travel, teething and more, but everything got SO much better this month. HOORAY! We went through one or two nights of sleep training to get him back on track (we followed pretty much exactly what we did at six months) and Chase made the adjustment with relative ease, with the exception of some fussing and on-and-off whimpering around 4 a.m. which was to be expected but not horrific at all.
The big milestone that happened this month (for me!) was that we officially dropped the dream feed! WOO!
Up until a week or so ago, I would feed Chase around 10 p.m. while he was basically asleep to both help keep my milk supply flowing and also get him a little extra nourishment to last through the night. I tried skipping the dream feed a month ago and it backfired because Chase woke up hungry around 4 a.m., but a few weeks later he went to bed later than usual (closer to 8 p.m. than his usual 6:30/7 p.m.) and when I went in to feed him, he refused to eat and made it through until 6 a.m. The following night we put him to bed at his usual time and I intentionally skipped his dream feed. He woke up around 5:30 a.m. to nurse (thank goodness because my boobs were FULL) but he went back to sleep until around 7:30 a.m.! After that, I eliminated the dream feed altogether and it’s been amazing! I didn’t realize how much waiting for that last feeding was weighing on me since I couldn’t go to bed early or enjoy a glass of wine or two before bed knowing I had another nursing session waiting for me. Chase basically eased me into dropping the dream feed which was such a blessing since I really wasn’t sure how to go about it myself. Thanks, bud!
Though things can obviously change day-to-day, Chase generally goes to bed close to 7 p.m. and wakes to nurse around 5:30 or 6 a.m. but will almost always go back to sleep until 7:30 a.m.-ish. It’s a big change for us and a welcomed one, as his extra sleep time in the morning allows me to sneak in some work first thing in the morning which is fantastic.
Chase is still really good about getting himself to sleep (thank goodness) and does well when I put him in his crib and walk out the door. He’ll typically babble, play with his Wubbanubs, bang on the sides of the crib and roll around for a while before falling asleep.
As far as naps are concerned, I feel very lucky that Chase seems to take two two-hour naps a day because that is the only way I am able to work from home with a 10-month-old at the moment. (I have no idea what I’m going to do when he drops a nap…) Chase’s morning nap is still his best nap. It usually occurs right around 9:30 a.m. and it’s the one I count on most to get anything work-related done. His afternoon nap is slightly more unpredictable (both the time and the length), but often happens around 2 p.m.
Oh the stress of eating!
At Chase’s 9-month pediatric visit, our doctor told us he was in the 1.5 percentile for weight (he was only 15 pounds, 10 ounces) which didn’t concern our doctor since Chase is following the same curve he’s been on all along since he was a smaller baby at birth (5 pounds, 10 ounces), but I’d be lying if I said his smaller size didn’t concern me. (It is SO easy to worry about everything when it comes to our babies, right!?)
I’m trying to remember our doctor’s positive words (he said Chase looked very healthy and truly wasn’t worried about his weight at all) and remember that Ryan was a 6-pound baby who was quite slim (up until college!) but it’s hard not to get in my head. I am currently following some of our doctor’s advice for increasing Chase’s calories and while I feel fortunate to never have had any issues with my milk supply, I’m continuing to breastfeed Chase regularly but also adding additional calories to his “real” food by increasing the oils and fats in his diet. Our pediatrician encouraged us to add more olive oil to his vegetables, meats and purees and give Chase whole milk yogurt with olive oil stirred in. Chase would still MUCH rather play than eat which is very frustrating (especially when it’s a battle we have to wage three times a day…), but we’ve already seen him put on weight faster since adding more oil to his diet which makes me feel much better!
Truth be told, for a while there the thought of no longer breastfeeding seemed impossible because Chase wasn’t eating nearly enough “real food” but I’m beginning to see his appetite change as he eats more real food and requires a little less breastmilk. For everyone who encouraged me to trust that it will all eventually work out and understand that babies will eat when they’re ready, I’m beginning to realize this is so, so true. It’s hard not to feel stressed out when I feel like I hear about so many babies who loooove meal time and cry when food is taken away and Chase is the exact opposite. He’d still be totally fine if we skipped meal times all together and kept nursing as his only form of nourishment, but I am finally seeing a small improvement in his eating and that’s a relief. It’s not dramatic, but even a tiny improvement feels like a victory over here, so I’ll take it!
