Salads get really old really fast for me if they don’t include a lot of different flavors and textures. Lettuce-only salads are not my friend.
But this little lady is!
Shameless Sadie picture, I know. 😀
My salad included a myriad of colors and flavors which made it a success in my book!
In the mix:
- Iceberg lettuce
- Celery
- Mushrooms
- Red pepper
- Sesame garlic tempeh
- Kraft light Asian sesame dressing
Who doesn’t love a lunch that is both pretty and delicious?
To Half or Not to Half?
As you probably gathered from my past few blog posts, I feel like I am in a bit of an exercise rut. Sure I’ve been going to the gym, but I’ve just been going through the motions and not really challenging myself. I’m motivated enough to get there, but have been struggling with pushing myself (mostly on cardio days).
With the help of a new playlist and reviewing some of my old favorite workouts, I’m definitely feeling more motivated to sweat it out. Initially I was planning on revisiting my old interval and plyometric workouts until late this morning when I received an email from a friend informing me about the First Watch half marathon in Sarasota, Florida on March 13.
I instantly felt a spark of enthusiasm. Is this what I need to push myself again and feel motivated?
Its been five months since I ran my last half marathon and I’ve been feeling the itch again. I’ve been going back and forth deciding whether or not to register.
I have three reasons I want to register:
- I love having a fitness goal
- The feeling of accomplishment after a big race (and even a long run) is amazing
- I think registering would help me break out of my exercise rut
But I have three things holding me back:
- I hate running in the cold
- I don’t like feeling like I have to run
- I would like to include more variety in my workouts
As you can see, the first two of the three things keeping me from signing up are pretty much the lamest excuses in the whole world.
Please weigh in… What do you think I should do? What would you do?
Do it! I think the fact that you even mentioned it indicates you’re leaning towards DOING it rather than forgetting about it! Goals always motivate me too!
To Half!! I’m in the same boat as you. I hate running in the cold and I definitely HATE feeling like I have to run, instead of running because I want to. But I also know that if I don’t have a goal in mind then I’m not going to push myself. I am signing up for the Maryland Half in May so I can stay motivated. And you can keep some variety in your workouts on your cross-training days. You’re already at a great mileage in your runs so I say go for it. If you do it you won’t regret it, but if you don’t do it you’ll wish you had. Go for it 🙂
Do it, girl!
I’m registered for the Sarasota Half. And while you’re at it, the Melbourne Half is coming up on 2/6 and the Gasparilla in Tampa is on 2/27. I’m doing those too. 🙂
P.S. I used to live in Sarasota. It’s warmer there than in Orlando.
P.S. The average high in Sarasota in March is 77. That’s basically summer!
I’m in the same position! There’s a half near me on the 7th of March and I would love to do it, but the thought of running because I have to doesn’t appeal to me…
I hate the cold too, and here in the UK it’s pretty freeeezing at the moment!
I’m hopefully gonna do a 10k in feb, so if my training for that goes well, it’d be nice to push myself to go for the half 🙂
I would say, don’t do it…why? Because you just did a half a few months back and have another one (Rock n Roll, no?) in a few more months. Spend this time cultivating a new workout hobby, like Bikram, spinning, dance classes, etc 🙂
Hi Julie! I think you should look for a triathalon or something similar to train for. It would give you a goal to work towards and allow for more varied workouts!
Hey Julie!
Love your post today because I can totally relate to your struggle! My number one hesitation that is holding me back from running a marathon is that I HATE feeling like I have to run and I know that I will push myself too hard and probably will end up with an injury.
To weigh in on your question I have to say that 5 months since your last halfy isn’t that long (although I understand that it’s long enough that your itching to get back at it). Also, you want to switch up your routines and getting back into a running cycle isn’t introducing anything new to your life.
Soooo my vote is wait another few months and register for another halfy a little later on, and right now switch up your work outs.
My recent blog posts on my page (although not nearly as good as yours, I commented here before about mine and how I am literally just starting to blog) talk about switching up my routines pretty much the day of the workout. Being some what spontaneous is really rejuvenating! I’m in the northeast right now so snow sports are really at my fingertips but for example I’ve been switching between downhill skiing, snowshoeing (intense workout by the way), hiking, ice skating etc..
Maybe some options for you would be to take a step class? Zumba? SPIN!!!?? I love spin, when I get in a running rut I turn to spin for instant relief. Take your husband too my boyfriend loves to ride and men are in the class all the time!
Anyways, this is getting very long so I am sorry and I hope you took the time to read it!
Jennifer (The Gourmetour)
maybe sign up for a 10k. you can train on a treadmill more easily, and dont have to run as much/could do other fun workouts.
Ugh, I hate exercising in the cold too! But something I learned that really helps is this: simply “warming up” while inside my house! It could be a couple jumping jacks, or jogging in place, maybe even having a lil’ private dance party just to get my blood pumping. Makes a huuuuuuuuuuuuge difference.
Regarding the pain–Caitlin from HTP always quotes “Pride is forever, pain is only temporary” or something like that. 🙂
You can do it!
If you want something different to work towards, what about the New Rules of Lifting for Women book, or Female Body Breakthrough? I’m a fan of both programs.
Would be interesting to see the difference in how you feel etc between training focused on more weights/interval cardio opposed to steady state cardio.
i think you should try to get back into the swing of running without signing up and if it goes well and you’re feeling motivated, then find a race. so in other words, start as if you are training but don’t COMPEL yourself to train and see how it goes, if that makes sense? i haven’t run a half since 07 cause i hate HAVING to run when i don’t want to, and i didn’t train properly for the first and got an injury 🙁 good luck!
