I’ll never forget the moment I realized sweet potatoes were delicious. Ryan and I were on a hot date to Boston Market in college and ordered the sweet potato casserole as one of his sides.
Sweet Potato Casserole (Picture from jbarhtexasfoods.com)
Ryan offered me a bite and I promptly told him I hated sweet potatoes. He encouraged me to try them several times. Eventually I became intrigued by the streusel topping and gooey marshmallows and gave in.
Wow-zaa! This casserole was amazing!!! For a while I had to doctor up my sweet potatoes with cinnamon and brown sugar, but these days I enjoy the tasty tater all by itself.
At dinner tonight sweet potatoes (in the form of cinnamon sweet potato fries) stole the show. I began by cutting a sweet potato into strips and soaking it in cold water for 20 minutes. Apparently this helps the fries become crispy when baked in the oven (not sure if I believe this).
Soaking Fries
I then tossed the fries in some olive oil before spreading them out on a cookie sheet lined with foil and sprinkling them with cinnamon. After baking in the oven at 450 degrees for approximately 15 minutes, I flipped the fries and baked them for an additional 5 minutes until they were crispy and fragrant. Yum!
Cinnamon Sweet Potato Fries
While I was making the fries and roasting some yellow squash, my meat man grilled up some teriyaki chicken to add some protein to our meal.
Baked Fries
Squash, Ready for Roastin'
My Plate
Dinner was easy and yummy! Not a bad combo if you ask me.
What’s your favorite way to eat potatoes? Yes, French fries count. 🙂
This is my type of meal! Your fries look super delish!!
I like to cut my potatoes in big chunks and just roast em… Or just a plain baked tater is yum too. You cant go wrong! 🙂
My favorite way to eat sweet potatoes:
wow-zaaa! coconut butter sounds fantastic!!!
mmmm i remember when i discovered sweet potatos, ahh they are so good! i’m quite a fan of sweet potato fries, but at school the microwave is my best friend and i bake them 🙂 still delish
I made sweet potato fries too! But I love love love mashed potatoes.
Hard question! I love kettle chips, but I love mashed potatoes, too! I totally crave sweet potato casserole from this gross southern buffet restaurant my friends and I used to go to in high school, haha.
i’m sure it’s the kind w/ looooots o’ butter and brown sugar! love it!
I love sweet potatoes! I like making fries and mashed sweet potatoes.
I am a huge fan of sweet potatoes too! I season mine with both cinnamon and paprika…. O soo good!
does soaking them in water really help with the crispiness or is it just a waste of time?
ehhh i’m really not sure! They turned out relatively crispy, but i didn’t notice a huge difference. if i have the time, i’ll soak ’em first… if not then i don’t worry about it. also, i love the idea of adding paprika to the fries! thanks!
I don’t like sweet potatoes,but I DO enjoy some sweet potato french fries! anything tastes good fried right
mmm yummy sweet potaterrrsss….they look delicious with the cinnamon on top of them! what a healthy, balanced meal 🙂 love it
fav way to eat potatoes==exactly what you created here!
You should try this with butternut squash too. It makes GREAT baed fried.
-I have no idea how to see if you respond!
i’ve tried that & i loooove it! too bad it’s such a pain to peel & chop a butternut squash!
Sprinkle them with corse sea salt also! My hubby and I love them. You can find a jumbo bag of pre cut sweet tators, sprinkle with cinamon and salt. YUMMOLICIOUS!!!