(I love that pic of Ryan! He looks so excited! I also love that 95 percent of the pregnant women I see at my doctor’s office arrive in leggings, hoodies/zip-ups and sneakers. Yes!)
Seeing our baby dance around during our 18-week ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat sound so strong at 138 beats per minute was simply the best. It had been nearly a month since our last ultrasound and whenever there is a such a big gap between our appointments, I cannot help but feel anxious about everything. I swear I would get an ultrasound every day if I could! They put my mind at ease and make everything seem all the more real.
The ultrasound technician took her time looking over our little one, pointing out important organs along the way. It absolutely blows my mind that you can see a baby’s kidneys and the four chambers of the heart during an ultrasound. So detailed! At the end of the appointment, the anatomy scan occurred and the sex of our baby that we first found out during our 14 1/2 week 3D ultrasound was confirmed! (We set up the 3D appointment on our own at a local imaging center.) I have a lunch date with a friend I’d like to tell the sex to in person later this week, but I’m planning to share the news on the blog on Thursday. One blog reader said I should set up a quick survey on the blog to see what YOU guys think we’re having and I loved the idea, so I put together this fast survey:
[polldaddy poll=8712232]
I’m pretty curious to see what you guys think! Especially since most of my friends’ predictions were wrong! My dad and mother-in-law got it right and said they were both hit with a “strong feeling” about the sex soon after they found out we were expecting.
After our appointment, I kissed Ryan goodbye and drove home to make a quick lunch before it was time to head back out to the gym to work for a few hours.
On the menu for today was a very simple almond butter and jelly sandwich served with a small bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.
And an apple for the road…
We’re now out of all produce and fresh foods in our house, so a trip to the grocery store is on the agenda for this evening.
Have a great night, my friends!
P.S. Thank so much for your crib and gliding chair recommendations on my morning post! I appreciate it!
I’ve been a reader for a couple of years but never commented. I just wanted to say that you seem like such a sweet, genuine person and I’m so happy for you and Ryan. For what it’s worth, I think you guys will be wonderful parents.
Oh, and I vote BOY. 🙂
Ryan’s face is just the best! So happy for you three 🙂
That picture of Ryan is adorable Pure joy!
I just have this feeling….girl.
Ryan looks crazy excited in that picture. That’s so sweet.
I vote girl. 🙂
Love the pics! You and I have the exact same cravings and aversions! I am currently 38 weeks with a baby girl. so excited for you guys!
Ryan does look super excited in that picture! So happy for you guys!!
How exciting! I can’t lie, a huge upside to being a preschool teacher at a gymnastics facility is being able to wear leggings and hoodies to work any time – pregnant or not :). Congratulations!
Ah!!! Thursday! I can’t wait for Thursday now!
And…ohmigosh! Ryan does look sooo happy in that pic! That is adorable!
Congrats again! I can’t wait to see what he/she is!
Did you guys purposely wear pink and blue to this appointment? It was the first thing I noticed and thoughht it was hilariously adorable, unintentional or not. I’m on Team Boy!
I voted girl….they sell those journals in pink and blue and you just happen to have a pink one so……..
That’s what I said but Julie wrote back saying they only sell them in pink.
Ahh you guys are so cute congratulations!! Cannot wait to see what you guys are having I think a boy! xo C
Glad to hear everything is going according to plan Mommy to be 🙂
Ryan looks SUPER HAPPY – what a proud Daddy!
As for only giving us THE news on Thursday – that is like the “Who Shot JR in Dallas…” no fair 😉 ok ok, we will eagerly wait in anticipation.
I told my boyfriend last night that the blog (Julie/PBF) I love to follow is “Pregnant” and he said how cool it was and that this is when the biggest changes happen – enjoy 🙂
(he is in the medical field)
I voted BOY yesterday! I cannot help but think its a boy since the experiences you shared so far have been so similar to mine…including gaining about about 5-6 lbs RIGHT away (by week 6 or 7, so my doctor has been tracking my weight from that point forward…secretly happy about that 😉 Also, all the weight I gained in the beginning was in my butt and thighs, not so much in the form of any cute baby bump. Ohh and the love for carbs too!! 🙂
Can’t wait to find out!!
