Whenever I hear the word “remix” I am reminded of the Napster days when I would download popular songs for free, only to find them “remixed” by some random kid who would randomly shout “This is the reeeeemix. DJ Ray Ray comin’ at ya!” in the middle of my new favorite song.
Those were the days….
Tonight’s reeemix didn’t involve Napster music. It involved beef! After work I came home to take Sadie on a walk with Ryan who had the day off. (Ryan’s whole company has this entire week off, but he has to go in tomorrow. Bust!) Once we were done freezing our faces off with Sadie, we headed to the grocery store to pick up food for the week, including BEEF.
Ryan was in the mood for some ground beef, so I used the lean meat to make a sloppy joe remix bowl.
I basically followed my standard sloppy joe recipe, but added carrots and served it in a bowl rather than on a bun since we both wanted more meat than a simple hamburger bun could hold. Cook up some beef in this household and you’re guaranteed an audience of the furry variety.
After going through her entire trick arsenal, Sadie lost patience with me and demanded beef. Of course I obliged because I am a sucker.
Dessert came in the form of two Ghirardelli peppermint chocolate squares. Christmas candy rocks!
What does not rock, however, is peanut butter finger candy. Ryan gave me this candy in my Christmas stocking which I thought was such a thoughtful little stocking stuffer! Unfortunately it tastes like butt.
We both had one piece and tossed it. Though it tasted pretty awful, it had a pretty awesome name. I think I will try to work the word “nutfinger” into my conversations on a regular basis.
Hope you all have a great night, you crazy nutfingers! 😀
Oh Sadie, how I love thee!
Nut finger is right up there with hubbs’ favorite word… Nut butter.
A sloppy joe bowl…I am ALL over that!!
“unfortunately it tastes like butt”
buahahahahahaha. i had to stop myself from bustin out laughin at my desk. 🙂
agreed….I had to stop myself too hahahah. Thank goodness I work in the lobby where no one can hear my laughter or occasional ranting…
Sadie is so cute, especially in that little snuggie outfit you have her in.
“unfortunately it tastes like butt.” HAHAH.
Sadie is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!! I looove ghiradelli chocolates….too bad about the “nutfingers”, I’ve had some that were actually pretty good.
“Unfortunately it tastes like butt” HAHA well at least the peppermint chocolates were good 😉 They’re such a classic, love em! As well as sloppy joes and NAPSTER, oh wow, throwback!
Enjoy your evening! Tell Sadie we all say hello 😀
sadie has the funniest face!
I love sadie in that second picture!
bahaha. you have some great phrases Julie! 🙂
You have much more courage than I do for trying something that came from Bass Pro Shops. 😉
And I love that you still make Sloppy Joe’s! I actually really enjoy homemade ones, but I’m stuck being the only person eating them when I make them. I’m glad I’m not alone!
Haha you crack me up sometimes! 🙂
Aw, Sadie looks so cute howling! The beef remix looks pretty delicious too! I totally remember those Napster days, and I kind of miss them sometimes! You weren’t cool unless you had Napster!
Err that kinda looks like dog snacks..are you sure it’s not?
Tell Ryan I have to go in to. LM is sucking the life out of me. I have a proposal that’s due and unfortunately our international Customers don’t celebrate Christmas. Bah Humbug!
EWW they look like doggy food/treats! bleh lol.
I want real sloppy joes now! Nice remix.
“This is reeeemix! Julie comin at ya!’ haha
call me crazy.
oo yummy sloppy joes! ahahah too bad those little fingers didnt taste good- they sure sounded like it!
Bahaha I remember those stupid Napster remixes. I’m like, “aww man, I just wanna hear the real song.”
That’s what we get for not paying for our music back then I guess. 😉
And does “nutfingers” sound dirty to anyone but me? hehehe
I love Sadie’s jacket. My pug PITCHES a fit when I try to put his hoodie on. 🙂
Those peanut butter things would of been the perfect snack for you because of the peanut-butter-finger-like name, it’s too bad they tasted awful 😛
I love the sloppy joe bowl! It looks so good! Haha..I love the statement, “it tastes like butt!” So funny!
I’m with Amy, the whole Bass Pro Shop would make me suspicious. They just don’t look very appealing.
Ugh I used to HATE it when I got the random DJ on my illegally downloaded music. DJ K Slay was always the one I seemed to get. He was on everything. You get what you pay for I guess 😉
Seriously, those look like dog treats! Or fish tackle?? eeeww! haha!
Cute tights! Do you know where they’re from?
yep! they’re from off 5th… the saks fifth avenue outlet.