Doesn’t she look regal and oh-so-intelligent in the above picture?
Well, don’t be fooled. As my dad says, her brain is filled with “white noise.” 😉 Ryan and I always defend her honor and says she’s a smartie (she learned all her tricks in less than five minutes!), but then again she is entertained by laser pointers for hours.
She is also captivated by squirrels which were out in droves this morning as Ryan and I walked Sadie around the lake near our apartment following our morning workouts (BodyPump + 10 min. on the elliptical for me).
I’m sure my breakfast this morning will come of no surprise to you…
Ah yes, my new favorite!
I changed it up a bit and instead of one egg white, added two fried eggs on top of the cinnamon raisin bagel thin, but I think I’ll go back to one egg white next time. The two eggs took away from the delicious flavor of the gooey Muenster cheese. No bueno.
Even still, it was quite fantastic.
To Clean or Not to Clean
And now a little fun!
On most mornings I enjoy something hot from a tumbler I keep on my desk.
Lately I’ve been on a huge tea kick, but I will also sip on hot coffee from the tumbler as well.
So here’s the thing. I don’t wash my tumbler after each use. In fact, I’ll often let the tea that I didn’t finish sit overnight.Then, the next morning, I’ll rinse it out under hot water for a bit before refilling it with the day’s warm beverage.
Just this morning I saw someone else cleaning their coffee mug with soap and water and I felt like I was Grungy McGee for thinking a simple rinse = clean!
Is this gross? I sure hope not, because I don’t see myself changing this little habit any time soon.
On that note, I’m off to drink my tea and get some work d-o-n-e!
I do the same exact thing…BECAUSE…..our office has a “communal sponge.” There is about oh….40 some-odd people in my office and I would much rather do a rinse than “clean my cup” with a sponge that 40 other ppl have used. EW!!!
I do the same thing with my tea mug! I don’t think there is any need for scrubbing!
Maybe that person left theirs out for a week and it was really yucky!
I do the same thing, I just rinse and call it goood. I mean the tea and coffee have got to be hot enough to kill any germs! The only time that I clean mine out with soap is if it smells funky. Like mold. That happens from time to time when I forget to use my coffee canister at work. 🙂 You’re normal!
I do the same thing! I don’t think it’s gross. I’m often grossed out by our kitchen sponge at work so I think my method is just as good. I’ll give it a soap washing about once a week but mostly it’s just under hot water for a while.
The way I see it, I ain’t dead yet.
I do the same thing with my water glass at work. I maybe wash it once every couple months. So I am gross too. 🙂
I do the same thing! I never use soap to rise out my tea mug (even if it did sit over night) because then I’m paranoid my tea will taste like soap!
I don’t wash out my mug with soap everytime I use it, but I try to bring it home on the weekends and throw it in the dishwasher… it’s just hard to remember to actually bring it!
Idon’t think it’s a big deal to not wash your tumbler. I don’t know the mechanics behind it or whatever, but if it’s just like a reusable cup, then I don’t see them big deal. I reuse my water bottles without washing them all the time.
I wash out my coffee mug usually just once a week. Rinsing out every morning works for me as well!
I don’t really think that’s gross at all – I would rather have my tumbler taste slightly like tea than like lemon-flavored dish soap!!
haha it’s funny you mentioned that, because I spent a good 10 minutes this morning scrubbing mine and my fiance’s coffee tumblers that we use everyday- it was DISGUSTING! apparently it’s a good idea to wash the lid daily because there was something nasty growing in the rims of ours!
I used to be CRAZY about washing away the tea stains from the day before but then I found I could usually taste the soap. Not awesome. I’ve been re-using a cup for about a week and then washing it and moving on to a different cup.
I do the same thing! So happy to have someone talk about it because I always feel like I am the only one being gross and try to hide it when I just rinse with hot water 🙂 Also, I am in love with your cinnamon raising bagel thin/ egg white/ cheese combo – yum! Thanks!
I think that’s perfectly fine. I do the same thing and bring it home over the weekend to put in the dishwasher!
I do the same thing as well 🙂 I don’t think it makes a difference at all, some people just like to feel that things are “more clean” or whatever. I do put it in the dishwasher eventually though.
I think it’s totally fine! I would just make a point to wash it properly every so often because a friend of mine used the same aluminum water bottle for a while (way longer than would be appropriate, though) without giving it a good soaping and ended up with a stomach infection! Ack!
I am the same way with my coffee mug at work. 🙂
I have that Vizsla calender hanging in my office 🙂 And my pup is with me at work today….cant get enough!
I do the same thing with my mug. I always drink plain tea out of it (no milk or sugar), so I only wash it occasionally and definitely leave the last couple of drops until the next time. It’s not going to mold or stink or anything of the sort, so why bother.