You both look so happy and excited to be on this journey together. I love seeing these posts from you! And can’t wait to see what you’ll be having 🙂
Congrats on the pregnancy, how exciting! I have a quick question. I work at a gym full time. I’m a personal trainer, group fitness supervisor and I also help out in our human resources department. My schedule is nuts Monday – Friday (thank goodness no clients have to meet on the weekends). First clients at 6am and I don’t get home most nights until 6 or 7pm. I have a couple hours in the mid-day to get my own personal workout in and grab lunch.
My fiancé and I are planning to try for a family after our June wedding and I’m wondering how other people balance a crazy gym life and family. Do they cut back on clients (I only have about 38 PT clients) cut back on classes I teach each week (currently instructing 5 on the schedule). Or do I suck it up and let friends and family help with childcare?
What have you seen and heard? Are you changing anything? Any insight is greatly appreciated…I don’t have any other close friends in this career that are looking to start a family.
Ryan really looks like a kid in a candy shop and I love it! You two are so cute! So happy for you! This has to be such an amazing time!
Why did you get a 3D ultrasound so early? I always thought people had those done towards the end of the pregnancy so they could see the developed face, etc to see what the baby will look like.
The ultrasound photos are the coolest things ever, aren’t they? I still peek at ours once in a while, and our baby is almost 2!
So exciting! I love the look on Ryan’s face! Have you ever seen someone so excited to be a dad?? So sweet! Can’t wait to hear what you’re having on Thursday!
Girl after my own heart. PB&J toast, honey nut cheerios, and an apple for lunch? That’s my jam.
The look on Ryan’s face says it all … Sadie may have to compete for Daddy in the near future …
Awww, I love the of Ryan too! He does seem so excited! I was the same as you, I would get a little anxious between appointments. It makes it easier once baby starts moving (mine was around 19-20 weeks) and they you can have that reassurance without leaving your house 😉
I’m so excited to find out if you’re having a boy or girl! Either way, you’re going to be a great mama!
You are both glowing in these pictures! I can tell that you and Ryan are going to be such great parents 🙂 As for the gender, I’m guessing a girl. Very excited for the announcement later this week! 🙂
Oh my gosh, how in the WORLD did I miss that you are pregnant?! Congrats x1,000,000 and I can’t wait to hear if it’s a boy or girl – you will have a blast with baby either way!! 🙂
<3 <3 I love this for you. So excited!
Your hubby’s face is the best. loving the baby updates.
When I was pregnant we didn’t find out the gender, and literally EVERYONE- my sisters, my parents, random strangers, people I only spoke to over the phone, had a “really strong feeling” one way or the other. In the end, about half of them were right. My little girl is 11 months on Sunday. So many congratulations!
I have a feeling it’s a girl. If your dad guessed correctly (having two girls himself) and your mother in law guessed correctly, I bet they see Ryan having another princess.
I LOVE Ryan’s face!!!! I vote BOY!!!!! 🙂
Look how 50/50 the poll is!! Can’t wait for the news 🙂 Congrats to you & Ryan!!
I love your blog and have followed it for quite some time. Usually I am a silent lurker. I am older – way old compared to you in fact. 🙂 But I love your style of writing and have picked up some good exercise routines, tips, and recipes as I have followed your journey. I want to extend my CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy. Such an exciting time of life. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time 22 years ago and know everything I do now. You are VERY fortunate to have such knowledge going forward and THANK GOODNESS for you that maternity clothing styles and trends have changed. I remember shopping and everything had Peter Pan collars, polka dots, and big bows. I hated it all and lived in a denim jumper pretty much the last two months of my pregnancy. I am going to guess boy only because I have three myself. I will tell you that all three of my pregnancies were different from each other and yet I had three boys.