Oh and as a follow up to last month’s feeding check-in, Chase is still all about the breast over the bottle when it comes to nursing. I have a few friends who are in the same boat with babies who all of the sudden refuse breastmilk from a bottle at this stage. What’s the deal!?
I’m also struggling a bit to get Chase to understand how to drink water out of a sippy cup. Any suggestions? He will occasionally get a sip or two out of the Lollacup or Munchkin 360 cup but can’t seem to understand how to really drink from a cup himself, so his water consumption at the moment is mostly limited to what he’ll drink out of a real cup that I hold up to his lips for him.
How Am I Doing?
I had a few of you request a “me” update since I haven’t really talked much about how I’m doing in Chase’s monthly updates in a while. I’m doing well! Better sleep for Chase means better sleep for me which is HUGE. I absolutely love being Chase’s mom and have so much fun with him every day.
I have to laugh because when I was pregnant, I thought for sure I’d have childcare arranged after a few months to help out a couple of days a week so I could get some solid work done but now, even at 10 months old, I am just not ready. Since Chase’s naps are still pretty solid, I can juggle working from home, though I feel like all I really have time to do it churn out a blog post every day which means a lot of the things I really want to do for the blog fall on the backburner, as do my emails (my inbox is truly horrifying) and other behind-the-scenes tasks like tracking expenses (the worst), etc. But it’s all worth it a thousand times over because I am so incredibly grateful to be able to juggle both working from home and staying at home with Chase.
One of the keys to my overall happiness with staying at home with Chase has been connecting with other moms in a similar stage of life and planning regular activities for Chase when he is awake. Not only is it great for Chase – he is now in a phase where he seems to get bored if we’re at home for too long – but it’s wonderful for me to have that social network of mom friends, too. For the most part, I try to get out of the house and and do something interactive with Chase every day, whether it be a play date with friends at a local park, swim lessons, Gymboree, etc.
Body After Baby
As you guys know, I never planned to do monthly “body after baby” recaps, mainly because it just wasn’t an interest of mine or a huge priority for me and I didn’t want to feel any pressure to lose weight or inches quickly. I wanted to let my body do what it wanted to do and focus on recovering and trying my best to live a healthy lifestyle while finding my way as a new mom. That seemed like enough for me!
All that being said, I stepped on the scale for the first time in a while this week and saw that I am back to my pre-baby weight. I gave myself plenty of time to get there and it seemed to happen naturally. The whole “nine months on, nine months off” thing rang true for me. I didn’t really put a huge emphasis on “losing the baby weight” and tried to keep my focus on working out for ME (it’s truly a release for me and something I love) and eating mostly healthy food as much as possible.
Breastfeeding didn’t dramatically zap my weight off (maybe a bit in the very beginning… but then it stalled for a few months) and, to be honest, I think it makes me eat more than I usually would because I can absolutely tell a difference in my appetite when Chase is going through a growth spurt. (It feels like I am going through a growth spurt, too!)
Ten months after baby, I am happy with where I am but know there’s always room for improvement. I’d love to focus on overall toning and taming the sugar beast (my sweet tooth is somethin’ fierce), so those are some goals I have in the back of my mind.
Physically I feel great in the gym again, which is wonderful and I hope to continue to work on my strength and get stronger in my workouts. When I’m able to make it to a boot camp class and utilize their childcare, the 45 minutes I spend sweating up a storm are often the only 45 minutes of the day where I feel like I am focusing on me and only me and that absolutely helps with my consistency. I love my boot camp and at home workouts and feel good about the fitness aspect of my life which has always been easier for me than keeping my diet (mostly) clean. Meal planning and meal prep are key for me for eating healthy throughout the week and I just need to continue to keep up with it!
- Clapping his hands
- Clicking his tongue
- Banging his hands on everything
- Activity (He needs constant stimulation and gets bored if we stay in one place/do one thing for too long)
- Gymboree classes
- Swim class
- Splashing in the bathtub or lake
- Watching Sadie
- Any kind of meat
- Yogurt
- Being outside
- Rolling around
- When you take something away from him
- Having his nose wiped
- Staying still for diaper changes
- Low voices
- Basically anything that lasts longer than 20 minutes
10 Month Baby Favorites
We’ve had some new discoveries this month that Chase seems to love and I’ve added them to this list that also includes some of our tried and true favorites that continue to be go-to items for Chase at ten months old. (I also removed some past favorites that Chase decided he was no longer into this month like his previously beloved activity jumper. Maybe they’ll make a comeback next month!?)