I don’t like exercising in the cold either.
You should do it!!! We all believe in you! 🙂
I think you should do it. It really sounds like you need a new physical challenge and all of your reason to do it are way better then your reasons to not do it.
In regards to the cold, just be thankful you do not live in Madison, WI where it is in the teens everyday! I have the hardest time making myself run!
I’ve only commented maybe once or twice before, even though I’ve been reading your blog since before your wedding. I just woke up from a short nap where I dreamed you sent me a care package from Australia filled with peanut butter cups and sour patch kids. No idea where any of that came from 🙂
I have never regretted signing up for a half marathon. It will be an experience you will always remember. Also, if you don’t like being on a training schedule maybe try making a more flexible one where you only run three days a week and on the other days you do your own thing. I say go for it!
Do it!! I did 3 half marathons in 2010 and I love them! I am just starting a training plan for my first marathon this May! I am in PA and it is cold running, but you get used to it!
I say do it. I am doing my 3rd half in March because I LOVE the distance! Its far, but not a marathon. As far as not loving to run when you dont want too, I only ran 3 x a week to train, the other days cross trained with kickboxing and power 90. You can do 3 days easy!
If you think a few months would be sufficient time to train, then I would say go for it! For me, I know that would not be enough time to train adequately.
Good luck!
I would RUN, RUN, RUN……but I am a runner!
I think it is totally attainable. I trained for my first half for more than 6 months and it was FAR too long. I was ready to run it by month 3/4! Since then, I have run 3 and I’m patiently waiting for my next 3 (Sarasota is actually one of them – I’ve heard it’s a great race). Since you know you can run 13 miles – I would definitely do it! Racing is so fun.
i’m personally waiting until april to run 2 more half marathons….i live in tennessee and i HATE running in cold weather. jan. and feb. are the worst.! last year my running partner had to bribe me with runs to a coffee shop to get me out the door! however, i bet you’re in such great shape that you don’t have to worry about keeping up a stringent running schedule. i’ve found that my body remembers the half distance quite easily.. (but not the full 26.2…..)
This is just my 2 cents (I haven’t run a 1/2 yet), but I would wait to start training for a 1/2 until the weather is what you’re comfortable running in. It’s no fun to train when you’re not diggin’ the weather (I HATE the cold so I know how that goes!) – and you don’t want to be doing all your runs on the treadmill either. That way, you can kick up the variety in your exercise for now and then train for a 1/2 later this year. Perhaps the extra variety will even help you train better!
You should do something fun like a Muddy Buddy race (they’re having one in Orlando April 9). That way you can train in different ways other than just running. I did a Tough Mudder in October (7 miles in the mountains with a bunch of octacles throughout) and it was a huge motivator during the three months I was training for it. Because it required you to have both endurance and strength I had to find ways to train that would prepare me for not only running up hills, but also clambering up and over obstacles and wading through mud. It was a really fun and challenging race. And they had a fun afterparty. I think the Muddy Buddy is similar. And you could do it with Ryan if you decided to do it in a team! 🙂 Something like that might help you get out of your rut.
They’re also having a Tough Mudder in Georgia in March if you want to look into that, too. I know I get bored when I feel like I’m just going through the motions- these events really force you to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Just thought I would throw that idea out there for you to consider! 🙂
I’m not the best person to ask, since I’ve been waffling about an exercise program myself. I keep thinking I want to take up running… but then I wonder if I’m too heavy at the moment, and if my knee can take it. And I want something fun, like Zumba … running seems like a lot of work.
I say if you want to do the half, do it.
alright here is my honest opinion and it is a tough one. I hate the cold with a passion, its horrible, I would much rather hibernate all winter long and running in the cold is miserable I will not lie.
I say if you are able to run on a treadmill to train go for it because you can still mix up your exercise will training it is actually good for you to take a break from running on a few days.BUT if you are going to be running outside a ton in the cold your not going to want to run which will make you feel like your forcing yourself to run because of the race.
I hope this helps a little. I went through a similar experience with the Disney Marathon last year. 15 degree wind chill was not what I was expecting
Yes! Do it!
I have fallen in love with training for races. I’m doing an 8k, 2 halfs, and one full marathon this year. All within the Chicagoland area (represent!).
I hope you decide to sign up! And if you ever decide to get crazy to do a full marathon, come back and do the Chicago Marathon! Hands down the best race I’ve ever run!
I feel ya, girl. I, like you, HATE running in the cold, and I have been very lucky with my temperatures for my two halfs, especially my first, the November OBX Half in 2009!
I’ve always trained on a treadmill, and I make myself faster by starting at 7.0 and raising the speed as the milage increases, ending with a sprint at 10.0 for the last .10 of the mile. It works like a charm to up my speed, and I think it makes up for the fact that I train on the tread.
What can I say, it gets boring for me training outside. 🙂
Also, I mixed up my training for my first half… I did four days of cardio and weight-trained on Tuesday and Thursday. I know you’re more into weight-training, so that cutting back may be hard, but I felt pretty well-rounded and had my best time when I trained that way.
Let us know what you decide!
i say, go for it! there are a lot of training plans out there that can incorporate cross training… so you can do a couple maintainace runs during the week, a workout, and a long run. that leaves you 2-3 days to cross train or take the day off. training for a race always motivates me to workout no matter what- i think it’d be good for your rut 🙂 just my 2 cents though!!
Put the date of the last day you can register without the cost going up on your calendar…start training…if you haven’t trained enough by the date you marked on your calendar don’t do it 🙂 That way you have been running, but maybe not totally committed and you dont feel like you have to keep running if the weather gets too cold since you already paid.