A little after 8 p.m. last night, Ryan and I headed over to our friend Kaitlyn and Kailon’s house for an ugly sweater Christmas party!I felt right in my element!
I’ve already warned Ryan that when we get older, I want to be the kind of grandma who wears festive sweaters for every occasion. I think they’re so fun!
The tackiest (and therefore best) sweater of the night award went to my friend Laurel’s boyfriend, Benny!
Isn’t it fantastic?
As tacky as Benny’s sweater looks in pictures, it’s even better in person because the candy canes coming out of the penguins mouths actually stick out, and the bells dangling from their jackets jingle with every move. That was one stellar eBay purchase, if you ask me! 😀
Like any decent Christmas party, lots of fun food was available and I did more than my fair share of damage.
My friend Merri and I parked ourselves right in front of the cheese wheels and went to town!
I brought a goat cheese and honey dip (top, right) that I made by combining an 11-ounce log of Chavire goat cheese with 1/2 cup of honey in a food processor. I then stirred in chopped, candied walnuts and served it alongside Stacy’s cinnamon-sugar pita chips, honey wheat pretzels and salted pretzel twists.
It was good! I think the dip would actually be tasty spread on toasted bagel or English muffin.
I should also mention the appearance of this crazy guy at the party…Have you heard of this
crack stuff? Four Loko is no joke! I didn’t drink a whole one, but I did have a couple of sips. I think I felt hairs on my chest grow immediately. 😉
We had a great time hanging out with friends and donning our tacking Christmas-wear.
This Morning
We woke up this morning in a scramble to walk Sadie and fit in a quick workout before I had to take my car in for service.
We took Sadie on a fast one-mile walk before heading to the gym where I tackled 40-minutes of cardio split between the stair master, arc trainer and the elliptical.
I came home, showered and said goodbye to Ryan as he headed into work. His work has been very demanding lately and unfortunately his having to go into the office this morning required us to cancel the date Ryan planned for us today. 🙁 Hopefully he’ll get off at a decent time because we’re hoping to head to a Christmas light festival tonight!
As Ryan hopped in his car to drive to work, I hopped in mine, bound for the garage to get my car serviced.
And that is where I am now…Luckily they have coffee and bagels!
Since the service center fortunately has free internet, I’m going to use my time here to do some online Christmas shopping and try not to buy myself these ridiculously priced (and ridiculously beautiful) Tory Burch flats (in tan… so pretty). Seriously, somebody stop me.
Off to shop! 😀
4-Loko? That stuff is crack… and unfortunately has caused me to blackout 🙁 (but I was stupid enough to drink it on an empty stomach…lesson learned!)… Never drinking that stuff again!
Looks like a fun party! I’ve always wanted to go to one of those!
Have a great Saturday!
4-Loko has officially been banned in Massachusetts. Probably a good thing haha.
probably a VERY good thing! it tasted like gasoline.
WI too! They have pulled it from shelves everywhere
IN too!
It is in NY too!
I am no help there because I have been wanting those SAME flats. I’m using all my self-control not to buy them. Eek!
maybe we should buy them for each other? 😉
Hahahaha. Deal!
1. My post today is also about an Ugly Christmas Sweater party. Too funny!
2. I LOVE those Tory Burch flats, and I am so not a flats person. But they are amaze-balls. Hopefully you can find them on sale or something.
3. Someone at my party was also wearing that pink sweater in the second picture! <3 it!
The party looks like it was fun!!!!
too bad about canceling the date….hope ya’ll have a good weekend, though!!!!
MMM I love what you ended up doing with the goat cheese!
I had wanted a pair of TB revas forever and waited until a bloomingdales 30% off sale. Well they feel good when you first slip them on, but after a few hours they hurt the tops of my feet! Theyre pretty and classy but not comfy. If you want a pair, scour nordstrom rack (saw them for 120 once) or wait for a bloomies buy more save more. Hope they work for you!