- Tuffo Outdoor Water-Resistant Blanket
- Fisher Price Rock-A-Stack Ring Toy
- SpringWays Swim Float with Canopy
- Fisher Price Kick N Play Piano
- Fisher Price Rattle and Rock Maracas
- Baby Einstein Bendy Ball
- Jelly Strands Baby Teething Necklace
- Sesame Street Silly Sounds Remote
- Oball
- Baby Einstein Take Along Musical Toy
- Protective Floor Mat
- Chicco 360 Hook On High Chair
- NUK Mash and Serve Bowl
- Munchkin White Hot Infant Safety Spoons
- Lollacup
- Munchkin 360 Cup
Past Baby Updates
- Nine Months
- What I Wish I Knew Before My Baby Was Born
- Eight Months
- Seven Months
- Six Months
- Our First Sleep Training Experience
- Traveling With A Baby For The First Time
- Five Months
- Four Months
- Three Months
- Two Months
- And Then He Smiled
- Three Weeks
- The First 12 Days
- Q&A: All About Birth & Life With A New Baby
- Chase’s Birth Story: Part I, Part II
Hi Julie!
I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past two years – your dedication to it is amazing, especially with a baby! I have a 4-year-old little boy, and I will forever call him my baby boy – I think he likes it almost as much as I do. I am also a pediatric speech pathologist, and work with feeding issues with children. Please do not be concerned with a traditional sippy cup – it does nothing to promote tongue movement. I encourage parents to use regular drinking cups along with straw cups in lieu of ever using a sippy cup.
Thank you for this comment, Leigh!! And for your words of advice regarding the sippy cups! Your thoughts about sippy cups vs. real cups make total sense to me (and also make me feel better)!
Glad this was the first comment so I didn’t repeat it! Both my kids started right off with straw cups and are much better water drinkers than many other kids I know. Honestly, I tried a few sippy cups myself and thought they were hard to drink from, so I just switched right to kids camelbaks (these were easier at first until about a year when they could use a normal size straw).
Also, he will always be your baby, no matter how big he is or how stinky his feet get 😉
Love that!! 🙂
Hi Julie! I have a 19 month old, and she will always be my baby girl. My mom was actually babysitting my daughter when she was 10 months old, and she gave her her starbucks tumbler to try to drink out of a straw, and she did! So I went out and bought her the first link below, and she loved it and did really well. Then we left our last one in the Target shopping cart, so I had these other ones (the second link) on hand. These are all we use now for water, and she does really well with them.
Great to hear that Chase is doing well- he looks like such a happy guy!
My daughter was unable to use traditional sippy cups, as she lacked the muscle strength in her mouth. Her speech therapist told me to use a regular cup with a straw, as sippy cups are for the parent’s convenience, not for baby’s development. We use the Take ‘n Toss straw cups, now, with great results. I only offer water (just turned 14 months), so spilling isn’t much of a concern at all, but have found that, unless she turns it upside down and shakes it, they don’t spill, even when knocked over.
Chase is such a cutie! He looks so full of joy! My first baby is ten now, and I still call her my baby, sometimes. :).
If you’re looking for a good straw sippy cup we use the munchkin one with the weighted straw. My cousin’s a pediatric OT and recommended starting with that. Took a bit for her to figure out but it’s good now. Not sure how similar it is to the lollacup I see it has a straw too.
He is such a cutie and kudos to you for not putting pressure on yourself. Sometimes that stress makes what you’re trying to achieve that much harder.
Try this cup! http://www.amazon.com/ZoLi-BOT-Straw-Sippy-Cup/dp/B0031E1GEG?ie=UTF8&keywords=straw%20sippy%20cup&qid=1465298545&ref_=sr_1_4_s_it&s=baby-products&sr=1-4
My daughter was slow to take to a sippy and we tried what feels like every one of them! She loves this one and it’s super easy to drink from. She’s just now at a year warming up to other cups. Best of luck!
Such a cutie! I think it’s brilliant you include Chase’s favorites for each month- such a good reference to look back on for those of us who know motherhood is just a couple years away!
