Guess who successfully completed 100 squats in a row this morning?
This girl!
(And yes, I totally made that picture black and white to try and disguise the fact that I’m wearing the same shirt I wore yesterday. And now I totally sabotaged my efforts by telling you all about my trick. I swear I didn’t sweat at all much yesterday which equals a totally fresh and clean shirt in my book.)
Annnyway, back to my workout recap. Yes, I did 100 squats in a row because I am a beast!
I used 65 pounds worth of weights and squatted my little heart out. To be honest, it wasn’t insanely difficult (I probably need to increase my weights), but it was definitely challenging and got me nice and sweaty in the beginning of my lower-body workout.
After 20 minutes on the elliptical, I did the following leg workout:
- 100 squats
- One-legged leg press (<—I like this so much more than regular leg press!)
- Superset: Step ups + Deadlifts
- Lunges
- 60 second wall sit
- Exercise ball hamstring curls
Let’s hope I’m not as sore as I was last week. I seriously waddled around like a duck all day on Thursday and Friday.
Today’s breakfast was quite similar to the breakfasts I’ve been enjoying an awful lot lately.
Another egg sandwich with two fried eggs, jelly and muenster cheese, plus two chicken breakfast sausages on the side.
Can you tell that my odd English muffin habit wreaked havoc on the bottom half of my English muffin today?
Home Office Update
Stay tuned for the unveiling of my home office today!
Question of the Morning
- Do you have any current fitness, work or personal goals in place for yourself? Share!
My current fitness-related goal is to run the entire Savannah Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon in the beginning of November. On a work-related note, I hope obtain some local freelance writing opportunities with local magazines and newspapers in my new hometown.
don’t worry, I’ve re-used workout clothes many times…what’s the sense in taking new ones out if within 15 minutes they’ll be in the same condition as the other ones?! Plus it feels like a waste :).
My fitness goal right know is to complete a 10 Km race in March..I still have plenty of time!
100 squats is awesome! If you need a new challenge you could try one leg squats!
(see here:
I‘ve tried this exercise but failed miserably, haha. But I guess that‘s the challenge 😉
I’ll have to try that 100 squats, sounds killer! I just finished my 2nd 90-Day challenge so now it’s on to my third 🙂 This period I’m focusing on getting rid of those last couple inches on my tummy and love handles, ’round the booty and a little bit on my arms. It’s all about the inches this time! I also want to be able to run a 5k all the way…still working on my couch to 5k plan 🙂
Thanks for keeping me inspired to push myself Julie!
Sorry just to clarify, are you doing 100 squats standing on your own? Or with a 45 lb bar on your shoulders plus weight to make it 65?
i use the squat rack… i load up a 45 lb. bar with two 10 lb. weights, so the total weight i’m squatting is 65 lbs. 🙂
good job with the workout 😉
personal goal: to meditate more often.
fitness goals: to be able to do 15 chin-ups in one shot. I’m at 7 right now.
work goals: to one day be self employed. that’s a ways off though.
You are a beast! It must have felt amazing to be able to finish them all. Yeah!
My goal is to drop some weight in the next month and a half so that I can increase my pace for my December marathon and break 4 hours. I figure since I’m only ever going to do one marathon, I better make it a good one!
Good for you and the 100 squats! I did a little over 100 squats yesterday too, alternating between 120-110 lbs. It was intense!
Let’s see. My upcoming fitness goal is to finish my very first marathon in Des Moines next month! I also want to run one marathon a year for the next…well, until I get tired of it! And my career goals include finishing my year of service as an AmeriCorps VISTA and freelancing more for publications.
you’re going to have some buns of steel, girlfriend!
i re-wear workout shirts allll the time. anyone who tells you they don’t is lying 🙂
Yes!! For the past few weeks, I have been insanely busy and fallen out of my workout routine…badly! I’ve also joined a new gym and my currents goals are to a.) get back into my routine and to b.) learn my new gym. My new gym is less free weights focused and more cardio/circuit training centered, so I have to come up with a way for it to fit my training style.
Are your 100 squats weighted? I may try this on my next leg workout.
