I took today’s workout up to a secluded loft at our gym that personal trainers typically use to train their clients and take them through plyometric and boot camp-style workouts.
Today the loft was deserted so I took advantage of the private space and completed two rounds of Jessica’s At Home Cardio Blast workout.
I jotted down Jessica’s workout back in April and have kept it in my little gym bag ever since so I always have it on hand just in case I feel inspired to put myself through a heart-pumpin’ workout.
The elliptical also got some attention during my morning workout, as I warmed up with 15 minutes on the elliptical and finished my workout with 10 minutes on machine.
Post workout, Ryan and I took Sadie on a 2 mile walk around the lake near our apartment.
Now it’s time for a BIG breakfast! I ate a quesadilla (string cheese microwaved on a whole wheat tortilla) before the gym, but my tummy wants mo’ food!
After breakfast, I have plans to lay by the pool with my friend Merri before heading back to our apartment to tackle wedding invitations and run some errands with Ryan.
See ya in a bit!
I love (and hate) that workout too!
Wow, that sounds like an intense workout!! My new fitness goal is to add a day or two of strength training each week (I am such a cardio/running girl–but that wasn’t always the case!), and this seems like an awesome workout to do. Thank you, Julie and Jessica!
I love the photos you take of yourself! Your faces never disappoint! 🙂
haha i was just hoping no one would walk in on me!
i looked at the workout and decided it would kill me. that probably means i should do it, huh? 🙂
That workout would definitely kill me! And 10 minutes on the elliptical at the end to boot! I’m impressed!
It’s COLD here today (I have on a long sleeve AND sweatshirt) so have fun at the beach!
I love having those areas secluded so I can do my own thing and not worry I’m looking like an idiot. You probably look cute doing burpees, but I’m not so graceful. 😉
I love that picture of you! You always make the cutest faces! 🙂
That workout looks so tough, but I bet it felt good to finish! Hope you have a great day, and weekend, Julie!
BURPEES! I love them. Best. workout. ever.
looks like a great workout 🙂 happy saturday!
That’s definitely an intense workout! Great way to start off Saturday. Hope the rest of your day is wonderful!
Have a wonderful rest of the day, fabulous!
A deserted space filled with exercise equipment sounds HEAVENLY!!! That’s like my dream.
Now THAT is a workout!
Sounds like the perfect workout area! What kind of gym do you go to? Is it a big, chain gym or a small local one?
it’s a chain gym, but not too commercialized (like an LA fitness). i love it!
You have awesome handwriting- it’s so unique! Have you seen that program where you can turn your handwriting into a font for free? You should totally do it! 🙂
Total off topic here but your Vera Bradley wristlet is really cute! I love Vera Bradley! 🙂
I did that workout last night and oh man was my heart pumping! I wanted to do some elliptical afterwards but I was tiiiiired. Thanks for sharing it though, it’s definitely a good quick TOUGH workout to do on my off days from running 🙂