Monterey Pasta Company made our ravioli of choice. (Just FYI, the spinach ricotta and lobster ravioli are the best flavors.)
Unfortunately the pasta itself wasn’t whole wheat and I had a feeling there had to be a tasty whole wheat ravioli option out there.
A couple of weeks ago, I picked up a bag of frozen 365 organic whole wheat spinach and cheese ravioli from Whole Foods, stuck it in our freezer and forgot about it.
When Ryan went to throw some ravioli in our cart at the grocery store this week, I stopped him and remembered the ravioli chillin’ in the freezer.
Tonight we put the whole wheat ravioli to the test…
We served it with cauliflower, mushrooms, zucchini, marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese.
I love lots o’ veggies with my pasta.
The verdict?
Mehhhh. We were both pretty disappointed in the ravioli. 🙁
The whole wheat pasta had a funky flavor to it and overpowered the flavor of the spinach and cheese filling.
But have no fear, we still managed to clean our plates. 😉
T-Shirt Trivia
Now for some Tuesday night fun…
What does my t-shirt represent?
Answer to come in the morning!
(Oh and you will get 10 points if you answer this correctly. Points are good for bragging rights. 😀 )
The t-shirt reminds me of the Legends of the Hidden Temple t.v. show from back in the day, on Nickelodeon.
Legends of the Hidden Temple – Blue Barracudas! haha sweet Tshirt.
Too bad your ravioli was less than stellar, it looked so yummy!
Awww, sorry about the dinner fail. I hate that 🙁
Legends of the Hidden Temple!! Such a 90s kid 🙂 Sorry about the pasta fail, TJ’s makes a really good wheat ravioli if you’re in the market for one!
Sorry the ravioli was a fail. It surely looks like it would have been good!
I read the comments above mine but I still have no idea what your shirt means 🙂
Hopefully the next pasta you try won’t be a fail 🙁
Legend of the Hidden Temple! I was a Green Monkeys fan 🙂
BLUE BARRACUDAS! haha awesome. I’m looking forward to trying some TJ’s lobster rav and the Spinach and RIcotta Rav tomorrow.
Blue Barracudas! Ohhhh Nickelodeon, why were you so awesome?! Where did you get that shirt at? I could go for a Green Monkeys one myself…
I get so sad when I am disappointed in food that should be so good. The veggies look great.
Too bad about the ravioli!!! Usually WF comes through…
hahaha…I was going to saw “TWO-nafish.” But clearly I am so wrong.
I know what you mean about the wheat pasta having kinda a funky flavor…sometimes you can remedy that by throwing some garlic powder in the pot of boiling water while you’re cooking the pasta. It gives it just a little more flavor…sorry dinner was a fail 🙁
Legends of the Hidden Temple!! Great shirt! I wanted to be on that show SO badly back in the day.
Oh but your dinner looks so good I am sorry it failed in the taste region. Better luck next time!
I have no clue what your shirt stands for! I like the colors though
sorry about the ravioli fail! maybe someone will suggest a good brand. i personally don’t know one! i LOVED the blue barracudas!
Sorry about the ravioli…I have no idea what the Hidden Temple is everyone is talking about and it’s making me feel old 🙁
I love the shirt though!
That t-shirt reminds me of those 2 creatures in The Little Mermaid!
haha I had no idea then i saw other comments that it was LOTHT and OMG It s!! (thats legends of the hidden temple :)) aweeesome!
aww man, sorry the rav’s weren’t up to par!