Tonight I wanted comfort food.
Pork and baked apples sounded perfect. Throw a little onion, some cinnamon and salt and pepper into the mix and you’ve got an easy, yet delicious, dinner.
Ryan was a great help and chopped up the onions so I didn’t have to cry my eyes out. We sautéed half of a large onion while I cut a large Granny Smith apple into slices.
After spraying a glass baking dish with cooking spray, I lined the dish with half of the chopped onion before layering half of the apple slices on top.
I then placed the pork on top of the apples, seasoned it with salt and pepper, sprinkled the remaining onions on top before adding the remaining apple slices and a hefty sprinkle of cinnamon.
I placed the pork into the oven to roast at 375 for about 25 minutes.
I used really thin pork which made the cooking time nice and short.
The smell of the apples and cinnamon made our tummies grumble as we waited for the dish finish roasting.
It was worth the wait. I went back for seconds and enjoyed every bite.
I’m hoping to hop in bed nice and early tonight to be well rested for tomorrow. Hoping to return to work!
That looks yum yum! lol
and I hope you feel better!!
That looks delicious! I may have to try that one night for the boyfriend and I. Bonus that it’s an easy to make dish!
yum!! looks good!
looks good! i give you credit for making dinner while you’re sick. i would be ordering some take out! hahaha.
I hope you feel better soon! 🙂
My hubby likes this meal, but we saute the onions and apples together and throw it on top of the chops when they’re done! Delicious!
This reminds me of eating pork chops and applesauce when I was a little kid! 🙂
looks good! i’ve never baked pork chops before…
Hope you’re feeling better, because I sure am not 🙁 This sore throat is killer! If you have any anecdotes to share I’d love to hear them! 🙂
i love pork…probably the most flavorful, delicious meat there is 🙂
I hope you feel better!!I’ve just had the flu myself, what helped me most was 1)cutting out all dairies from my diet (hard, but really really helpful!) 2)drinking a lot of ginger+lemon+honey infusion…it’s good too 🙂 I Hope it helps!
Yuuum that looks soooo good!!!!!!!!! I have a recipe for pork that is a cocoa-spice rub that’s really tasty, too!!! =D
I hope you are feeling better today! 🙂 Keep warm!
Hope you are feeling better! That dish looks interesting. I have never tried the combo of pork and apples before, but that actually sounds pretty tasty.
That pork looks so good! So creative of you two!
Looks delicious! I wonder how this combo would be made in a slow cooker?