It’s still rainy in Orlando today. I really don’t mind rainy days, but they sure make it hard to feel motivated! Rainy days are meant for cuddling up on the couch and reading a book or watching a movie.
Do you like the rain?
Princess Sadie does not like the rain. I call her “Princess” because she becomes quite diva-licious when it’s wet outside.
If it’s raining when I open the back door for her to go out to relieve herself, she looks up at me as if to say, “Woman, you’re crazy. Go fetch an umbrella and escort me outside if you want me to pee so badly.” Of course this look is followed by a hardy gentle shove out the door. 😉
Despite the rain, I took Sadie on a short walk around the block this morning. She looked up at me every 2.5 seconds, which is exactly what she does when it’s freezing outside. I just know she’s thinking, “What exactly are we dooooing out here, Crazy Lady?”
One thing Sadie does like about the rain is what happens when we arrive home after a wet walk. She gets toweled off.
This dog loves to be toweled off. She get really into it, rubbing her head all over the towel and jumping into my arms so I can dry off every square inch of her body (Except the inside of her ears… Don’t mess with those!).
Though the rain made me want to stay curled up in bed, I knew I’d feel much better and more awake after a good workout.
Ryan and I headed to the gym and while he went off to workout his legs, I headed to BodyPump.
The class was lead by a substitute instructor who did a great job! I love our usual teacher (She’s getting married today!), so I was a bit nervous for a sub. The substitute instructor was a stickler for form, which I enjoyed because it made me concentrate on doing every move correctly rather than the muscle fatigue I was feeling.
Post-Pump I hopped on the elliptical for 25 minutes of light cardio with Parenting magazine (Slim pickings on the magazine rack today 😉 ). Truth be told, I actually enjoy this magazine, but I’m always embarrassed to read it because it feel like those around me will think I have a bun in the oven. (Mom and Diane, I do not. 😀 )
The magazine has the cutest craft ideas, and as a craft-lover, I am always inspired to do fun, crafty projects after reading this magazine (Wanna make goggles out of egg cartons, anyone???).
When I was tossing around ideas for dinner last night, breakfast for dinner was at the top of my list. It was narrowly edged out by the mac and cheese, but the idea left me cravin’ eggs.
This morning I made a breakfast bagelwich on a Thomas’ whole wheat bagel thin with two egg whites, Canadian bacon and a wedge of Laughing Cow light Swiss cheese.
It hit zee spot! 😀
I also sipped on a hot tumbler full of my gym’s free coffee (a mix of Barnie’s cinnamon butter cookie coffee and decaf coffee).
Hooooray for Friday! Even though it’s raining buckets, it’s almost the weekend and that’s somethin’ to smile about!
It’s raining here too, and there are flood warnings in effect for the rest of the weekend. Lame. Your egg sandwich looks much better than my bowl of cereal.
We are on day 4 of rain…no fun! I think I’m going to brave the drizzle and run outside today though, I can’t take all this being cooped up anymore.
Have a great Friday!!
mmm your breakfast sammie looks REALLY tasty right now to me.
And do you think of Phoebe from Friends on the “raindrops and roses” song…I cant recall what it was but I feel like theres a funny part on Friends with Phoebe and that song!
aww our Sadie’s are both princesses!!
I also like reading Parenting magazine, I think it’s so interesting!
Oh I hate rain! It just bums me out!!
My dog hates the rain, too. But he won’t wait patiently to be dried-off after. If you don’t watch him he’ll slip away and tear around the house like a madman. His philosophy is something along the lines of “If I have to be wet, the entire apartment has to be wet, too.”
haha. I love her face. Sadie has such short hair so the towel works. One of my dogs has long hair so he’s never quite dry with a towel!