As much as I love holidays and indulgent foods, after a while my body craves healthier fare. After four days of serious eating, I feel a little sluggish this morning and am ready to wave goodbye to pumpkin pie for breakfast and welcome nutritious Greek yogurt back into my life!
Pie for breakfast is fun for a while, but it’s not something I can do everyday and still feel energized.
Welcome back, friend! 😀
Today’s breakfast included a yogurt bowl, comprised of a cup of Chobani Greek yogurt topped with strawberry apple puffed cereal (I can’t remember the brand) and half of a packet of Peanut Butter & Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter that I received from Lisa.
This was my first time trying the Dark Chocolate Dreams flavor of Peanut Butter & Co.’s peanut butter and oh-my-gosh it was fantastic.
Dangerously fantastic.
I fear that five billion peanut butter fingers would be consumed in one day if I had a jar of this crack butter in my house.
I enjoyed my breakfast after taking a BodyPump class at the gym this morning. I also completed 20 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical while flipping through various food magazines.
I feel like I have been in a bit of a food rut lately and want to get back to making fresh, wholesome dinners. I’ve got some good ideas on the horizon, so get ready for some healthy, flavorful meals on PBF! 😀
I so badly want to get back to the gym, but I woke up even sicker than the past couple of days this morning. Boo! Healthy eats will certainly be involved though. I’m over leftovers by this point.
you should try freezing spoonfuls of chocolate dreams (I put a spoonful in a small piece of foil) . It is AMAZING. Love that stuff 🙂
Oooh I love PB&Co! Cinnamon Raisin Swirl is my favourite one, but they’re all good! Looks like your Monday is off to a great start. 🙂
Thy is the Best Pb! White chocolate is amazing too! 🙂
PB&Co is the best for sweet tasting pb. I eat it for dessert all the time!
PB&Co is dreamy…truly dreamy!
I am craving fruit like nothing else today sweetheart so I know exactly how ya feel!
I wonder if the food rut is contageous? I’m feeling it too!!
My dinners have been SO lame lately. Like…bowl of cereal lame. I bought ingredients to make chipotle barbeque turkey sausage, and spinach spanikopita this week though, so the rut shouldn’t last too much longer! Fingers crossed.
I definitely feel the same! I was so happy to stock up on fruits and veggies at the store yesterday. And I’m definitely feeling better from digging into greek yogurt this morning as opposed to the left over pumpkin bars I had yesterday for breakfast – yikes! 😉
I love PB & Co Dark Chocolate Dreams! I also really like the Cinnamon Raisin Swirl! They are addicting!
I love the dark chocolate dreams! It’s a great way to sneak chocolate into my breakfast 🙂
Hi Julie I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of months now and LOVE it! I actually just bought a packet of that dark chocolate pb at Whole Foods the other day and thought of your blog haha.
DCD is heaven. I just bought a brand new jar yesterday!! 🙂
Nothing beats pie for breakfast!
mmmm chocolate peanut butter. JIF came out with the first jarred choco pb that i had ever seen years ago, I used to eat that stuff straight out of the jar. so good.
That’s exactly why I just sent a packet. Portion Control!
I’m glad you liked it!
I eat that Dark Chocolate Dreams every single morning with breakfast. In LOVE!
That sounds great, but if I’m going to eat chocolate nut butter it’s going to be Nutella. Although that stuff is deadly. I could eat an entire jar of that in one sitting without trying.
Ditto! I am craving healthy food like no one’s business. So ready to get back on track…although I am having crustless p-pie for breakfast today..hehe
I wish we had body pump around here. My school gym (University of Vermont) has a lot of cool classes like yoga, zumba, spinning, women on weights, etc. but no body pump!
annnnd I love that flavor of PB Co.! I like to zap it in the microwave for about 30 seconds to get it melty and then dip strawberries into it. YUM!
I may be the only person on the planet who isn’t wow’d by that peanut butter. I bought it, tried it, and haven’t opened it since. I actually just caught sight of it this morning in the back of my pantry and had the thought that I wished I liked it more. I would totally send you the rest of the jar if that wasn’t a little weird.. 😉
Lisa is the sweetest!!! She was actually the one who took me to the PB&Co store in NYC and convinced me to buy…. several flavors…. and pretzels…. to bring back home with me! lol
I LOVE Dark Chocolate Dreams. It’s soooo good if you use it instead of regular PB in just about any cookie recipe…
Hope you have a great day!!
I made the mistake of buying a whole jar of Dark Chocolate Dreams last year. Multiple spoonfuls for dessert = belly ache! Portioned packets are perfect!
story of my life… 😉
oh my gosh!! looooove that pb, it is my drug of choice!
aww.. Pb & Co. My weakness! The cinnamon raisin is My absolute fave!! def. requires long fingers to get to the bottom of that jar;)
I teach body pump and love it! I just went through the new release today.. GET excited! cause it will rock your socks off! I love it!
Have you tried any other les mill programs?
Feels good to be back to normal eating again after a crazy holiday!! I had 4.. yes 4 thanksgiving meals.. so I was more than excited to get back into healthy eating!
I made the thanksgiving cookie pie for the fam and it was a hit! Thanks for the recipe!
woo! so glad to hear the new release is awesome! i haven’t tried any other les mills programs but i would love to! i wish my gym offered more!