When I called her to come inside she just looked at me, her feeble little body shaking in the cold.
I figured that if she wanted to be outside in the frigid temperatures that badly, I might as well change into warmer clothes and take her for a run.
She practically did cartwheels when I grabbed for her leash.
Her prayers had been answered!
During our run today, I realized I do some pretty weird things as I truck along…
- Prior to running, if I cannot find a hair tie to pull my hair back, I always sing “Where have all the hair ties gooooone?” in my head to the tune of “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone” by Paula Cole.
- I make a race car sound in my head whenever I run past someone as I run, even if I’m practically running at a 30-minute mile pace.
- I say things aloud to Sadie that I am really saying for my own benefit to make myself feel better. “Almost done!” “Great job, Sadie!” “You’re so fast!” “Watch out Usain Bolt!”
- Whenever I find myself running up a hill, I always say “Engage, legs!” in my head, Inspector Gadget style. (“Go, go Gadget legs!”) If you know the Central Florida landscape at all, you know this is rather ridiculous considering a “hill” is basically a speed bump.
- The night before I plan to run, if I have a lot on my mind, I tell myself to “save it” for tomorrow’s run.
- I feel my body instantly respond when inspirational songs like “Proud” by Heather Small come on my iPod, and I lip sync all the words (assuming no one is around).
- Whenever a song with an awesome, repetitive beat comes on my iPod (think “Call On Me” by Eric Prydz or “What is Love” by Haddaway), I immediately want to start head-bobbing, a la Night at the Roxbury.
Even though some pretty odd things occur on my runs, my breakfast was the opposite of strange.
I call this one the “grab-and-go.”
I wanted a super easy, but still nutritious, breakfast this morning and grabbed for the nearest things in my fridge and the breadbasket that called to me.
Chobani + Apple + Sweet Wheat Alternative Bagel
This is my answer to anyone who says they “don’t have time for breakfast.”
BAM! 😀
Aaaand I’m off to listen to “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone” and “What is Love” on repeat. Lata!
loving this post! I like the “engage legs!” mantra. my body responds to different songs too…I like rihanna’s song “rockstar” – it makes me feel spunky and fast when I run.
ah this is so great…I practically do the same. You are not alone 🙂
Haha! To heck with lip-synching, I find my albino suburban mom self singing gangsta rap out loud whilst jogging with my stroller…. !!!! i love it! And rather than talking to my dog, which I used to do, I now say such things to my toddler. Like he cares. He’s not even running. He’s usually asleep, even. 🙂 Love this post!
Lol I love that you revealed something so personal 🙂 … I would be mortified to reveal I say things to Alice (my dog) that’s actually for my benefit rather than hers when I take her running … this is why I’ll read your blog rather than create a blog of my own. Thanks Julie your honesty makes me smile!!