When my eldest daughter was ten months old we were referred to a pediatrician because of worries about her growth (in Australia we only see pediatricians if there is a problem, otherwise we see special Maternal & Child Health Nurses or our regular doctor). Words like ‘failure to thrive’ were being thrown around because she wasn’t eating much solid food and was under the 1st percentile for weight and height. As a first time mother it was very worrying for me, even though I am very small and my daughter, like Chase, has always been very small. The pediatrician wasn’t really worried at all, but gave us the same advice as yours, lots of good fats (olive oil, avocado, peanut butter). We saw him for a few follow ups over the next year but ultimately she was just following her own growth curve. She was meeting all her other milestones early (walking at 9 months…kept me on my toes!) She didn’t really start eating much until 14-15 months and now at 3 years old she eats like a pig, but she’s still super tiny and that’s just the way she’s always going to be. Kids do things in their own time, Chase will totally get there (and will be eating you out of home before you know it).
Thank you for sharing your experience, Samantha! It’s always reassuring to hear from moms who have been in a similar place with similar challenges!
We also got diagnosed with “failure to thrive” at 9 months because of her growth. For us, she started at 50% for both height and weight and is now under 5% for weight and 10% for length. All the tests they did came back negative and we just have a peanut! She turned 1 this weekend and when I looked back at my old baby book, I only weight 2 more ounces than she did – so I am not worried at all! She has a healthy appetite and is hitting all her milestones. Don’t stress too much!
Also, I’m a KD and have been a big fan of yours!
Thank you, Samantha!! <3
YES you can absolutely still call chase a baby when he turns one! my baby william is two… 🙂 🙂 though one lovely reader wrote such a kind comment on my blog about how my baby is NOT a baby, and in fact, a child. lol thanks
I love that first picture of Chase, his smile is so cute. I will say the not liking having his nose wiped doesn’t go away. My 4 and 6 year olds still run away from me when I try to blow their noses.
Wow 10 months! Crazy! I love the pants in that first picture–so cute! My niece had a hard time with a sippy cup at first too. She seemed to do well with the straws. We started by putting some water in the straw with our fingers and giving it to her through the straw that way. We also sucked through straws while she was watching–she eventually got it after a few tries. She still seems to prefer straws now, have you tried a straw cup?
You can call your baby a baby as long as you want…my mom calls me “baby” as a little nickname sometimes and I’m 26! <3
I’m so happy both of you are doing well! And that he’s slepping more!
We are in the same boat with the sippy cup. My daughter just turned 11 months and its’ ridiculous the number of sippy cups I have bought. I heard good things about the Munchkin 360 too but of course she found a way to make a mess with that…lol. We recently tried the Munchkin click lock flip straw cup and that seems to look like the winner thus far. Hopefully you find something that works for you soon too!
Love these updates!! Glad you are feeling better and getting more sleep! Chase is just so precious!!
Hi Julie!
I think we are always allowed to call our babes babies.. My son just turned 2 and although he looks like he could be ready for kindergarten, he’s still my baby. Even with another on the way, he’ll always be my baby!! So don’t think that goes away with age! Does Chase eat oatmeal? I’d always sneak in pureed veggies or fruits to get him used to it and he loved it. Another way to add some more calories to breakfast. Every mom worries… I had gestational diabetes during pregnancy and the doctors would tell me how I’d have a bigger baby and I still constantly worry about him developing diabetes or becoming overweight at some point in his life because of having GDM. We just want the best for our babies and I think that’s what parents do is worry.
Have you and Ryan thought about more babies in the future? (Knowing now how much one little being can make you smile each and every day?)
Hi, Julie!
New-ish reader over here, your blog is awesome! Wanted to chip in – my oldest nephew was a small baby and continued to be so as he grew, always preferring distraction over mealtime! His mom is very slim and he was early (as was every single baby on his dad’s side). He’s 6 now and still very slender, but he is now an extremely athletic and fast runner and is literally smarter than I am, and he’s doing great – I’m sure Chase is progressing totally naturally for his body (says the non doctor here…). Congratulations, you are all adorable 😉
I’ve enjoyed reading your blog so much! I have a 10 month old as well, just around the same age as Chase and its really cool to hear what you’re going through with him, while I’m doing the same things!
