Guess what I did this morning?
I went running!
And my heel didn’t hurt. Plantar fasciitis ain’t got nuffin’ on me! 😉
Truth be told, I am beginning to think I don’t have full-blown plantar fasciitis.
Though the “running expert” at our local running store felt my foot last week and said he was pretty sure I had plantar fasciitis, I did a lot of research and talked to more people about the symptoms of the condition. I have come to the conclusion that I may have a very mild case of plantar fasciitis, but that the real pain I was experiencing in my heel last week was likely due to a bruised heel.
Ninety-five percent of the pain I was experiencing in my heel occurred on impact, when I would walk or run. It sounds like those with plantar fasciitis feel tightness and pain regardless of whether or not they’re running or walking.
After noticing pretty intense pain in my heel, I gave myself a little more than a week off from running completely.
My heel started to feel remarkably better on Wednesday of this week.Though I was tempted to run on Thursday, I told myself to take a couple more days of rest and save my first attempt at running for this morning.
At 8 a.m., I leashed up Sadie for a run around the lake near our apartment. I promised myself I would stop at the slightest sign of pain. Six miles later our run was done and I was still pain free!
I am so happy. I feel like I will be able to at least participate in the half marathon on August 1. Now I just have to build up my mileage after 2+ weeks off of running my long runs. Eek!
Breakfast this morning resembled yesterday’s lunch because I couldn’t stop thinking about how delicious my spiced up peanut butter and banana sandwich was during my run this morning. (There are some adorable odes to different foods in the comment section of that post that you should check out if you’re in the mood for a smile. 🙂 )
I made myself a pb & b sandwich with Krema natural creamy peanut butter combined with one tablespoon of caramel sauce on one slice of honey wheat bread and banana slices on the other slice.
I sprinkled everything with pumpkin pie spice before slicing the sandwich and digging in.
I don’t know about you, but I find that spreading refrigerated natural peanut butter can be a huge pain. I recently started microwaving the tablespoon or two of peanut butter I remove from the jar for on my sandwich before spreading it, which makes it much easier to spread. Just a lil’ tip!
This breakfast was a slam dunk! 😀
Today’s Plans
Today will be a busy but fun day!
Our plans include:
- Returns at the mall
- Pool time
- Select the tuxes/suits for Ryan & his groomsman for our wedding
- Register at Bed Bath & Beyond
Annnnnd I’m off!
Congrats on the run! That breakfast sammie look good. Have fun at Bed, Bath and Beyond. We registered there for our wedding and it was fun!
Congrats on the run!
your breakfast sandwich looks so great, I love pb banana combo!
hurray for no pain! that makes me so happy for you…no one should ever not be able to move and be active because of pain. this started my day off well! 🙂
Congrats on the run!!! I’m a runner and I know how frustrating it can be when you are forced to take time off due to injury so I know how happy you must feel:)
what a great start to your weekend…have a great day
Yay for you! However it might flare up again. This happened to me before. I took a week off and was fine but once I started up running it swelled up again after a few days. I had to take a month or so off. I really hope this doesn’t happen to you!!!!!
Great run! I’m glad you didn’t have any pain. I had some heel pain for a bit but it went away and wasn’t plantar fasciatis (spelling?) haha so I’m glad you heel didn’t hurt!
omg the caramel sauce on the PB & B sandwich is a FANTASTIC idea!! Yummm
Yay on the run!
Glad you are feeling better and could get that run in! I know how great that feeling is.
Yay! Congrats 🙂 You must feel so much better being able to run again.
Hooray for being able to run! We’re only a couple weeks away from the race! 🙂
Awesome. Hey, did a talking Knight Rider car come with that watch?
you would think… but no. 🙁
Oh yay! I know how sucky being sidelined from something you like to do can be, so in glad it’s feeling better!!
Glad you’re foot is feeling better! That sandwich looks super yummy!
That’s a good tip on the peanut butter. Glad to hear your foot is getting better! Best of luck to you on your training for the marathon 😀
Nice job on the run 😉
Enjoy looking for the tuxes! If you’re not 100% pleased, consider getting a tailored made suit for at least Ryan…great investment!
