This morning I awoke 30 minutes before Ryan. I used the extra time to browse Pinterest in search of some workout inspiration.
Checking out my fitness board never ceases to motivate me, and when I saw a 1000 rep workout I previously pinned, I was instantly inspired to create a new version of the workout that focused on exercises that appealed to me.
The site the workout was originally pinned from appears to no longer be running, but you may see the original workout here. I’ve seen a bunch of other 100 rep and 1000 rep workouts floating around Pinterest, so I was pumped to take a few minutes to jot down my take on the 1000 rep workout before we headed to the gym. (BodyRock also has a 1000 rep workout that I’m hoping to attempt soon!)
After 15 minutes on the adaptive motion trainer, I hopped off to take a crack at my 1000 rep workout that focused mainly on leg and abdominal exercises:
I freakin’ loved this workout.
It took me slightly more than 35 minutes to complete. The workout challenged me but made the challenge fun. Workouts that quickly jump from one thing to the next are definitely my favorite!
Banana Pancakes
Jack Johnson would be proud of my breakfast this morning.
Banana pancakes!
After snapping that picture, I ended up adding a big spoonful of peanut butter to my plate and dipping pieces of the pancakes in the peanut butter. A fabulous addition to the plate, I must say!
I made our pancakes with Bisquick Heart Smart mix but added a smashed banana to the batter before cooking the pancakes on the griddle and topping them with syrup.
They were good, but I prefer banana bread protein pancakes. Those are the jam. I also have a feeling I’m going to be hungry in no time since pancakes don’t do much to tide me over. Hopefully the peanut butter will help with that a bit!
Today is rather up in the air. We wanted to take Sadie to the dog beach, but it’s more than an hour away and there’s currently a 70 percent chance of rain. What is with the rainy weekends in Florida lately!?
Hope your Saturday is off to a great start!
Question of the Morning
- What was the most fun workout you’ve recently attempted?
I was obsessed with Jack Johnson for a while… But I’m still obsessed with pancakes! haha hope y’all can make it to the beach soon 🙂
Have you ever tried or looked at Jillian Michaels’ Making the Cut workouts? The book is filled with a whole exercise program. The workouts are a great combination of cardio and strength training! Plus, they are far from boring!
no but i’ve heard GREAT things!
I would highly recommend it! Never a dull moment! Just watch out for the hill runs! They come back to bite the next day! Ha!
Gotta lie pinterest for some workout motivation!! It always helps when I don’t want to think too hard about what to do, and banana pancakes are always delicious!!!! Happy Saturday!
I love Bisquick Heart Smart pancakes! They’re one of the few boxed mixes without tons of crazy ingredients. I hope the rain holds off and you get to take Sadie to the dog beach!
What an awesome (and intense) workout!! Did you do all 50 reps straight or break it up into sets? Cracking out 50 push-ups in a row is amazing!
I’m getting ready to hit up the gym myself. Nothing like starting a Saturday with some cardio and weights!
i did all of the reps in a row, but did the pushups on my knees. 🙂
That workout def looks like no joke! I want to try it but I’m not sure about some of the workouts (like skaters or bent over row??).
LOVE banana pancakes, yum!
The most fun I’ve had working out lately has been in the pool! Freakin’ 100 degree days! My husband and I will try to swim back and forth as many times as we can to see who can do the most laps….ahhh we’re such geeks.
Which dog beach do you go to? My husband and I have been trying to find one to take our dog to.
we were looking at one in daytona, though we’ve never been before! we’ve been to the one at venice beach and it’s awesome!
I love workouts that jump quickly, as well! My favorites are workouts that alternate strength moves and jump roping. Jump roping leaves me sweatyyyy and tired! I love it!
Get it girl! 50 push-ups, 50 chest presses, 50 squat jumps! I love workouts like this but feel like I look like a spaz in the gym running around from one thing to another haha
Oh boy just the thought of 50 chest presses makes my upper body sore- way to go!
I know what you mean about the weather. It’s raining pretty good here right now, and it’s supposed to be like this all weekend. Hope you get some sunshine today!
Great workout! I just did a modified version of it in my living room while waiting for my son to wake up from his nap so I can put him in his stroller and go out for a run!
There are a few exercises I wasn’t familiar with – can you elaborate on these:
-leg lift crunches
Also – I don’t have a bosu ball at home – any suggestion for a replacement?! Thanks 🙂
hi shannon! i am working on creating a “reference” page on the blog that details some of the more confusing exercises. i’m on it!!! 🙂
as for the exercises with a bosu ball, i would just do the crunches on the floor and the chest presses on a bench. the bosu isn’t necessary, it just adds a little somethin’ somethin’.
I had PB and banana pancakes this morning also and I sang “eating banana pancakes feels like its the weekend now”
I like that workout! I actually went on a run this morning and ran into a Nike Chicago event – just blogged about it. They were doing a boot camp so I jumped in, it was fun!
I’ve recently done this workout you had posted on your workout page
Right now I only use 30lbs on my barbell but will work up to 50lbs. It’s a leg and butt killer.
Banana pancakes are my weakness…and chocolate chip pancakes(when I was a kid, I was obsessed). My scrambled eggs I’m eating compared to your hearty pancakes…don’t look tasty anymore.
Just tried this workout. Now I’m on my couch dying. Thanks!
I got a kayak over Memorial Day Weekend and it’ss such a great ab and arm workout. I also tried my best friend’s stand up paddle board and had a blast! Only fell off twice…but it was in the ocean so I’m blaming the waves!
Mmmm love me a hard workout like that! It looks awesome! I too love sweatin’ and jumpin’ from one thing to the next 😉
Hey….awesome workout I’m going to try it.