Congratulations on such a happy healthy little boy!
I just wanted to offer some advice on water from a sippy cup. My son, Robbie, did not like drinking from a sippy cup at all until he got sick (he had croup about a week ago). When he was sick, the doctor told us to focus on giving him water, and not so much on bottles (he’s on formula since I went back to work about 6 months). He still didn’t like it, but we put a tiny bit of pedialite watered down in it, and he took to it. It was almost instant. It’s so crazy how much they change and so quickly. Now, after he recovered, he still likes drinking water and looks for it. I’m not saying Chase should get sick by any means, but keep offering him the cup and he’ll eventually take to it, I’m sure. Maybe on a hot day when he’s very thirsty? I also bought like 6 different cups to see what he liked, and now he knows how to use all of them. I just wanted to share what worked for me, but best of luck and I’m sure he will drink from the cup when he’s ready!
I have an 11 month old and we struggled with eating as well! It has been getting better but i can relate so much to your post. It’s frustrating when i see other babies open their mouths for food and cry when it gets taken away. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Julie!
Chase is so sweet, such a happy baby, and his smiles are great!
I know you didn’t ask for any advice, but I hope you get the chance to read it anyway;)
I understand your concern for Chase’s weight, but you should be absolutely happy to have a baby with a healthy weight. I’m a nutritionist at a children’s hospital in Germany, I specialize in nutrition for babies and new moms, and I love seeing babies that are not chubby or overweight. It means that you’re on a great diet (not too much fat and sugar) and you’ve done everything right for your baby, because you can provide nutritious and healthy breast milk.
One thing I’d like to add is to please think about the whole milk yoghurt and the olive oil. These are both processed foods, they have absolutely no nutritional value, and they are neither healthy nor easily digestible for babies, especially dairy products. Not even adults can digest dairy products that easily. If you’re concerned about Chase’s calorie intake, maybe you could switch to healthier fats than olive oil, such as more avocados or pureed coconut meat. Coconut yoghurt would be fine as well, even though it’s processed food it’s still healthier than dairy. Pureed corn (or cornbread) and pureed peas are also great for putting on a bit of weight. You can mix it with potatoes or sweet potatoes, and you get a healthy meal with natural and unprocessed ingredients. A mix of avocados and potatoes are always a hit as well – even moms love to eat that 😉
I hope I could give you some ideas, and please don’t worry too much about Chase’s weight, he looks so happy and healthy!!!
I really appreciate your insight! I actually had reservations about yogurt and cottage cheese and was holding off until our doctor encouraged me to add that into his diet for more calories and will do some more research. I also love the idea of pureeing avocado into some of his other meals for healthy, unprocessed fats. Thank you for the tip!!
For sippys we use the take and toss ones. Daycare started using them with E (who is the same age as chase-10 days apart) and it is super easy for him to use. Even tho they are take and toss, we just re use them! lots of people do well with straw cups, we did not, instead he just blows bubbles into in rather than sucking…We uses pouches when we are on the go and when feeding yogurt, i found he would perfer pouches over me feeding him with a spoon. just another way to get cals in if he isnt into feeding himself.
Julie I CANNOT get over how absolutely adorable and smiley Chase is!! Seeing him giggle or have one of his “daily chats” on Snapchat just makes my day!! 🙂 It’s crazy how time flies!
Julie – I really appreciate these updates! I have a 4 month old and find myself reading through all of your monthly updates to see what I may have coming and also reassure myself that things like sleep, breastfeeding, etc get better and better! Here’s to happy babes 🙂
I’m not sure how breastfeeding is going for you now, but 4 months was a TOUGH stage for us! Chase was so easily distracted and seemed to do “fly by” nursing which was a challenge. I hope it’s going well for you! And yes, it absolutely does get easier!! <3
he’s so adorable! so glad everyone is doing great!
My son just turned 1, and we also struggled with the sippy cup. We let him play with an empty cup a lot and not really worry about it, and (like with most things it seems) one day he just “got it”. We literally said to ourselves “who taught him how to use the cup??” I think babies are watching us a lot more than we realize, and he just learned to pick up his cup like dad does!