Though I do wash it when switching between tea and coffee, but that’s just because I don’t like leftover coffee flavor in my tea.
You’re not gross. Just think how much soap and water the germ-a-phobe is wasting.
Not gross but I would wash it after coffee. It tend to linger and might ruin the delicate tea tastes. I’d also wash the top where I drink out of. That tends to get gross.
Haha I’m so glad someone else does this!! I thought I was Grungy McGee too but I definitely give you props for being able to admit it to the blog world! I think all of us can come clean now with our lack of soap rinsing. Maybe our mugs won’t be totally clean, but our consciences will be 🙂
I’m with everyone else on this. If that’s gross then I’m gross because I never clean my Camelbak with soap and water after each use.
I do the same thing. This morning I forgot to rinse it though :O
I do make sure it dries out at night, because bacteria doesn’t like dry surfaces. And I have two and every couple weeks i wash one and swap it with the one I’ve been using.
I totally do this with my coffee mug…and my coffee pot too. I just recently realized this might be horrible of me and am making more of an effort to wash my coffee pot after each use.
You’re obviously not alone! 😉
I also only rinse my travel mug each morning (I always have tea in it) and then it get’s a good wash on the weekend when I’m not using it. 🙂
I only do this with water cups…if it had anything other than water, it must be washed. I’m kind of a freak like that 😉
Um … I totally do the same thing. And not just with my coffee mug. I also do it with the giant Tervis cup I use for water. I might even drink the leftover water sometimes … you know when I’m dying of thirst and don’t feel like walking all the way to corporate kitchen to refill. At least it has a lid …
I don’t do that either because there’s no oil so why do I need to use dishwasher? If I dishwash everything, I’m consuming even more chemicals!
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but…I used to clean office spaces on the weekends and its a bit funny how office workers think things are cleaner than they really are. From my perspecive they are more disgusting than people realize!
Coffee and tea are organic materials and leave oil and particulate residue that you can’t always see directly. And yes they *do* get growth on the surface of the liquid even just sitting out over night. You might not see it but its there.
If you just drink pure water then you can get away with not cleaning if you leave the container to air dry. But if you drink tea or coffee and really don’t want to scrub it at the end of the day at least throw out the liquid or rinse it and leave it to air-day disassembled on paper towels at your desk.
I do the same thing with my coffee mug, but I do a pretty decent washing of it every week or so. I think you’re fine.
i’m guilty of “not to clean” just a quick rinse and it’s good to go….again ;p
I’m one of those grody people who doesn’t wash their tumblers out every day lol. In fact, I also re-use Dunkin Donuts or Honey Dew cups (after rinsing, of course!). I only actually wash my tumbler about once a week.
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um, i kind of hate cleaning my tumbler, but i do it once a week with hot water and soap. such a pain…the rinse sounds so much easier!
I’m definitely a fan of the travel mug rinse! I mean, you shouldn’t clean those things too much, y’know? 😉
I reuse my tumbler too sometimes. It depends what I had in it, but sometimes I don’t see the need wash it between uses. Just rinse it with hot water and go!
I do that too. I rinse it out every day and every other day or so, I’ll wash the lid with soap and water. But the poor tumbler itself doesn’t get properly cleaned very often.
I have a reusable water bottle from starbucks that holds like 32 oz. I barely ever take it home for a wash unless I’ve been sick, then I take it home and dishwasher it. Our work kitchen doesn’t have a sponge or soap, so like you I rinse it out on occassion, but not really since I just drink water from it.
i only wash mine during the week if it smells funky! then give it a good wash during the weekend.
I do the same thing don’t worry! Do you let Sadie chase laser pointers? I thought they were not good for dogs.
omg, really? i’m off to google this! we really don’t let her chase them often, but my dad will take them out every once in a while when we’re visiting b/c they make her go crazy. thanks for the head’s up about them being potentially dangerous. i’ll look into it for sure!
I just rinse out my to go mug and let it sit overnight with soapy water then rinse the next morning…so I’m right there with you on not “cleaning” my mug.
I LOVE that you have a dog calendar! I have a doberman and I have yet to find a 2011 doberman calendar for work so I still have mine up from Dec. confuses me to this day.
I do the same thing – just rinse it with hot water during the week and give it one cycle through the dishwasher on the weekends! works for me…plus hot water is sterile. Right?
Sadie is such a darling!!! 🙂
You are not alone! I do the same thing 🙂
hahaha i do the exact same thing, i use the same coffee cup everyday, i wash it about once a week
I am obsessive about clean glasses and mugs, so I just put my glass into the dishwasher after each use. I have found it to work best for me. I just run my dishwasher every night and when I get up I get my mug out of the dishwasher! 🙂
HA I love that you say no bueno.. My boyfriend and I say that all the time