Today’s boot camp workout began with an interval workout on the elliptical.
After 20 minutes, I was nice and warm and ready to head into the weight room to complete the core circuit workout that was on the agenda for today. It was a good one and the scorpion exercise absolutely kicked my butt!
Check it out:
Holy burning abs!
Breakfast this morning was rather basic.
Scrambled eggs + Chicken sausage + Banana
It did the trick!
Time to work on a freelance proposal before heading out to a Taste of Ocala committee meeting at lunchtime! See ya later!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated yesterday.
THANK YOU for the link to the core workout – I need that. I’m ALWAYS neglecting core work because I never have any type of routine to follow so I just give it up! ha!
The scorpion looks killer. I don’t have a ball yet but I think I should get one because I see a lot of great looking ab exercises that utilize them. I’m excited for your half marathon coming up. You will do great!
Ouch! That scorpion workout looks intense but I’m not sure I would have enough balance and coordination to do it! I feel like I was smack my foot on the ball as I was coming down! Definitely going to have to try this!
Love your posts! LOVE your pup! Just started following you in December…it is so great to read thoughts and actions of someone who thinks so much like myself! Old Navy online is out of stock of the top and pants you showcased yesterday (in my size)! But, as a testament, I do have the compression jacket…and it feels great, so I can only imagine how great the compression tights feel. Have a great day and good luck on your half! Thanks for giving me fun to look forward to daily. 🙂
Ohhh that Scorpion looks painful! I keep seeing posts about Chicken Sausage and I’m really wanting to give it a try. Stupid question, does it taste like Chicken, or Sausage?
sausage! i find regular chicken rather blah (unless it’s cooked or seasoned really well) and i LOVE chicken sausage. it’s so flavorful!
Weirdly enough, I think that move looks fun! I’ll have to give it a try when I do core next.
the scorpion is freaking killer!!!
I love chicken sausage 🙂
I noticed you have sausage a lot in your meals, which I love! Especially sausage with eggs-it looks so good! I always worry about the sodium in sausage though. Have you found a low-sodium brand? Or does the sodium not blow you up like it does me? Haha! 😉
i haven’t found one with low sodium that i love just yet. if i ever do, i’ll be sure to report back!
I stumbled upon a low-sodium sausage today! I found it on Harris Teeter’s weekly sale list. They’re called Thin n Trim and have some amazing-sounding flavors, like apple cinnamon, wildfire buffalo and chipotle peach salsa. I’m buying some tonight and will be eating them tomorrow and through the weekend–I’ll post my review of them on my website,, if you haven’t had them and are interested.
Can’t believe your half is almost here! You’ll do awesome. That scorpian move looks intense! I’ve never done that one before – I love the looks of it though.
Hi Julie, in your cardio posted above, what’s a Crossramp? I normally use the treadmill and not as familiar w/ the elliptical. Also, what would the incline be on the elliptical? (my guess…incline = level and crossramp = speed to maintain?)
Hey Julie! I have a quick question, how many eggs do you typically use to make your scrambled eggs? Thanks!
it depends, but most days i use three. some days i’ll do two eggs and two egg whites it just depends on what i’m feeling (and how many eggs we have left)!
I took a 365-rep class in honor of the New Year (actually, I took it twice), and we did the scorpion. And it was tough enough without the ball (especially when you add in the 120 burpees we did). It’s something to try, though!
Good luck in your half marathon on Sunday! Looks like a delicious breakfast!
YUM- I may have the same for breakfast!
I have Best Body Boot Camp workout to do this afternoon. It looks like a killer!
You’ve inspired my breakfast! And I’m kinda sad now that I didn’t sign up for boot camp this round!!!
That move looks crazy good. I might have to use it in my aerobics class tonight 🙂
OUCH that scorpion version looks intense. MUST try 🙂
Those scorpions look killer! An awesome core workout is one of my favorites to complete
What is the type of black BIC band that you’ve posted a picture of you wearing called? (April 28, 2011 posting is as an example). Seriously thinking about buying one. Love your blog– been reading it pretty much daily for 2 1/2 years now.
thanks so much for reading, MC! the black BIC Band you’re talking about from april 2011 is the skinny solid black band: hope this helps!
The scorpion looks killer…have you tried spiderman planks? Another one that’ll leave you with burning abs!
I have been pinning your workouts and working them into my weekly rotation! Thanks for always including these exercises!
Always nice to have a change on the elliptical! It’s my fav but gotta shake it up every now and again 🙂
I actually thought the first move was the hardest. I kept falling over, lol. I didn’t read well enough the first time through and thought we had to do 15 scorpions per side like the other moves. Made the next two rounds seem a lot easier!
OMG…the Scorpion, I KNOW.
As I was doing the scorpion workout in BBB, I was like, “I think this should be called SCORPION DEATH!”