Much of what you wrote is pretty much how I felt when Penelope was 10 months old! I worried that she wasn’t eating enough, that she didn’t know how to drink from a bottle or sippy cup or anything! But after a few months she is eating much more and can drink out of all sorts of cups – she likes to drink out of my cup 🙂 or anything with a straw. She also figured out how to drink out of a camelbak bottle…she decided to pick up her friend’s camelbak and took a big drink! Sounds like you’re doing everything right. Keep it up!
And I understand not being ready for childcare. I have family watch her for a few hours here and there (mostly so Jason and I can go out) but I still feel anxious and nervous about it. I think it is just part of being a mom!
You’re doing such a great job and your worries are SO SO normal. My daughter is 19 months and has always been on the small side as well. I was very frustrated with solids but since you are nursing seriously don’t worry–solids are just for fun until one! He’s doing great and will get the hang of eating in no time (and then you’ll wish he still nursed for all his food–ugh mom life!). Also dont’ worry about the sippy cups. I’ve never used them with my daughter–she uses the munchkin straw cups with weighted straws but actually her favorite is a small camelbak eddy. I have one attached to me at all times and she was so into it I got her one of her own. But starting with an open cup is GREAT! If he prefers that and you don’t mind helping you are ahead of the game. Seriously he is great and you are great. Now go drink a big ol’ glass of wine girl! You deserve it. 🙂
I have a (just turned) three year old, and she was below the 1% for weight. 70-somthing% for height. They did all kinds of blood-work, x-rays, the works… then shrugged and said, “Well, she’s on the same trajectory since birth… she must just be petite!” Her pediatrician has had us giving her Pediasure for the last two years, though. I mix one in with some fruit puree to make a smoothie (in a straw cup, for what it’s worth…). Her doctor actually let out a “whoop!” when she hit the 20lb mark at her 2.5 year checkup!
Try not to worry! They all grow so differently… you will KNOW if something is off.
For what it’s worth, we use these straw cups and love them… http://www.amazon.com/Nuby-No-Spill-Flexi-Straw-Months/dp/B00IN8OI5E?ie=UTF8&keywords=nuby%20sippy%20cups&qid=1465304947&ref_=sr_1_10_s_it&s=baby-products&sr=1-10
We love these straw cups! We use them for milk, and we use these for water:
My son is almost 13 months and we had the same issue with the cup. We started introducing the sippy cup at 6 months and he didn’t understand the concept of drinking from it. When he was 7 1/2 months I tried a cup with a straw and he loved it and has taken to it. It was still important for us to get him used to drinking from a sippy cup so once he started using a straw cup regularly we started introducing a regular sippy cup and now he has that concept down not a problem. It’s backwards but worth a try. Good luck and hang in there. It really does get easier!
Hi Julie! I have a 7 month old at home and have absolutely loved reading your monthly updates. Especially because my little girl also arrived a little early (3 weeks) and has been a little bit of a peanut. We have been lucky that she absolutely loves real food so the last month she has started to gain a little more quickly. I’m just curious, because I never noticed it in his monthly updates, but how old was Chase when he began sitting unassisted? My little girl can do it, but seems to choose not to, she prefers standing (unassisted, all day every day) or playing on her back. It seems that maybe Chase did the same? I’m just curious when that changed?
Oh absolutely!!! Chase MUCH preferred standing (assisted) for a LONG time as opposed to sitting and would fuss whenever we’d try to get him to sit. He wasn’t really sitting well on his own until he was maybe 7 months old? Maybe 7 1/2 months? It took a while for him!
You can totally call him a baby! We still refer to Ellie as “baby girl,” and often address her as that. I know EXACTLY how you feel about the weight gain thing. Ellie was born at 5 lbs, 14 oz, was around the 25th percentile for a few weeks, and then dropped below the curve and has stayed below it, but following it, ever since (she’s now almost 20 months). At her 6 month checkup our pediatrician sent us to a GI doctor who told us to add the oil to her food, and even labeled her failure to thrive! Then at 9 months the pediatrician said she was looking at the chart and not the child and that she could tell Ellie was just fine because she was growing, just at her own pace, and that she was developing normally. That was nice to hear, but it was still stressful. My husband and I and both of our parents are all short so there’s no way Ellie will be a big person. My mommy gut instinct knew that she was fine, and both of our nurse moms also said she was fine. But it’s still stressful!
