I do!
Some readers have emailed me asking if I take any vitamins. I suuuure do.
Every day I take two vitamins.
I take a Viactiv calcium chew and a L’il Critters Gummy Vites multivitamin. (Sometimes I pop a few of the L’il Critters. They’re like fruit snacks!)
I used to take a calcium supplement and a multivitamin that I would swallow, but for some reason I’d always forget. For me, when vitamins taste delicious, I’m excited to eat them and much more likely to remember to take them daily.
The calcium supplement is very important to me, as osteoporosis runs in my family. When I was an intern in college, the company I worked for had a free health screening for employees. What really scared me was learning that I already had osteopenia, a condition that is often a precursor to osteoporosis, characterized by low bone density. I eat a lot of yogurt and calcium-rich foods, and strength train regularly, but clearly that is not enough for my body. I began taking a calcium supplement every day from then on.
After poppin’ my daily vitamins, I got to work in the kitchen.
First, I toasted a sweet wheat Alternative Bagel to serve as the base of my breakfast bagelwich.
These Alternative Bagels are the only lower-calorie bagel I’ve tried that actually resembles a bagel. Those bagel thins are decent, but a bagel they are not.
While my bagel was toasting, I prepped my chocolate PB2 to spread on the toasty bagel.
Though it’s definitely not a substitute for the thick, creaminess of normal peanut butter, PB2 is pretty darn tasty in its own right.
For those of you who haven’t heard of PB2, it is a powdered peanut butter to which you add water to “bring it to life.” Eighty-five percent of the fat is removed from normal peanut butter to create PB2, which therefore reduces the calorie content to around 50 calories per two tablespoons (compared with approximately 180 calories per two tablespoons of normal peanut butter).
I like it a lot, but it is not as filling at normal peanut butter and the texture is a little different.
To complete my breakfast, I spread the chocolate PB2 on one half of my toasted bagel and topped the other half with frozen banana slices.
I suppose I should back up a bit to recap my morning workout…
Per the usual Monday workout, I hit zee gym for the 5:45 a.m. BodyPump class, which I followed up with 20 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical.
I spent the entire time on the elliptical reading all about the new Sex and the City movie in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. I can’t wait to see it!
Question of the Day
Of the Sex and the City girls, which character is most like you?
I’m definitely a Samantha. Kidding! (I bet my mom just had a heart attack.) I think I’m most like Charlotte. 😀
I’m a Carrie, I’d say. 🙂
I love those vitamin gummies…just like eating candy!
I love vitamin gummies, too – those are what I take. 🙂 I’d say a cross between Charlotte and Carrie!
I agree. I’m a cross breed. haha I can’t wait to see the movie!
I just had 2 gummy vites this morning. 😀
I just found out that I have Osteopenia…thanks for talking about Viactiv – I have issues swallowing pills…and eating chocolate sounds so much more fun..I’ll have to grab them at the store today!
I wished I dressed at cute as Charlotte….but I am definitely Charlotte
I don’t think anything could replace the good ol’ peanut butter for me, especially on bagels and especially accompanied by banana slices, mmm mmm! I think I am a cross between Charlotte and Carrie! I cannot wait for the movie to come out!!! 🙂 Happy Monday!
I think I am like Carrie, always analyzing things.
I take loads of vitamins-Centrum multi-vit, calcium, omegas and vit. d. Line them up each morning:)
Have a great monday
I can’t wait for the new movie, they are so fun! I’ve always thought of myself as a Carrie, plus SJP is my idol!
I have no idea who I am! Prob a cross btwn Carrie, Miranda, and Samantha. I definitely think I’m the least like Charlotte, although, I do love her.
if i had to choose one, that would be hard.
i am like carrie in SO many ways, but then again i have some Samantha in me (not the bad part, mostly the older/nevermarried/VERY independent/commitment phobe)…
most days though i am Carrie through and through! right down to my shoes!!!!!!!!
Do you order your alternative bagels online? Or are you able to buy them at the store?! I’m also super excited about the Sex In the City movie!!!!!!
my local grocery store (publix) actually carries them. 🙂
I’d like to hope I’m a Carrie, but if I’m being honest with myself… I’m Miranda. Sarcastic, nervous, a little kooky.
i like miranda! 😀
I JUST watched the SATC movie again at my parents house this weekend….I can’t wait for the new one!
I used to eat those Viactiv chew but they are just so expensive. Right now I just pop a multi-vitamin.
my mom, sister & i watched it two weekends ago! so GOOD!
I try to take a women’s One a Day vitamin, but I always forget. Maybe I should start taking something chewy and delicious. Out of the Sex in the City girls, I’d be Charlotte too.
I’ve recently started reading your blog. I am really hooked and am so impressed with your dedication to your daily exercise and healthy eating habits. I am cooking one of your recipes tonight for dinner.
