Falling acorns!
As Sadie and I embarked on the last mile of our five-mile run this morning, I was hit smack-dab in the middle of the face by a falling acorn!
I literally said, “Ow! What the heck?” aloud.
Like an idiot, I looked up and got hit with another acorn. I then sucker-punched the tree and called it even. 😉
Breakfast was rather uneventful when compared to being pelted with acorns on my morning run.
The only requirement I had for today’s breakfast was that it include cinnamon. While running by Panera this morning, I could smell the sweet cinnamon scent of their cinnamon crunch bagels and knew it had to make an appearance in my morning meal.
I settled for a apple cinnamon yogurt bowl that included a cup of honey Greek yogurt, a chopped Gala apple and copious amounts of cinnamon.
I also ate a slice of oatmeal bread, topped with Polaner All Fruit grape spreadable fruit (jelly?).
It was the perfect post-run breakfast… though Sadie disagreed. But what does she know?
Her perfect post-run breakfast would be a double cheeseburger from McDonald’s… Seriously. She’s proven many times over that she cannot be trusted around those burgers.
Speaking of McDonald’s, have you guys heard about the Happy Meal Project? A woman bought a Happy Meal and left it out, unrefrigerated. Six months later, it looked almost exactly the same as it did the day it was purchased, with no signs of mold or decay. Nasty, huh?
On that appetizing note, I’m off to work! Have a great day, friends! 😀
sucker-punched the tree… haha!
Yes, I heard about the Happy Meal… so gross!!
Hahaha show that tree who’s boss 😉 Maybe it was a squirrel trying to get revenge at Sadie for chasing his friends in the past?! Squirrels might be pretty good pitchers, but obviously they have bad aim 😉
I love cinnamon, yum! And apples! Perfect combo. Enjoy your day!
i wouldn’t put it past them! they’re devilish little creatures!
Here in DC, I drive down a lot of tree-lined streets. I panic every time an acorn hits the roof of my car and makes a fear-inducing cracking sound. In the fall, this happens 3-5 times a week. You’d think I’d get used to it.
OK…you’re getting married in 10 days. i’m kind of freaking out in a good way 🙂
Oh man! I hadn’t heard about that project.
That is not real food.
There is also a 12 year old McDonalds cheeseburger out there that has remained UNCHANGED!! I cant even imagine what these places put in the food. Bread that doesnt mold? gross!
That McDonalds burger sounds gross!
I have a love/hate relationship with acorns. My little pug is obsessed and tries to eat up every last one. Not good for her digestive system or for a pleasant walk!
There are soo many squirrells outside my house, I’m surprised I haven’t been hit by an acorn yet! Haha they are such mischievious little creatures who love to tease! I can picture that squirell hitting you with an acorn and michieviously snickering to his little squirrel friends.
Is it bad that I still think MacDonald’s fries are the BEST fries on the planet? Hahahaa.. oops? 🙂
Off topic, but I just found your youtube videos courtesy of that sadie vs. burger/cone fiasco… love them! I’m going to try to make my stick-straight hair curly tonight with my flatiron. Gimme more of those vids, Julie!
Ew I am so grossed out by that McD’s thing. Imagine…people actually put that in their BODIES. Ick.
Beware of falling acorns!! But at least look on the bright side, at least it was bird poop! 🙂
I love how you punched the tree, you’re too funny Julie.
I meant to say WASN’T!!! haha Sorry Julie!
Falling pinecones are even worse. Eeek!
Heheheh… that kind made me giggle. 🙂 Glad your face is ok!
Funny you mention acorns..I thought you were going to say you were stepping on them while running, which is SUPER painful! Which leads me to ask (since I just recently stumbled across your blog), have you ever tried running in Vibram FiveFingers? Omygosh they are the best running shoes EVER. Took me a while to get used to them, but sooooo much better than normal shoes..I’ve even started wearing them to kickboxing and build&burn.
That sounded super sales-pitchy, but you seem to be a huge runner, so I thought I’d give it a mention. 🙂
haha. i almost got hit in the head iwth a coconut once when running. fell from maybe 50 feet, ten pounds, within inches of me… how depressing would it be to die by coconut? 🙂
That McDonalds thing is gross, but not going to lie i’ll probably still visit there every once in awhile haha.
