To be totally honest, I am rarely in the mood to put myself through an interval workout, but once I’m about two minutes into the workout, I’m hit with a sense of determination and motivation to kick some booty on the treadmill.
I changed up the routine I found in my wristlet a bit and ended up spending 30 minutes on the treadmill. In the end, my workout looked like this:
Check out the two minutes at 10.0 in there! Phew!
Truth be told, the second time I ran at 10.0 for a minute, my chest felt tight and I wanted to stop 40 seconds in. I hunkered down and plowed through the last 20 seconds and completed the workout with a sense of accomplishment and some odd looks from the woman next to me who was likely wondering why I was flailing about on the treadmill like a madwoman. (In case you’re feelin’ the interval workouts, click here to see another one of my favorites!)
After my time on the treadmill was done, I completed 20 minutes of easy cardio on the elliptical while reading blogs on my phone and flipping through Runner’s World magazine.
Walk + Breakfast
A good workout deserves a good breakfast, but first I had to attend to a crazy dog that needed her morning walk.
The weather this morning was significantly colder than it has been in Orlando and Sadie was shivering as we completed a one-mile loop near our apartment.
"See How Feeble I Look? Tell My Mama and Convince Her to Buy Me 30 Double Cheeseburgers from McDonald's!"
When we arrived home, I was in the mood for a HOT breakfast.
Check out my new take on an old favorite!
I topped a cinnamon raisin bagel thin with muenster cheese and veggie bacon and toasted it until the cheese melted.
I’m beginning to think I could add anything to a cinnamon raisin and cheese bagelwich and it would be fantastic. I wonder how peanut butter would taste in this bad boy? Probably kinda weird.
I think Sadie would love it…
Time to work. See ya around lunchtime!
I love Sadie’s curly tongue!!! Ahhh, great photo! I love intervals.. 10.0 is fun 🙂
That bagelwhich looks delicious! Cinnamon raisin with PB would be fantastic – not sure about the veggie bacon & cheese with PB though!
Peanut butter would probably taste great with some brie! Just sayin 🙂
Love intervals! Have you ever tried Tabata? The premise is you’re only supposed to be able to do FOUR MINS! which is crazy. i usually do 20-25 mins on different machines, it goes really quickly!
Love interval training! Makes the workout go by really fast and burns a zillion calories!!!
Your breakfast looks delicious! Peanut butter on cinnamon raisin anything rocks! Try it, you won’t be disappointed 🙂
I really need to try this interval training business… i always steer away from the treadmill because i just have never enjoyed treadmill running before. I’m thinking intervals though would not be boring… at all. Have you always been a fan of interval training? Or did you have to take some time to get into it?
BTW, cinnamon rasien bagelthings= LOVE!! bought some last week!
intervals totally break up the boredom. SO much better than just plain running on a treadmill. i started doing them after i read a bunch of research saying how great they were for your heart!
Dang, girl!! 10??! I’d fly off the treadmill at that pace!!
yea for intervals!!
PB on the cinnamon raisin is AMAZING try it! I had it this morning and it was not even toasted…sooo good.
That’s suuuuper similar to one of my favorite interval workouts…those 10’s are killer!
I’m a HUGE fan of interval workouts. Love that one you did! I’ll definitely be adding it to my stack of workouts. Thanks for sharing!
And that breakfast looks delicious!
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