Lately i’ve been doing the deck of card workout.
Take a deck of playing cards and assign an exercise (strength or cario/plyometric) to each suit. The number on the card represents the number of reps. Go through the deck of cards as quickly (still with good form) as you can.
Lots of fun and the times flies.
Have a great weekend.
so creative! i love that!
Hey Julie, this is random, but I was wondering how you fit a workout like this into your exercise plan. Do you count it as one of your strength training days for upper and lower body (it would be for me) meaning you make sure to not do weights at all the day before and after? I enjoy circuit workouts too, but I feel like I don’t get as complete of a workout as just mentally doing “legs” or “upper body” and so I’m not sure if I should still do them later.
hi irene! i personally am taking a rest day after this workout tomorrow. it focused a lot on my legs, so if i was going to categorize it as some kind of a strength workout, i’d say it definitely gave my legs a burn and i wouldn’t work them out tomorrow. i avoided straight bicep/tricep/shoulder exercises in this circuit b/c i focused on strength training them yesterday. as a general rule of thumb for myself, if i work a certain muscle group one day, i make sure to take at least one day off before working it out again. circuit workouts can be trickier for me though since they don’t really fatigue one muscle group, so i totally understand where you’re coming from!
Oh my god. Pinterest and Jack Johnson… I knew I loved this blog. Next time, try putting peanut butter in the pancake batter= out of this world. Of course you have to make it with Banana Pancakes blaring.
Really love the 1000 rep challenge! I’ve been incorporating lots of new lunge and squat variations this week which I’ve love but glutes are really feeling it today…rest day tomo! 🙂
I pinned it but I’m not sure I can do it, lol! Maybe I can attempt half first so a 500 rep workout?
This sounds like a great challenge! I just finished getting a new routine from my trainer, but I’m definitely going to give this a shot.
My most recent fun workout though is SH-Bam! It’s the Les Mills version of Zumba, except the routines are set to different genres of music and current hits. It’s definitely a class where I feel the burn afterwards!
Love your blog btw! And yes, the rainy weekends here in FL stink!
Hi! This sounds incredibly challenging and I am excited to try it. It has been raining a lot where I am too, (Vancouver, BC) but that’s pretty normal for us. Last night I went out for a long run in the rain and did some stairs and push ups at the half way mark. I love these longer days where I can fit in a night run and still get home in daylight. I have been reading your blog for awhile and I really enjoy it! Keep up the good work! I love the food pics and info so much! Because of the time change-by the time I have my morning coffee you have usually posted your morning workout and breakfast-and it’s a great way for me to start my day! Very inspiring!
This workout looks amazing. Working legs and abs is my favorite thing to do so I can’t wait to try this. Lately I’ve been obsessed with supersets. They always make the time fly to me.
Ohhhh I absolutely heart Jack Johnson…and banana pancakes…definitely brings me back! Those looks fantastic…I will be making them very soon 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!
I love pancakes and often eat protein pancakes! they are the jam–errr cake.?? lol
That looks like an awesome intense workout! Im going to incorporate it for my cross training programs.
Oh my goodness, when I first read the title of this post I thought that I had to have read it wrong haha this workout looks AMAZING and I cannot wait to try it this week! Peanut butter sounds like a way more appealing pancake topper than syrup 🙂 Have a great Saturday!
Gotta try pb on French toast, it’s so good!
oh i totally agree with you on these types of workouts being my favorites! i guess that is why i love circuit style workouts. you never get bored, and you can get strength training and cardio done all in one!
Looks like a great workout! I foresee pancakes being made here this weekend, too.
I did a Cardio Beat class recently that was really fun … everbody used drum sticks to bang on huge exercise balls, as if they were drums. In the meantime, you’re bending and jumping and squatting … but it doesn’t even feel like a workout!
FUN workout!! I love the bodyrock 1000 rep workout! I do it at least once a month. I have an 800 rep workout on my blog that is pretty killer, but I always feel great after I do it 🙂 Have a great day!
Great workout! If I wasn’t so sore from yesterday’s I would definitely give it a try! Maybe next week. 🙂
Sounds like a great workout! Can’t wait to try it!
I love everything about this post: the workout, the pancakes, the jack johnson reference 🙂 Awesome!
just bookmarked that workout! It looks awesome. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Your pancakes look delicious! I may have to make some for myself tomorrow morning. I always use a banana oatmeal pancake recipe you posted a while ago. They always fill me up for a long time.
Love it! All of it! Except the part where u complain about rain. I’m in Indy and we are dying for one drop! 🙂 think I’ll do this 1000 rep workout on Tuesday. I led aerobics today instead of spin and I used a crazy body rock workout, they loved it!
I just started following your blog and I LOVE IT! Great tips, recipes and workouts. I talked my husband into do the 1,000 workout with me today. We were both dead by the end…good killer legs workout!
Today I tried out Shaun T’s Rockin’ Body workout for the first time – I just got the DVDs recently. It was kinda cheesy, but a lot of fun, and I worked up a good sweat. Your workout sounds intense – nice job!!!
Did this today! Awesome workout thank you
Love the work out! Definitely trying that tonight! Do you typically do push ups on your knees or do them regularly? I ask because I have recently being doing push ups more often but I have a really hard time doing them if I do not do them on my knees. Any tips?
tried this workout today, modified it to some workouts i like (more plank stuff less leg) and just about died… circuits really kick your butt!
First of all, I didn’t know that’s what AMT stood for!! haha I always call is the moonwalking machine cuz I feel like I’m walking on the moon whenever I use that machine 🙂 weird???
My fitness board on Pinterest is full of ideas, but I never think to use them. I gotta start remembering to look at those – so many good ideas!!