Love that sweet boy of yours! I’m pretty sure I’ll be calling mine my baby girl forever, haha. Wahoo to sleep! I’m so glad he is sleeping through the night. i have a question about nap time. You said he wakes up around 7:30 and goes down for a nap around 9. Do you find he is acting tired and fussy or do you just say hey it’s naptime? The last few days my daughter (7.5 almost 8 months..) has been not acting tired at all and I think she’s been awake too long in the morning. Just curious your thoughts 🙂 I’d love some 2 hour naps but the most I get is 1.5 with 45 minute ones still happening! Obviously I know babies aren’t the same but thought I’d ask anyway!!
His first nap is actually more like 9:30/9:45 a.m. and I think part of the reason why this time seems to work so well for us is that I usually get out of the house with him (typically for a boot camp class) around 8:30 a.m., so by the time we’re home, he’s had a lot of stimulation (thanks to gym childcare… or a morning walk if we miss the gym) and is generally getting a little fussy and clearly ready for a nap. He also seems to fall asleep very quickly for his morning nap, so I think the routine helps a bit and he’s never really been able to stay awake for extended periods of time in the morning without becoming really cranky! It always feels like such a guessing game, right!?! I hope your little one’s naptimes stretch out for you a bit!!
I love this post and these types of posts! I’m glad you and your family are doing so well! I had a question on how having a baby has changed you and your husbands relationship, if it has that is? I’d be interested to hear about that aspect of having a baby, because although I am not ready for a baby yet, I know that milestone is huge and is bound to affect your relationship as a married couple.
I love this idea for a blog post! I feel like I really need to sit down and think about this one in more detail rather than type up a quick answer to this comment, but I will say that communicating constantly has been really important for us (but, then again, I feel like communication is always important in a relationship)! Also, my friend Caitlin told me to always ask myself if I am tired before reacting to something that Ryan may have said/done because in the first few months with a baby, you’re running on practically NO sleep and are much more jumpy/touchy than before. It was GREAT advice and really helped me from overreacting or blowing something stupid (like Ryan leaving an empty water bottle on the counter rather than recycling it) way out of proportion because I was just tired. I will add this one to my list of upcoming blog post topics!
Yess, I was going to leave a similar comment! Would love to see a post on this!
We use the Think Baby straw cup!!! I gave it to my son when he was around 6-7 months (he’s almost 13 months now) and he was able to use it easily. I think it’s because he didn’t understand the concept of turning a sippy cup up to get it to work. I love this cup!!!
Glad you’re doing well! Adeline is a super distracted now too, 7.5 months, and it can be frustrating and worrisome if I feel like she’s not eating enough or if she flat out refuses a bottle. But like you said, it is SO TRUE that they will eat when they are good and hungry. Chase is so cute, I love that he’s a little guy, still a perfect cuddle size!
I love your posts! They remind me so much of my own feelings. I also loved the first year with my baby girl. She’ll be two on Friday and I still refer to her as my baby. In fact, my little brother, who is 31, is still referred to as the baby so I’d say you’re good! LOL. Chase is absolutely precious. His smile warms my heart! Enjoy every day <3
My son is 10 1/2 months and we had the EXACT same sippy cup issue. He just would not drink from anything, and we tried it all. I was starting to get concerned too since summer is almost here and drinking water is kinda important. Then all of sudden about a week or so ago he just got it. He was drinking with no problem from a sippy cup and he can use a regular cup with help. I think it’s just one of those developmental things that they just “get” all of a sudden. Hope it happens soon for you guys!
Thank you so much for sharing these detailed updates! I have a 7-month old boy and it’s helpful to compare milestones and get ideas on new activities and toys to try!!! It looks like you and Chase have the best time together 🙂
I’m so glad to hear it!! And I hope everything is going well for you with your little guy! 🙂
Your little guy is adorable! I have a little boy as well who is turning 1 at the end of June. He had trouble with a sippy cup at first as well until my daycare provider suggested putting just a tiny put of something sweet on the outside of the straw. One night, I put a little bit of applesauce on the straw of his sippy cup and he loved it! I only did it that one night but he will now drink from any straw/sippy cup we give him with no issue and loves his water!
Great post!
He is soooo cute!