Killer. Glad I wasn’t the only who got their butt kicked by that one. 🙂
totally killed my core!
That scorpion looks fun! I’m going to give it a try!
Scorpions kill so I figure this move will too!
Nice, there is so much to do with stability balls that you just never think of! I never tried the SCORPION, sounds like everyone agrees it is pretty killer.
My gym’s elliptical doesn’t have a crossramp option! The only thing I can change is the incline…hmm
okay, so i’m an idiot! in the above photo crossramp is the same thing as incline & incline = resistance. hopefully that makes more sense!
Whoops not incline..resistance! Is resistance = crossramp?
I tried to sign up for the bootcamp. I knew it started on January 7th so I figured I could wait till the new year and missed the sign up. Tina was unable to help me so I guess I am out of luck 🙁 Really wanted to give it a try. I am going to Hawaii in April with my husband for our honeymoon.
That’s so exciting that your half marathon is just around the corner! I’m excited to sign up for a 10 miler soon. Scheduled runs always motivate me to run outside in the winter 🙂
please checkout my blog about running 1000 miles this year!
Today, after walking Louie, I tried one of your circuit workouts. I started with the No Nonsense Circuit. I can’t do it 4 times, but I’m proud of myself non the less. Hopefully after doing it a lot I will build up to 4 times. Louie went nuts, by the way. He has never seen me do jumping jacks or anything like that. 😉
Hi Julie! I went to my PCP a few weeks ago and told them about my hip problems I have been having (really sore and achey). I got a referral to a P.T. but with my schedule I unfortunately havnt been able to make an appt yet 🙁 Would you suggest that I rest completely? I have been, with some random x-country skiing and walking which doesnt seem to bother it too much. I feel so lazy though! Any suggestions for me for work outs? Do you think I should just lay off anything that involves my hip?
do you not answer readers questions because ill just stop asking from now on since you never have! haha
(not trying to be rude)
i’m sorry, eliza! i do try to answer questions – i should’ve responded to you! i think your question made me nervous because i’m not a trainer yet! i don’t feel comfortable giving direct advice just yet, but when i had hip troubles, i started concentrating on stretching my hips. these are some of my favorite hip stretches: i hope this helps and wish you luck!
Thank you! I will definitely check it out 🙂 Rest seems to help a lot. Have a good day
For a second there I didn’t see the banana on the side and thought you mixed eggs, sausage and banana together. Blech! I’m glad to see you didnt 🙂
Oooohh that scorpion exercise looks really good! Very good for posture, strength and all that jazz.
I always mindless go on the ET but always think I should probably do some kind of structure. Thanks for some pinning inspiration!
This workout looks intense, but I love that it does the job in such a small amount of time. Thanks for sharing!
Interval workouts are tough! I’ve done several of your treadmill and elliptical interval workouts and barely been able to finish!
HI Julie! When you put incline on the above elliptical workout, do you mean resistance? I thought crossramp and incline were essentially the same thing??
yes! in the above photo crossramp is the same thing as incline & incline = resistance. hopefully that makes more sense! my mind was in another world, apparently!
I am totally going to try the scorpion!
The scorpion is a really great ab exercise if you ask me. What brand of chicken sausage do you use? I see it alot on your blog.
i typically use al fresco or aidell’s chicken sausage. i love both brands.
I’d forgotten how tough the elliptical can be when you push yourself. Taking it a bit easier on the running front so I’m mixing it up with the elliptical! This is a great one! Do you go for a certain amount of movements per minute or a speed when your doing it?
i don’t usually focus on strides per minute, but i try to go at a decent pace – one that isn’t TOO easy, but still allows me to have a (somewhat breathy) conversation if i want to.
Um, holy cow. I’ve heard that scorpion move is insane but never actually have seen what it is. WHOA!!!!! I *might* brave adding that to my core routine later!
Ah, I love the scorpion exercise but haven’t done it in a while. Thanks for the reminder! It’s definitely going into my routine this week. 😀
Julie, maybe you meant to put resistance instead of incline in the third column of your graphic…since crossramp and incline are the same thing on an elliptical normally, right ?
Oh my gosh! That’s exactly what I meant! Oops!!
No worries, that is what I thought you meant, but it seemed like a few other readers were confused so I thought I would comment. Looks like a good workout! I have done your other 20 min elliptical workout lots of times and it works! I did the 50 min one + the 20 min walking incline workout on Sunday for a good long sweat session and I definitely felt the effects the next day, in a good way!
I’m trying this workout tonight! Can’t wait 🙂
What brand and flavor of chicken sausage do you use for breakfast?
hi dawn! i love aidell’s and al fresco chicken sausage and usually buy those two brands.
Is there a difference in the levels on different elliptical machines? When I get on mine and try it at level 10 I feel like its sooo hard! Am I just that weak or could it be that mine is different?
yes! ellipticals can definitely vary. mine goes up to a level 20 and is a precor.