I’m curious about the McDonald’s thing. I won’t believe it till I do it myself (not that I doubt that Mickey D’s is gross and bad for you)…I may have to do my own experiment. I mean, seriously, that’ dbe easy to fake.
Wow, that is gross about the Happy Meal! But I’m honestly not surprised. I’ve found fries from who-knows-when and they don’t look ANY different! Yuck!
On a better note, you have to watch out for those acorns, they don’t mess around! 😉
Acorns are NO GOOD! I’ve slipped on them more than once.
But then again… I’ll slip on pretty much anything.
LOL i can’t believe you got hit by an acorn! That must have hurt. My car gets hit a lot and the loud ping always scares me for a second until I realize it was just an acorn. What’s worse is actually all the dents in my roof!
The trees on the route where I run are always showering acorns. I don’t know how I’ve avoided them so far, but I’m definitely not going to stop wearing a hat anytime soon!
Mmm..I love cinnamon and apples. I just had some for dessert last night. 🙂
That McDonald’s experiment in gross! 🙁 I don’t think I will be going there anytime soon.
whoa, that mc donald’s experiment is NUTS (hehe, not acorns)…i can’t believe the food looks that unchanged. i just emailed it to a bunch of people; thanks for sharing!!
I absolutely LOVE Polaner all fruit. I eat it way too often on my pb & j crackers. Right now I’m loving the black cherry version!
Oh those cinnamon crunch bagels are to die for! I think I would have been weak and made a pit stop into Panera if I were you. But the apple yogurt is a close second. 🙂
So glad you brought up the acorn thing. How about almost rolling your ankle on them because they’re EVERYWHERE?
P.S. I didn’t know FL had acorns..haha.
Mmmm I load up on the cinnamon whenever I use it! I run by a few different bakeries on my usual running routes, and it is such torture! But also great motivation to get me home quicker to make breakfast 🙂
i did hear about the happy meal. so gross! but to be fair, there was a similar project done & the burger was placed in a sealed container and did get moldy… so perhaps the happy meal example just dried out… still, gross.
Breakfast looked yummy, Julie!
Umm… I didn’t hear about that Happy Meal thing but that is absolutely nasty!
.. I guess that’s why french fries look the same when you find one under your seat in your car after months, huh?.. I heard 🙂
I love Polaner brand of jellies…not too sweet and not too tart.
You sure that there wasn’t an angry squirrel up there, tossing them acorns?
Squirrels are mean! 😉
I have to say, I don’t buy the Happy Meal project news blurb the media have been harping on – if that was legit, there would have been grease marks on that french fry wrapper – and those sure don’t disappear over time! They’re “set” in the paper. But I’m not a fast-foodie/beef-eater, so … no invested interest in it either way 🙂
haha i was gonna say the same thing as Alexa, u sure there wasent a pesky little snacking squirrel up there??
omg the happy meal project reminds me of when i was in grade 6 and we had to take something from our lunch to put on a petri dish. after a month we were to examine the mold.. well i chose to use the cheese in those little cracker snack packs. after a month i pulled mine out and it was the exact same!! that was the first time i learnt what preservatives were haha <3
Ahh acorns!!! They are totally a hazard! For me lately its been boxelder bugs flying into me — yuck yuck yuck!
The happy meal project — super gross — even if it is not “true” the food there has SOMETHING in there that should not be eaten!
Yes, I heard of that project. That’s pretty nasty!!
I can’t believe you got hit with an acorn…but two? That’s crazy! 🙂
hahah thats so funny that yougot hit on the head when you looked up. I hate those kind of moments. lol.
ooh! apples+greek yogurt+a handful of roasted almonds is one of my fav breakfasts or sometimes mid-afternoon snack!!
I’m sorry but I totally laughed out loud when I read your post on the acorns, because they are just as violent up here in NJ. They come down so hard and sometimes you can even roll your ankle on them when walking or running outside. Thankfully you didn’t get a bruise on your forehead. 🙂
The squirrels and chipmunks are everywhere as well! It’s been crazy!
Have a wonderful night!
Literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD, when I read that you “sucker punched” the tree…hahahaha, thanks for the laugh….
OUCH! Can you believe that I have never gotten hit by an acorn before?!
About the McD’s story why may I ask did the woman leave her happy meal out for months? LOL…;-)
I dont thing I ever even seen an acorn in real life 🙂 Funny story…