Long time reader–occasional commenter…
I am 48 years old and my mother still calls me her baby. So, your answer is–YES. He may not like it though 🙂
In terms of milk and so on–we have 2 boys and they both pretty much stopped breast feeding altogether at around 10 months on their own. Doctor told us it was because they moved on and became interested in actual food and it was normal developmental. Ryan may prefer breast over bottle, but don’t be surprised if he becomes disinterested altogether shortly. Unfortunately, there are not any “books” that tell you “normal”.
Beautiful family and thanks for blogging and sharing to your “virtual” community.
Chase is so adorable, and you are one beautiful mama! It is so easy to worry about every little thing with our babes, isn’t it? I have the opposite, where my baby girl is in the higher percentiles for weight, and people make comments “Oh she’s huge!” and it makes me worry that I’m feeding her too much, too often, etc. I am actually a physician myself and I have to tell myself what I always tell my patients – the 1st percentile and the 99th percentile exist for a reason – because someone has to be in them! Out of every 100 babies, there will be one that is the smallest and in the 1st %ile and one that is the biggest and in the 100th %ile. That’s the way the curve works – there’s such a wide range of normal! He looks SO happy and healthy and you are doing a fantastic job.
Thank you for this comment! Such a great perspective! 🙂
I have a 14-month-old who was a lot like Chase – small and all about the boob. He actually stopped taking a bottle at daycare around 6 months and would just wait to nurse all.through.the.night. I never denied it because he was small, actually falling off the growth chart at one point, but as you said it all works out. Now, he’s a voracious eater – often consuming more than his 4-year-old brother. Since he wasn’t hip to the bottle, we had a hard time transitioning to a sippy cup. We’ve found that a straw cup with handles works best because he doesn’t have to tip it. We LOVE the Nuby cup with 360 straw. The straw is soft, which helps mimic a nipple, and it’s weighted, too, so it doesn’t matter how they hold it. BEST THING EVER.
This was the best tip I heard when introducing cups to my first baby…Get the cheap Take N Toss straw cups. First take a regular plastic straw and cut it so it’s really short, like just a couple inches. Use that straw and your finger to sort of “trap” water in the straw, then release what you have in there into the baby’s mouth (think of it like feeding a baby bird, ha). That lets the baby see that straws will give them water without having to try very hard. Then you can switch to the real straw cups after a few practice sessions.
I’ve never hear of that! So creative!
Hi Julie,
Chase is so adorable… I too have a small baby who is 6 months old now. Just curious, about offering water to a 10 month old. I have read on multiple sites and heard suggestions that we should not offer water until the baby is over a year old.
Our pediatrician encouraged us to offer water to Chase (just not large amounts)! 🙂 I actually was a bit surprised as well but am following his advice. Chase’s water consumption is so incredibly minimal at this point so I’m not really too worried about it and am just offering him some sips here and there!
it is so refreshing to hear your approach to baby weight! what a wonderful mindset to be in as your body adjusts to postpartum life.
I am sharing this with my best girlfriend who is due in a matter of days. she has had a difficult time with all of the changes her body has gone through over the last 9 months and I think a positive, realistic approach like yours will be so helpful to her.
thanks for sharing!
I love your attitude about your body after having a baby. It is so healthy. You look awesome by the way and Chase is just adorable.
Hi Julie! I’m a long time reader, first time commenter 🙂 I just wanted to say thank you for being so open and honest about motherhood. I also welcomed my first baby boy just a couple of weeks earlier than you! We also have a little peanut (5th percentile for weight) and it can be so stressful and easy to beat ourselves up about it. Thank you for making me feel not so alone. I love the olive oil tip. I’m going to use that! Thanks again.
I love reading these updates! Chase is such a cute little boy and his smile is contagious:) I love your perspective about easing back into the whole “body after baby” mindset. It sounds like you did everything in such a healthy way!
Julie, I love reading these posts. They really put things in perspective for me and remind me to count my blessings! I have a 6 week old baby boy who was 5 lbs when born. I just read your 10 mo post and went back and read “And then He Smiled” and the 2 mo post to help me realize that we all experience bumps along the way but to remember the important things: a happy and healthy baby. And Chase is definitely happy and healthy!
I’m so glad! 🙂 Thank you for letting me know. And I really hope you’re able to rest and enjoy your little one. It can be so hard when you’re running on so little sleep but I’m sending new mama support hugs your way!
Happy 10 months to your baby boy! He is so cute 🙂
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com