(Special thanks to Vee, who is in the process of becoming a certified BodyPump instructor, for requesting a BodyPump post!)
I kept breakfast light this morning since I was heading out to the gym within 30 minutes of waking, and didn’t want to feel like a two-ton whale.
I’m not someone who can workout on a completely full belly. I do much better on light fuel because a full belly makes me cramp up or want to curl up and go to sleep, neither of which are conducive to a good workout!
This morning’s breakfast was brownie batter hot cereal.
The mix included:
- 1 serving Flax-Z-Snax chocolate cream hot cereal
- 1 scoop All the Whey chocolate peanut butter cup protein powder
- 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
- Water
Microwaved for 90 seconds, stirring regularly to prevent ooooverflow…
This combination is so rich and chocolatey. I think I could bathe in this stuff. 😉
After the gym, I came home, grabbed a Balance Bar, and took Sadie on a walk around the lake near our apartment.
There was a festival with lots of different arts and crafts and food vendors surrounding the lake.
I loved the sign that read, “If we are what we eat, I’m fast, easy and cheap.” 😀
I think my sign would say, “If we are what we eat, I’m cheesy, fruity and sweet!”
While walking around, Sadie and I both enjoyed a free sample of kettle corn. That stuff is dang delicious!
I stopped to say hi to some of the dogs up for adoption and fell in love with these two pups:
The second one reminded me so much of my friend Minda’s dog, Brody. He was adorable!
Here’s the name of the rescue in case any of you out there live in Florida and want to adopt one of these cuties:
When we arrived home from our walk, I was huuuungry.
I made myself a bowl of roasted Nasoya tofu, broccoli and zucchini, ricotta cheese and marinara meat sauce.
Wanna know something crazy? I didn’t know you could bake tofu until like a month ago. Well you can, and it’s delicious!
Backyard Haircut
After lunch, Ryan and I headed to the backyard to catch some rays.
We both got antsy after a while and Ryan asked me if I would give him a haircut.
Trusting, no?
Of course I agreed. Check out Barber Julie’s masterpiece:
Ryan now owes me $25, but I may settle for some soft serve. 😉
Today’s Plans
The rest of our Saturday will be spent running errands to work out some kinks with our cable box (ugh), and tracking down people on craigslist to get a boxspring and a mattress for the bed in our guest room!
Catch ya lataaa.
My Husband made me cut his hair one day and I did it cause he promised me $20 and I was so scared. It turned out pretty well and now he doesn’t get his hair cut anywhere else. He says I do a better job then most places, still scary though.
Your tofu lunch looks AMAZING!! What kind of Nasoya tofu do you buy and how do you cook it?
P.S. I just tried a green monster for the first time and I am seriously hooked!! I made mine with vanilla whey protein powder, water, ice, a frozen banana, vanilla almond milk, and organic spinach. Can you say delicious?! 🙂
i bought the nasoya light firm tofu & it was really good! I just chopped it up & baked it at 415 degrees for 20 minutes, flipping halfway through.
also, i’m so glad you liked the green monster! aren’t they amazing!? i’m addicted… 😉
Oh I LOVE baked tofu, it’s the only way I’ve ever eaten it!!!
You did a great job with Ryan’s hair!! Andrew used to make me cut his hair. I was always sooooo nervous I would mess it up, but I think it turned out ok. I save up coupons for great clips now though and just make him go there, haha! Can’t handle the pressure! 😉
Haha nice job on the haircut! Enjoy your Saturday!
I wish my fiance would let me cut his hair!! I ask him all the time if he’ll let me. cute bathing suit, where did you get it?
thanks! i ordered it from victoria’s secret last year.
You’re so adventurous Julie…I love all the meal ideas you post!
Awesome…want to come cut mine??
Protein cereal look awesome. I need to find that PB cup protein powder. Where do you buy it?
i buy all the whey protein powder at nutraplanet.com! 🙂
I give Husband his every 2 week haircut outside. I’ve been doing it for years and love it. It is a great way to save money.
Ooh my goodness, those puppy eyes!!!
Do you and Ryan ever consider getting another dog?
I have to say, it’s nice haivng two! They wear one another out like no other! 🙂
oh we woule love it but i’m not sure sadie would! it’s definitely a topic of conversation though.
My dad got me to cut his hair one day… I left a bald spot! Whoops!! Haha! He didn’t mind though hes 50% bald anyways. What’s one more spot?? But my brother wont let me do his lol
ohhh i sooooo want that first puppy! TOO CUTE! nice haircut–youve got skils. second career maybe? 🙂
WOW great protein filled breakfast Julie!
Great job on the hair(s) cut!! Looks great! I would be so nervous cutting someone’s hair!
Your abs in that bikini shot?! WOW! Seriously my dear- you look ripped! Great job on the hair cut! You should start charging!
just saw you on Caitlin’s blog–you are famous girl! dining with the bigtime bloggers! looks like you had fun!
i think that brownie batter hot cereal sounds amazing!
Yummy eats and you’re pretty good with the scissors I must say! I tried cutting my brother’s hair once before and it was so bad he decided to have all his hair shaved off. =x Imagine how bad my haircutting skills are for him to not want any hair at all! Lol. It was fun though.
Nat xoxo
Wow, you’re actually pretty good at cutting hair!! I’d be terrified of messing up. That fair looks fun, I love all the signs!! Hope you have a great Sunday!!
My husband makes me cut his hair too! He’s so cheap:) I hate doing it though…I’m not good at it and I get nervous!
i love how its a right of passage to hair for your man outdoors in the backyard. its like the only place to get them to SIT STILL haha
xoxo kelsey
Hi!!! New reader here 🙂 Just read a few of your posts and I love your honest and super uplifting approach and attitude! I will def be reading more <3 Have a great Sunday!
Ooh, I just can not walk around those adoption centres without crying, I just want to adopt them all and it makes me very sad. I hope those pups will find nice and loving homes.
I cut Mark’s hair too. Do you use clippers or cut it with scissors? I admit clippers are my friend. 🙂
i’m not sure what it’s called, but i use some electronic thingy that you can use and adjust the lengths it’ll cut men’s hair. it makes it nice & simple!
If you do the installation yourself, but really to do the job as easy as possible is an option to look spray on insulation.
Brownie Batter — now that’s my kind of oats! 🙂
Where do you buy Flax-Z-Snax chocolate cream hot cereal? I looked online but can’t find it anywhere?!
unfortunately the website where i used to buy it stopped selling it, too! 🙁
I love recipes like this… i love pretty much any recipe that tastes like dessert but is healthy
All of the recipes on https://healthyrevelations.wordpress.com are just like that 🙂