As a nurse though, I would like to tell you that your best source of vitamins and minerals is from food. Even though the little critters taste so good – they are not candy. There can be problems with overdosing on some vitamins – especially the fat soluble ones (A,D,E,K). As well as you eat, you probably don’t even need a multi-vitamin – but deffinitely boost your calcium. EVERY woman needs to increase the amount of calcium taken – prevent that osteoporosis later in life.
I am a new fan and admire the time that you spend on the blog – it is so entertaining. Keep it up – Looking forward to more wedding planning – my daughter is getting married in New Orleans next spring – all your tips will help us.
thank you so much for this comment! would you believe that i’ve loved those chewable vitamins forever? apparently i ate way too many when i was a toddler & my mom (who is also a nurse) had to give me ipecac to make me throw them up. she told me it was the vitamins that made me sick so i would learn my lesson. 🙂 don’t worry – i never take too many at once any more, though they are delicious.
good luck to you & your family as you plan your daughter’s wedding! such an exciting time!
LOL your mom is funny (And smart!)
i need to take vitamins…and will probably start with a prenatal one in the next couple of months! it’s just so hard to remember to actually get it out and take it (which I don’t really understand)!
I take the same calcium chew and a multi when I remember. That’s the key. I can’t take my multi without food so I have a hard time remembering. Hubby started taking B12 so I’m going to try taking those too.
I go CRAZY with delicious calcium chews and always OD on ’em. NOT good!! hahah I had to switch to a pill to swallow so I won’t wreck myself by eating too much of it. 😛
I love Pb2 too!!!!
P.s. I’m hostin’ a little giveaway for organic preserves and thought it would go PERFECT with your PB2 and bagel! Does strawberry basil jam and blueberry merlot sound good to you? 🙂
Geez I came over to comment thinking I was original in being a “cross” between two characters… I’m a lot like Carrie – but I see bits of Miranda in me too. I also cannot WAITTT until the end of next week so I can go see the movie! 🙂
Ok, this is now the 3rd time this morning I’ve seen somebody with a bagel + PB + banana slices for breakfast and I want some…BAD!! I’m thinking I should have had this today too! 🙂
I will occasionally take a prenatal vitamin (NOT because I’m trying to have kids) but to help with my hair & nail growth, but I don’t take them daily.
And I’d say I’m probably across between a Charlotte & a Carrie. 🙂 My girlfriends and I have already planned dinner & movie date for the weekend Sex & the City 2 comes out! So excited!
I lovee those vitamins. I take pretty much the same thing you do every day. I’m also more like Charlotte. Love them all though!!
I LOVE Viactiv chews- I could eat them like candy. My only issue with them is that their ingredients are kinda funky, so lately I’ve been loving the Adora dark chocoalte calcium disks, which has a much more pronounceable ingredient list!
I’m definitely a Charlotte!! One of my best friends in HS actually nicknamed me that 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful Monday!!
Ooh the pb bagel looks delish 🙂 I have yet to try PB2, but I love the real deal too much so who knows if i’ll ever change it up! haha!
And Samantha is my favoritee SATC character, but I honestly adore them all! Sooo excited for the premiere next week!!
I’m so excited for that movie!!! I’m definitely a cross between Carrie and Charlotte!
i think i’m a carrie with a little charlotte mixed in 🙂
i should be taking calcium supplements, but i dont….in my early 20s i cracked a rib from just coughing, had a bone scan and they said my bone density was that of a 30 year old…yikes. i just always forget and vitamins are usually the size of horsepills! haha…gotta find me those chews!
i love gummy vitamins! i take fiber vitamins and they taste like candy. as far as SATC characters, i’m a mix of carrie and samantha…carrie bc i’m super clumsy and akward with men and samantha bc i have absolutely no filter and am a little…..yeah you know.
the H word..not slutty hahah
I have one of those daily pill box things. The hubby calls it my old lady pill container 🙂 but it helps me remember everyday. I keep it by the toothpaste. I take a calcium pill and a prenatal (as a replacement for a multi-vitamin). I was told in college that prenatals were good for hair and nails and since thin describes both of those for me, I need all the help I can get.
Pumped is not even a strong enough word for how excited I am for the second movie!
I’m so psyched for the second movie! I’m definitely a Charlotte through and through. Maybe a tiny bit of Carrie mixed in as well. 🙂
Hi Julie,
I love your blog and the creative recipe ideas you share! Also, congrats on your engagement! I hope you are enjoying wedding planning!
I am definitely a mix between Charlotte and Carrie. I’m with you, couldn’t be more excited to see the movie. I am organizing a group of me and 10 of my girlfriends to go on opening weekend! Should be awesome. 🙂
Thanks for keeping your blog such a fun and positive space!
– Karly
Love gummy vits!
I’d probably be a mix between Charlotte & Carrie. I heart Sex and the City – its the best show ever!