I love celebrating birthdays.
I especially love it when the birthday boy selects one of my favorite flavors of cake to enjoy as his birthday cake.
Ryan’s boss made a special trip to Cheeser’s Palace and picked up a red velvet cake for him to enjoy at work. Fortunately Ryan remembered my intense love of Cheeser’s cakes, and brought me home a slice to enjoy! I felt like it was my birthday.
I intended to wait until after dinner to eat this cake, but that didn’t happen. Let’s just say it was my dinner “warm up.” 😉
For dinner this evening, we decided to stay in since we celebrated Ryan’s birthday at a nice restaurant on Saturday night.
Ryan often begs me to make BBQ meatloaf, so the decision as to what to make him for his birthday dinner was an easy one.
We let the meatloaf bake in the oven as we took Sadie on a 2.5 mile walk around the lake near our apartment. The weather was absolutely perfect and we wanted to enjoy the fresh air.
We came home to an apartment that smelled incredible.
I quickly roasted some asparagus and dinner was ready! This meatloaf is definitely a winner. If you’re skeptical about meatloaf in general, I’d give this one a go. I think it tastes a lot like a juicy BBQ burger.
Now I’m off to open presents with the birthday boy!
Happy 27th Birthday to Ryan!!!
I LOVE this post! Y’all are SOOOOO CUTE! Happy Birthday Ryan!!!!!!!!!!
Adorable… I’m sure you made the birthday boy very happy with his special request dinner and presents!
You are both the two cutest people ever! Happy Birthday Ryan!
aww adorable pics and drool-worthy cake! Happy Bday Ryan
Awwww! LOVE all the cute photos of y’all! Have fun! 🙂
Dare I guess the next celebration you two will celebrate together will be your wedding?! Exciting!
ahhhhh 25 daysssssss.
Oh my goodness. CUTEST couple of the YEAR award!! 😀
I love the picture of you doing the ‘kissface’- you look so cute & your eyes are gorgeous!
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday Ryan!
l’oreal voluminous mascara. it turns blonde eyelashes BLACK! 😉
SO stinkin’ cute! Glad you had a great time celebrating! 😀
Such a cute couple! I made your meatloaf before. My kids LOVED it!
apparently ryan & your kids should be best friends. they can eat meatloaf together all day!
If he can skateboard and color a mean princess picture then he’s hired!
skateboard = yes. i worry about the princess picture though. he’s not one to stay in the lines. 😉
you always have the most sincere smile on your face!! it makes ME smile! happy birthday to your other half 🙂
You guys are sooo cute! I seriously can not wait for your wedding pictures!! I love you Julie!
To Ryan: Happy Birthday to Ryan! Happy Birthday to Ryan! Happy Birthday Dear Ryannnnnnn….Happy Birthday to You!
Btw…you should do a vlog! I really want to see you in a video! I wish I could meet all my favorite bloggers! That’d be awesome!
you are too adorable w/ that little song for ryan. 😀 i’d love to do a vlog if i actually had something to vlog about! suggestions welcome. 😀
aw, such cute pics!!!
Happy Birthday Ryan!!! 🙂
P.S. Where were you guys in the snow?!
chicago! that picture was taken in dec. 2006.
I knew it didn’t look like Florida! 🙂
awww fun! 🙂 you’re cute. question. not to be nit picky but do you leave your oven/appliances on when taking sadie for a walk & leave no one at home? i’m always paranoid about that so i just wondered if you do that often or if others do that too. it’d be a huge time saver… have fun with ryan tonight!
wellllll… i definitely don’t if we’re running errands or anything like that, but i figured that since we were just going for a quick walk it would probably be okay… not that i’d advise others to do the same. i’m sure it’s not the safest thing in the world.
i definitely leave the crock pot on for HOURS when i’m not home though.
ok, just wondering 🙂
Happy birthday to Ryan!! You two are so adorable together- I can’t wait to see the wedding pics in a few weeks!
You two are so UNBELIEVABLY adorable. Happy birthday to Ryan!
I can tell you guys have a lot of fun together! That cake makes my mouth water!
Happy birthday to Ryan! Love the photos, you both are adorable together 😀
Happy birthday Ryan!
You both look so adorable together! I’m so happy for the both of you! =D
So sweet! Happy bday to Ryan!
That meatloaf looks wonderful! Just wondering, does Ryan eat a starch with his dinner? My husband likes roasted veggies, but must have a starch as well.
he eats pretty much whatever i eat, just a larger portion.
Gorgeous couple! Happy bday to Mr. pBF!!!
Cutest post ever, Julie! You two make the best lookin couple I’ve ever seen! Hope the birthday boy had a great day!
You two are so cute together! Quite possibly the cutest cover ever. And less than a month before your wedding!
I’ve never tried meatloaf before, but your recipes have inspired me to try it out. I’m planning on making one for Friday night. Fingers crossed it goes well!
good luck! hope you like it. 🙂
You guys are such a cute couple!!!
That looks like a really good red velvet cake. You should share 😉
I love the candid shot of you two laughing – gorgeous!
FREAKIN GORGEOUS! As usual 😉 Happy Birthday to Ryan!
Awww, love you guys!! Happy Birthday Mr. PBF!
P.S. give Sadie some love from Aunt Merri…I miss that little rascal!
haha – i sure will.
Happy Birthday to Ryan! And it’s pretty much official… you guys are the cutest couple on the face of the earth. Yep.
Aww well Happy Birthday Ryan!! You two are so so cute! And yeah birthdays are extra special cause then everyone gets cake…especially if you have red velvet cake like that slice, yum!!
Yummy cake! Happy Birthday to Ryan! Cute pics.
I love that dinner you make. It is so easy and tasty. You two are gorgeous together and look so happy!
Aww, you two are just such a ridiculously cute couple. Love all the pics.
Happy Birthday Ryan!
Today is my Dad’s birthday also! Random fact: October 5th is such a common birthday because it’s roughly 9 months from New Year’s Eve! And I guess that insinuates that alot of baby-making goes down on New Years! lol 😉
Growing up, myself and a lot of classmates had late Sept birthdays. I always assumed we were NYE babies! 🙂
Was that a red velvet cake???? It looks awesome It looks like you had a great night celebrating.
y’all are so cute…so glad ryan had such a wonderful birthday! 🙂
AW, adorable couple! I love the pic with Sadie the most, it’s the whole family 🙂 I hope Ryan had a great birthday!
Adorable pics! I’m a sucker for the red velvet as well…
You two are so ADORABLE!
Love the pics (and i’m not just talking about the super cute pics of you two, but the red velvet cake as well – yum!). Happy birthday to Ryan. 🙂
You guys are so cute together!
And I hate dog eye boogers – my pup has them CONSTANTLY – I’m always cleaning them off her face. gross. 🙂
great pics. you guys are precious!! Happy Birthday to Ryan
I like to make my husband meatloaf for his birthday as well! I feel bad that he very rarely eats meat since I don’t, but I guess it’s good for him!
You and Ryan are ridiculously cute!!! 🙂