I’ve never been the kind of girl to shy away from leftovers.
As a child, I would often eat leftover lasagna, spaghetti, pizza, crab cakes and corned beef for breakfast.
My taste buds don’t discriminate by meal, I guess. 😉
Today’s lunch included leftover meatloaf, coupled with red pepper slices and a Honeycrisp apple.
So many good flavors in this meal!
I want to eat it again.
Mighty Leaf Giveaway Winner
Congrats to the winner of the Mighty Leaf tea giveaway…
Please email me at pbfingers@gmail.com.
Also, for those of you interested in the Tea Top Brew Mug, my friend Leah texted me this morning to tell me that she was able to purchase one for 15% off if you create a Mighty Leaf account and use the coupon code “welcome.”
I cannot wait to get off of work today. I have one heck of a fun wedding-related errand to run. My mom is even coming in town for it.
Any guesses? 😉
Cake choosing? That always seems to me like the part I will like best. I think I’ll be ve-e-e-ery discriminating, which will require many tastings.
nope but awesome guess! we chose our cake back in august: https://www.pbfingers.com/2010/08/21/wedding-food-cake-tasting/
Picking up your wedding gown?
Cake choosing would be awesome! Maybe thats why you have not had any treats yet today Julie! haha! I agree with heather I guess!
nevermind! ha. for some reason i thought you chose your cake but i scratched that out. hmm….I have no idea then!
First dress fitting? or are you picking up your wedding dress?!?!?!
I’d say picking up your dress?
Drat. I’m a relatively new reader and haven’t done adequate archive stalking.
haha blind guesses are welcome! 😀
You’re getting your “test” hair and make up done!
I’d def guess a dress fitting!!!
I would say definitely picking up your dress!!! 🙂
girl, i’m right there with ya…i love pizza for breakfast and have been known to have enchiladas too…YUM!
here’s the real question: how do you feel about COLD pizza?
i’m a fan. 😀
i’m all about the cold pizza…i like all of my leftovers cold!
the best are cold tamales 🙂
i like your style.
dress final fitting?
I would have to guess your final dress fitting!? 😉
Picking up your dress!!!?!?!?
AHH I just got goosebumps about how excited you must be, if this is the case 😀
I think it’s either a dress fitting or you are going to pick up your dress. Whatever it is, have a great time!!
Test hair and makeup?!
You’re picking up your dress!!!! 🙂
Final dress fitting?! 🙂
Your mom would come so she could take the dress to your parents house, so that Ryan wouldn’t find it by accident!
Hahaha how about FIRST dress fitting! Did your dress finally get here from it’s little hiatus in China?? I hope so!!
Your dress is in?!
I’m also guessing that it’s dress related!
I looove leftovers, they make the best lunches ever!
If your mom is coming, it is definitely DRESS related!
Love meatloaf!! That reminds me that I really need to make some soon…
And are you picking up your dress???
I’m a leftovers kind of gal as well!
I say dress as well!!
Have fun, whatever it may be, and keep us posted… hee hee (like you wouldn’t) 😉
p.s. Now I want cold pizza, yummy!!
Heck of a fun wedding-related errand?? Mom coming to town?? Sounds like a dress fitting to me!!
Picking up your gown? I love cold pizza with a glass of cold milk.
Ha! I just read all of the other comments — she denied the cake tasting guesses, but she hasn’t denied the dress fitting guesses!! I think we are right!
Final dress fitting.
I’m going with the majority: you’re doing a final fitting on the dress–or picking it up. If so, exciting!
I can’t wait to find out!
Same exact wayy! My sisters are like that too. As long as it has some sort of protein, who cares what you eat! =)
Dress fitting! My mom went with me to mine and took a bajillion pictures 🙂 Sooo fun!
Dress fitting perhaps?
Picking up your wedding dress?!?!??! 🙂
I’m definitely going with the majority on this one: your dress!! So exciting 🙂
I love leftovers of any kind. Almost everything is better the second day around (especially chilli!).
I bet its wedding dress related? Time for a fitting? Have fun whatever it is. Its soo nice to see someone who is enjoying all the wedding planning & tasks in stead of freaking out & getting overly stressed! Enjoy 🙂