Breakfast looks great!~
YAY for no pain on your run!
Try storing your natural PB upside down in the fridge . . . I know it sounds weird, but it keeps the oil from separating & keeps it smooth & spreadable. I swear it works!
Happy Saturday!
AWESOME for no pain! I am really happy for you!!
YAY!! That’s fabulous! Have a great rest of the day. I’m sure you will starting it off on such a high note.
Yay for the a heeled heal! 🙂
PB and Nana may be one of the best combos EVER! I gotta try it with the pumpkin pie spice.
isnt it great to run pain-free! i did a zumba class this morning and my p.f. didn’t bother me either, which is good. we’ll see how my 5k goes this evening! even with repeated flare-ups, p.f. does eventually go away! (and garmins are sooo addictive!)
So glad you had a pain-free run!! And your breakfast looks yummy.
P.S. I made some flourless PB cookies the other day and someone said you were the original creator. They were amaaazing, so thank you!!
i actually never put pb in the fridge. i leave it in the cabinet.
congrats on your run. glad it feels better. nothing sucks more than a sports injury.
Yay!!! Congrats on the pain-free run!
Hi Julie,
You would make a pretty good foot doctor. You are right; sounds more like a bone bruise, or even a heel bursitis both of which will worsen while running or walking.
Plantar fasciitis will generally hurt when you first step on the foot such as getting out of bed in the morning. The ligament stretches and therefore hurts, but as you walk around the pain diminishes as the ligament “loosens” up.
Congrats on the run!
Your title made me laugh because I just saw Despicable Me. Have you seen it?
I love pretty much anything with honey! Especially breads 🙂
I don’t like spreading cold PB either, I leave it out for a while so it softens and then spread it because we don’t really have a micro at work, but when I toast something, I love how it you can watch it heat and just turn into a melt mess of deliciousness
if you don’t like how difficult it is to spread refrigerated peanut butter, you don’t have to!… unless you really hate stirring every time you open the jar! If you just leave any nut butter out, you don’t even have to be microwaved because it has a nice spreadable consistency freshly stirred 😀
I’ve never heard of refrigerating peanut butter… maybe its a philly thing?
So glad you were able to run today! I hope the pain stays away for good.
I recently did the same thing with my pb, but added a little water to make a pb drizzle of sorts. 🙂
Hope you’re having a great weekend.
Glad you were able to run today! Are you going to see a doc though? I would get a professional opinion. My mom had PF and it went undiagnosed for a long time and she ended up having a tear too. Why not be 100% sure its not PF? Either way I’m happy for you and hope this is nothing big! I’m training for a 1/2 too and would be really sad if an injury derailed my training!
First time poster! 🙂 So glad to hear you were able to run pain-free today! I’m training for my first race, a 4-miler, on Labor Day weekend. I’m pretty excited about that. I hope the rest of your training goes well!
Glad you didn’t have any pain on your run and the pb&b looks amazing!
Hooray for the run! Take it easy though…don’t try and make up a week of training this week….we need all women on deck on Aug 1…It is almost here! 2 weeks 🙂
Glad your foot is feeling better! I just injured myself a couple of days ago, but I have NO idea what I did to my foot!
I went to Vegas, walked ALL over and my feet started to hurt. I took it easier the next day, but slowly I was unable to walk without limping. Now I’m home and have been going back and forth between hopping on one foot and crawling. Pain pills and rest will hopefully help as I can’t afford to go see anyone!
I’ve never refrigerated PB, you should try keeping it in the pantry!
Very glad to hear you are back on your feet!!
I know this comment is a little late but I’m catching up on blogs after a busy weekend. I’m also running the Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon and a little over a week ago I got an ankle injury and my training is ruined. I think I will be able to “run” but I have been really bummed because my training was going so well. Ive already taken almost two weeks off and I think I’m going to venture out and try tomorrow. Wish me luck! Congrats on your run!