I drove through the Starbucks drive through and requested a chocolate chip cookie.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Nope, just a cookie would be great.”
“So you already had your coffee today then, huh?”
“Nope. I’m just in the mood for something sweet.”
“Hmm. Soooo you only want a cookie? Really?”
Apparently baristas aren’t used to people using Starbucks as a local bakery.
Still, I got my cookie and devoured it like the cookie monster that I am.
(Tina had the right idea with Cookie Friday!)
My cookie was not the only treat I’ve had so far today…
Yoooou guessed it!
Ryan and I went to our usual spot, Jimmy John’s, for a lil’ lunch date this afternoon.
As always, Ryan ordered the Bootlegger Club and I ordered an unwich. I was feelin’ a little frisky and changed out the roast beef for some turkey. Craaaazy lady!
Dessert at lunchtime might just be my favorite thing.
Luckily Ryan shares my intense love for soft serve, and we headed over to Mochi to try out their red velvet cake flavor.
Mochi’s red velvet was unbelievable!!! My favorite flavor yet!
I also enjoyed the real cheesecake pieces and rainbow sprinkles.
Whenever I leave a soft serve place, I immediately want to go right back and get another bowl. It warms my heart in a chilly, creamy way. 😉
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Yum…red velvet cake ice cream sounds wonderful:) I like pretty much any flavor….just nothing really fruity, I like to keep my ice cream unhealthy – you know, caramel, hot fudge, cheesecake, brownie pieces, etc.
you & me both, sista! 😀
I love starbucks cookies! I used to get their black and white cookies once a week in college. SO good, but I don’t think they make them anymore 🙁
My favorite flavor of icecream is cakebatter or birthday cake. Yummmm!!!!
And that is too funny with the Starbucks dude.
Yummy cakebatter, i’ve never heard of that flavor. Where do you get it?
OH WOW! That red velvet looks awesome! Would love to try that! I love chocolate anything…so any ic cream, soft serve or froyo that is chocolatey is a winner!
I worked at TCBY in college and I swear I have eaten more froyo than any person on this planet! lol
HEather @ http://www.forthehealthofit01.wordpress.com
TCBY is heaven!
Reese’s Pieces icecream for sure!
Ha ha! That’s so funny. They should have given you a free coffee to go with your cookie! My favorite soft serve would be peanut butter. Mmmm!
I like real ice cream better than softserve and like Chocolate or Blue Moon when I feel like being a kid again.
Oh that red velvet cake looks amazing!! It makes me want dessert for dinner 🙂 I had cake batter the other day and it was to die for!
What was up with that barista? I would’ve been like, “Gimme my damn cookie and mind your business!” But I’m a Northern Yankee with no manners 😉
Your lunch looks yummy. Totally drooling over the froyo.
hahah thats funny about the sbux guy! he just wanted you to get a coffee…i had no idea they were supposed to persuade the customers 😉
yummayyy unwich…looks great!
I’m in love with your dress and hair!! Both are so pretty 🙂 The red velvet froyo looks amazing, though if I had to pick a favorite flavor of ice cream, I’d probably say Coldstone cake batter. Soooo bad, yet so, so, so, so incredibly good. Hope you’re enjoying your Friday!!
red velvet soft serve! Wow never seen that…I bet it’d be delish.
i love mint ice cream! mint choc chip even better 😉 or rum and raisin! xx
That soft serve sounds divine!! 🙂 My fave flavor is Edy’s samoa ice cream!! 🙂
I love cookies and cream ice cream but I am hooked lately on pisatcio fro-yo! YUM!
Your dress is so cute, would you mind telling me where ya got it?!! Thanks!
I reaaaally like cake batter frm Menchie’s a fro yo place! I recommend it if you ever see it! it’s suuuuper creamy! i think it’s their most popular flava!
you need to EAT some more food!! you are too SKINNY…who will take you seriously as a model for healthy eating. Stop exercising so much and stop eating BIRD LIKE portions of food.
as i’ve said before, i do not post all of my food on this blog. i eat 2 – 3 decent-sized snacks (easily 250+ calories) daily that go undocumented. my body weight is actually in the middle of the BMI scale for my height and i can honestly tell you am not walking around hungry. when i am hungry, i eat. i hope this alleviates some of your concern.
So I just found your blog and you are just adorable!!
That lunch dessert looks amazing–and totally necessary after a perfectly veggie-filled lunch, haha! I always go for some type of peanut butter, vanilla and/or strawberry combo when I hit up fro yo places! I’m also a big fan of the cake batter and coffee flavors when they have those too 🙂
Yummm! That red velvet fro-yo looks delish! My mom and I went to a place called Menchie’s yesterday, which is the exact same concept as Mochi. I had never been there before (can you believe it?!) and enjoyed it soo much! I mixed vanilla and cheesecake flavored fro-yo and added rainbow sprinkles and yogurt chips to my creation. I will definitely be going back! 😉