Is victory!
That crazy contraption I’m trying out in the above picture would be a TRX suspension strap. Ryan received the strap for Christmas from his mom and has been asking if I have wanted to try it ever since.
I’ve seen what he does on that thing and it looks tough. I’ve declined his offer to teach me some exercises on the TRX strap for a while now.
Today I finally gave in and told him he could show me some core exercises. They were no joke! The strap uses your body weight and balance to totally kick your butt.
As I was watching Ryan demonstrate some of the exercises he wanted me to try, a man sitting near by said, “On the other side of fear is victory.”
Sounds like something I should add to my list of exercise mantras, huh?
Well, his words of encouragement resonated with me and I attempted everything Ryan showed me. I loved the plank-like movements and can totally see how this simple strap could totally rock your body. I’m glad I gave it a go!
Before attempting the TRX exercises, I did the following total-body workout:
- 20 min. ellitpical
Followed by three sets of the following:
- 20 Swiss ball squats (as seen on my friend Ben’s website)
- 20 Swiss ball hamstring curls
- 15 leg extensions
- 15 deadlifts
- 15 shoulder raises
- 15 bicep curls
- 15 tricep dips
Then I bounced around on a Bosu ball while waiting for Ryan to finish his workout. Bounce, bounce, bounce. 😀
Walk + Breakfast
After the gym, we came home to take Sadie on a quick one-mile walk around the neighborhood. Though our walk lasted less than 20 minutes, it was still plenty of time for our little stick lover to nab a delicious-looking piece of wood. When we arrived back home, it was time for breakfast!
Dippy eggs + Canadian bacon + Toasted multigrain English muffin
Runny yolks are the best.
Off to shower before meeting up with my friend Merri for some shopping! 😀
Motivational Mantra of the Day
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. (Stephanie, a la Beverly Sills)
At first glance, I didn’t realize your feet were in a strap… I though ‘WOW!’ Hahaha 🙂
Jackie I didn’t see it at first either. I was thinking Julie kicks butt. She still does though, that workout looks hard!
Your breakfast looks so good! I love dipping toast in dippy eggs. Yummy!
Interesting contraption there!
Runny yolks are awesome. They are nostalgic for me because my mom used to always make them for me when I was little. 🙂
What brand canadian bacon is that? I may have to pick some up.
Sadie is so cute!
Wow! That looks so hard. I’m pretty sure I would have done a complete face plant!
ahhh ive used that strap before!! its tough- i have a hyperextended back…. which always causes a problem on that thing.. my back just bends and snaps
I love the motivational mantra! 🙂
That strap looks crazy, but I bet it works super well, AND I love what that guy said! “On the other side of fear is victory.”
I just tried the TRX as well…the planks are killer on that! Such a different feel with being ‘suspended’…it kicked my butt!
Love love love the trx!
it works sooo well! Plus its a nice change from banging yourself up with weights!
I want to try one of those TRX things 🙂 And I love that you call your eggs “Dippy Eggs”! I thought my family were the only ones! Have a great weekend 🙂
The TRX stuff looks so tough! I actually can’t wait to gain enough strength to give it a try.
I would love to try those bands! I actually saw them at a hotel gym (that was outside on a terrace) when we were in Scottsdale Arizona and I kinda played around with them, not knowing what they were really for!
I LOVE that quote! it actually fits my life perfectly right now. P.S. great post by Ryan! you’ve got a good man 🙂
What a neat little contraption that is… I’ve never even heard of it! Can you only use it at the gym? Or can you somehow set it up…(on like, a doorknob?) at home? Hmm… I’m intrigued!
PS. That quote is really resonating with me today. I start my marathon training, and my first long run calls for 9 miles this afternoon!
That’s awesome that you overcame your fear and tried it! That thing would kick my butt! Love sunny-side up eggs! Yum!
The TRX band looks great! Maybe sometime Ryan can do another video with 2 or 3 moves with the band????
That TRX band looks so hard, but AWESOME haha I’m glad you got to try it out 🙂 You look like a badass! So does Sadie and that stick, daaang girl, where can I find me a stick like that?! 😉
Enjoy your day, Julie!
They have a ton of those straps hung up at my gym, but I am way too intimidated to try them! The class that uses them isn’t at a good time for me, but that would probably be a good place to try them out!
I love TRX!
That TRX suspension strap looks soo hard!! It must give u such a good workout.
Your walk with Sadie and Ryan looks very enjoyable and to top it off with a great breakfast! bingo! aha
🙂 Chocolate-Coated Runner
The strap looks great! The plank is hard enough as it is, let alone in that thing! 😛
Love the motivational mantra of the day by the way! 😀
Wow that looks tough! I would so try it!
Great mantra! That TRX band thing looks HARD!
I looove eggs with runny yolks….so much more flavor than hard-boiled eggs!
That TRX thingy looks crazy hard! I struggle to keep my balance doing normal, day-to-day activities…like walkingwithout tripping over my own two feet. I’m sure I’d give everyone at the gym a few good chuckles if I tried this contraption out 🙂
What a cool contraption! I’d love to give it a try!
I have seen the TRX bands once but I thought they might be to easy – but if I look at the pictures now I guess I was wrong 😉
I heart the TRX trainer! The best move I’ve found on it are rows. Who knew bodyweight rows could make you cry? 🙂
I love that mantra at the end!!
wow that looks intense!!
Definately a new mantra!! ive always been a bit intimidated by it but still want to try the TRX’s. GREAT JOB!!!
Mmm that froyo looks soo delish!
You are awesom chick! Very inspiring workout today 🙂
The TRX looks awesome! You can also do a similar exercise by balancing the tops of your feet on an exercise ball and pulling your knees into your chest… it’s like, so 2007, but it still works and it’s one of my favorite exercises! 😉
I’ve workout out with the TRX bands…once! Totally kicked my bootay!
The TRX bands look so crazy! I may just have to give them a try sometime. – Thank you for the inspiration!
I have been wanted to try TRX for a while now, you just gave me the push I needed to give it a go 🙂
Oh my gosh I’m such a tool, I didn’t see the strap in your first two pictures and was like “how are you doing that!?!?” LOL
LOVE runny yolks. that strappy thing looks fun!
I love the TRX (which I like to pronounce as t-rex)!! There are SO many different workouts for it, I never lose interest in using it!