Well if you’ve ever read my blog, you *know* I would never tell you not to buy a fabulous pair of shoes. Do it Julie..come on do it 😉
What is going on with LM? I have had to work every weekend for the last 6 months. Tell Ryan he’s not alone 🙁
really! 🙁 🙁 no good! he thinks it’ll be crazy through january. boo!
Looks like you guys had a great time! Quick question…where did you guys find those sweaters?? I have been looking everywhere and can’t find anything “festive” enough (i.e. hysterically tacky haha)
I found mine at a thrift store last year.
i’m not sure if you have these stores around you, but beall’s outlet, steinmart, kohl’s & even sears are good bets!
Holy moly… I give you credit for trying four loko. That stuff scares me, especially since *this* article: http://www.kansan.com/news/2010/nov/04/opposites-attract-four-loko/
I think it’s since been banned in Kansas!
I love ugly sweater parties! We used to turn this into a date function when I was in my sorority. So fun!
I love the pic of Sadie on your computer!
I love those flats and feel like I should them in orange. I don’t own any orange clothing and think the flats would help me change that. I also think you getting the tan ones are a must, I mean everyone should get themselves a Christmas present too.
Is it wrong I think everyones sweater was cute not ugly? I probably will end up being one of those grandma’s too! My only question is where was Ryan’s sweater?
haha he gets REALLY hot in big sweaters, so he opted for a festive “santa’s little helper” hat w/ a green polo instead.
I love ugly sweater parties! Those shoes are cuper cute by the way! I love all the fun colors they come in!
Haha I’m very jealous of that guy’s sweater! I’m going to scour eBay now to see if I can find a similar one! 😛
he actually paid $20 to get it shipped overnight. apparently it was a “must have!”
Nice sweaters! I went to an ugly sweater party last year, and I found the sweater in my room a few days ago. I even wore it for fun while baking the other day!
Bagels at the car shop? Now THAT’S service 😀 The dip you made sounds amazing, and so simple too. You should add it to your recipe page, I’m sure someone would love it for a holiday party!!
Enjoy your date night and tell Sadie I said hi 😉
p.s. why is Ryan not dressed for the ocassion?! I was looking forward to seeing his idea, haha!!
see above response to comment #13. 🙂
Wow sounds like we had the same night! I went to an ugly sweater party last night too! picture a golf-looking sweater with clubs, flags and tees knitted on it….and baseballs for buttons? haha. The party also had appearances by yummy sugar cookies and 4 lokos! Yea, not my cup of tea either and like above, it has been banned in california!
Ahhh four lokos! Those are the best–and the worst in college! Too bad they are banning them! 🙁
Get the shoes! What better time to splurge a bit than the holidays?? Plus, those shoes are adorable. Which is precisely why I am getting a pair for Christmas. haha
Oh my gosh Four Loko. That stuff is NO JOKE….they just banned it from being sold anymore in NYC. It’s so hardcore!!
so weird…….I went to an ugly sweater party last night (rocked a sweet bedazzled vest with harley davidson references on the back) the guy who won best-worst dressed also had jingle bells dangling from his sweater, and my car (lexus SUV) is in the shop today as well…do we have parallel lives? lol!
That party sounds like so much fun! And the dip you made sounds delicious!!
Good luck with the shopping! Don’t buy the flats!! (or do, haha)
I loved reading this post! I couldn’t believe it actually, because:
a) you are my favorite food blogger
b) my boyfriend and I went to an tacky xmas sweater party last night as well
c) I also tried 4 loco for the first time! It tasted like carbonated medicine or something, weird!
So when I read this morning, I totally cracked up!
hahaa i love ugly xmas sweater parties lol! so fun & you gotta love seeing all your friends in dorky, fun xmas outfits! looks like you had a good time. ps i thought they banned four loco or something weird like that!? maybe not though
YES!! hahaha ugly sweater parties are amazing. 😛 Glad you had suhc a great time!
Had a Four Loko last night, and every time I drink it I wake up with the WORST hangover. I think I’ll stick to wine from now on 😉