YAY! You go girl! 😉 (I’m channeling that episode of Friends where Monica tries and fails to pull that off, lol!) 😛 100 weighted squats is amazing…after being inspired by you I did 100 NON-weighted ones at my last leg workout and that was hard enough. Seriously, my butt was soooo sore the next day, I was walking around like a duck…waddling, too! 😛 Well, it means it worked! Wall sits always make my thighs buuuuurn too, they’re amazing. I’m really loving your new leg-only workouts, they’re so awesome and I can’t wait to try them out for myself – thank you! 😀 xyx
Mehh–wearing the same shirt two days in a row is totally fine by me. lol. I do it all the time for the gym! Hopefully I don’t stank. 😛
For personal goals, I would really like to spend more time and effort on my blog whenever possible. This goal probably won’t be able to be totally fufilled until I finish nursing school! On the fitness front, I am working on getting faster for a 5k I am running. Normally I focus on distance vs. speed.
Way to go on the squats! Those are always so difficult for me. That and lunges. Ouch! 🙂
I’m currently training for a half marathon at the end of October and I would love if I could get through it without walking.
Your breakfast pics always make me want breakfast again!
I am training for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon in Jan. SO EXCITED.
PS not super sweaty and not underwear are my only requirements for rewearing something. Oh and food stains.
My current goal is a 6 pack. Im currently leaning out to finally have those abs show!
100 squats??!! Holy Moly!! My legs start to hurt when I SAY the word squat!!! 🙂
Good for you!
Nice work on the squats, lady!!
My goal right now is going to yoga four times a week for a month. Tonight is my 16th class and the month ends in a couple days so I’m pretty pumped that I did it!
Last week, I signed up to run in my second marathon – Huntington Beach on Feb. 5! Seems like a long way away, but it’ll be here bfore I know it!
Also, I’m a BodyPump instructor – we have our “launch date” of the new release on October 8….I have fun with other local instructors practicing for it!
Julie – you should get certified to teach BodyPump! It’s a lot of fun and you can bring your passion for BP to any class you teach! You can do it!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
A few years ago I would always wear a set of clothes to walk the dog at night and then wear those running/ dog walking in the morning, because no one in my neighborhood is out 2x a day like me and if they are they know what a pain it is to wash double the laundry and how bad all the washing is for the workout material.. that was until my x moved in and made me feel bad for wearing dirty clothes! I know… so he is on his way out and the double wearing has ensued again! YAY for less laundry and being a dirty bug, I love it!
Goals… 1/2 marathons for 4 months in a row starting in December! YAY for 1/2 marathon training!
I saw your last post about 100 squats, and tried it today only with a 18 lb. bar…..AHHHH. I had to break it up into 2 sets of 50. Love the burn though:) My current goal is to gain 5 lbs. of muscle, and to start running 5k 2-3 days a week! It’s gonna be hard since I’m so busy with school, but I’m going to make it work somehow!
Hey Julie – Props to you (yes, props) for completing 100 squats!!! With weight!
How many sets of the other leg exercises did you complete? I’m hoping to make this my workout tonight!
three sets of 15 reps!
Did I read this right?! You did 100 squats in a row with 65 lbs on a barbell? If so, you must be SUPERWOMAN!! 🙂
Actually, this is my third week increasing my miles on the good ol’ fashioned treadmill. I sure love it and getting leaner! Do you do like a 65 lb plate in the front of you? I would not think dumbbells…I want to try this 100 squat challenge, but not sure how you are holding the weight and what weights you are using. 🙂 And ALWAYS three sets, sometimes four to really tire my muscles! You are an inspiration!
My workout goal is to be able to do 10 pull ups with no assistance. I can do em now, but I have to use the assisted pull up machine to make them easier.
Personal goal: Make new friends…I have lived here for almost 5 years afterall…
100 squats WITH 65 lbs?!! That is amazing!! Although I am a little intimidated, how did you go about reaching that goal?! I would love to be able to say I did that!! My overall goals for fitness are to just keep challenging myself, trying new/harder things, and to lose the last 6lbs of baby weight! (I had a little one 9 months ago 🙂 )
My goal is to lose 3 more lbs, to get down to the weight I was in high school, for my wedding in 9 days! I have been running my butt off and doing yoga, pilates, and spin multiple times a week (well not spin, because you really need an entire week to get ready for another spin class lol) and I really hope that I can do it! I keep telling myself that I have come so far and that 3 more lbs is nothing compared to what I have already accomplished! Wish me luck! =)
Excellent workout! When you are working on improving your shape and achieving more challenging goals, nutrition is one of the key success factors. Most nutrients are received from food, though, in order to enhance my energy I am taking nutritional supplements. One of the best I have tried is Navy Seal Formula manufactured by MGNutritionas. It gives me incredible amount of energy and pushes me harder when I train. I see positive results in my endurance and strength, my workouts are becoming much more effective.