I have a new idea!
I typically workout on Saturdays, leaving Sundays as my rest day. Ryan and I will often head to the gym for a workout an hour or two after waking up on Saturday mornings.
This morning, we were up by 6:30 a.m. (Sadie was being a menace) and were at the gym right when it opened at 7 a.m.
It was awesome. The longer I put off going to the gym during the day, the less likely I am to go (and if I do go, my workout is often subpar).
Well, I think heading to the gym as soon as I wake up on Saturday mornings in the answer. When I give myself a few hours to cuddle up on the couch and relax in the morning, my workout mojo goes out the window.
This morning, my workout was comprised of various strength exercises for a total-body weights workout that looked like this:
Step-ups | 15 lbs. |
Shoulder raises | 10 lbs. |
Deadlifts | 25 lbs. |
Bicep curls | 15 lbs. |
Tricep dips | Bodyweight |
Ryan’s awesome shoulder move | 8 lbs. |
Leg extensions | 35 lbs. |
Hamstring curls | 35 lbs. |
Crunches on exercise ball | Bodyweight |
I did three sets of 15 reps of all of the above exercises (except the crunches – I did 50 of those) and super-setted them to save time and keep my heart rate up. (Just incase you’re unsure of what super-setting is, it is completing two exercises in a row without a break.)
Since Ryan was taking for-ev-errrr in the gym this morning, I zoned out on the elliptical for 15 minutes waiting for him to finish. When he was still not done, I walked home to get a jump start on this blog post.
While sitting in the backyard, playing with Sadie and typing away, my loving husband snuck around and scared the heck out of me!
He’s lucky I didn’t have my pepper spray on me or he would’ve been blasted!
Since Ryan and I have plans to go hiking this morning, we wanted to keep breakfast fast and portable.
Smoothies fit our two requirements perfectly.
In the mix:
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 handful spinach
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 c. milk
- 1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1/2 packet instant coffee
- 1 pinch xanthan gum (for thickening)
It was a mocha green monster!
Just in case you’re in the mood for a green monster, here are some of my favorites:
I’m sippin’on mine as I wrap up this post. Gotta hit the road. I’m excited for some trail hikin’!
I think someone else is too…
this post could not have had any better timing haha!
i came home from college yesterday and was surprised with a magic bullet..and was desperately searching for GM recipes on everyone’s blogs!
thank you thank you thank youuuu Julie. you’re a life saver 😀
that mocha green monster looks amazing! and i’m so jealous you’re in shorts and get to go hiking. it’s cold and snowy here in ohio.
I am soooo jealous of the sitting out side part of this post, along with the hiking and walking outside part! Ha!
We are getting snow and ice in the Midwest. I Love winter and snow, but I am looooonging for SPRING! I am living through you right now!! LOL!
Yay for green monsters!
Double yay for time with your hubby and adorable doggie!
That green monster sounds sooo yummy!!!1
Hope you have a great weekend!
I went to the gym super early yesterday despite an open schedule, and it was great. I loved having the whole morning open!! I was planning on doing it again today, but my friend crashed on my couch and has yet to wake up despite me typing as loud as I possibly can…
Have a great Saturday!!
Have fun with Ryan and Sadie!!!! 🙂
Gotta love green monsters! I’ve been adding carrots to mine lately. So good. Have fun!!
I always do better when I just wake up and GO with out thinking about it. Ill lay out my close preset coffee and drink on the way just so I dont sit around and procrastinate9(…kinda like i am now actually). Do I always do it no… but makes it so much easier when I do.
On that note my butt is up! Have fun hiking, sounds fun.
Yay for morning work outs! I was up at 7:30am for an 8:00am physique class and it’s so nice to get the workout done first thing in the morning. Wish I was going hiking today too! Not many mountains in this city…
I love just waking up and going to the gym, it frees up your whole day and gets you going! Awesome green monster ideas, hope your hike was great!
Hey Julie!
Quick question for ya! From different posts you have written it sounds like you and Ryan live in an apartment? But the pics today look like a house? If you guys moved …. congrats 🙂 Either way ….Sadie looks mighty happy with that fabulous yard and her ball 🙂 Anyways … just wondering 🙂
Yeah we call it an apartment but it is more like a really small house in the back of another house.
ahah props to you! i cannot function without breakfast leaving gym time a solid 1.5 hours after i eat!!!!! GM are the BEST post workout fuel!
I feel ya with the workouts — I can’t put them off too long after breakfast on weekends or they don’t happen. Or I just have zero motivation! The green monster looks delicious – I’ll have to try that recipe sometime. Have a great hike! 🙂
The waking up and working out asap idea is fantastic! It makes a huge difference while you’re in the gym and even with how you feel for the whole day! And I love that u can walk to your gym! So jealous!
What a productive morning!!!!! Have fun on your hike, Sadie looks ready!!! So cute 🙂
I feel guilty now because I was planning on hitting the gym this morning but was side tracked by a bacon sandwich! Whoops.
Hope you guys have fun! Sadie is armed and ready!
I need to add coffee to my green monsters! Such a good idea!
I’m usually more motivated to workout at night. Kind of weird but I’m not too much of a morning person!
I have to ask – do you use anything special to clean out the straw once you’ve had the smoothie in it? I’ve had problems with some, um, nasty remains that end up getting stuck in the straw so I’ve resorted to eating my smoothies with a spoon. 🙁
I rinse them out with really hot water immediately after using them! I also put them through the dishwasher.
Hiking is my all-time favorite! Hope you have a great time 🙂 And thanks for the green monster recommendations, I’ll have to try them out!
How funny…my hubby and I are getting into that same weekend workout routine too! During the holidays we were getting into a routine of lounging around all morning and then putting in a half ass workout in the afternoon….and that would then put us in a funk trying to get up early to work out during the work week! Now we just keep that early morning workout routine into the weekend and it makes going into the work week that much easier! And getting our workout out of the way on the weekend let’s us enjoy the rest of the day! It’s a win-win!
Nice job on going straight to the gym! While I have a hard time getting up early on week days, I LOVE getting up early on the weekends. I’d much rather do things than sleep the day away! Enjoy your trail hike!
That monster looks soo good, now I want one and your dog is soo fun
I love it when it 7PM and I’m absolutely exhausted and I know that I’ve already gotten my work out in. My class schedule next quarter will allow for that again. I’m simply not an afternoon workout-er either.
I have to eat first thing when I wake up, let it settle, get things *ahem* moving, and THEN I can go to the gym. I envy those whose bodies allow them to change things up and do what what they want, lol.
I find I’m SO much more productive and settled throughout the day if I get my workout in right away rather than putting it off. Glad you’re weekend is off to such a great start!
I too love green monsters-great portable nutrition right there 🙂 Have a great hike!
ahah great pic of your pooch!! mine always comes about blurry when i attempt to take pics of my dog. she moves around too much!!
I need to workout early too, or I lose motivation. But today, its 930 and I’m still in PJs. Crap. Well, if I’m running 15 miles tomorrow morning, I can be a bum today, right? 🙂
Morning workouts are more effective for me too. I find that I make better choices throughout the day if I work out in the AM. I’m going to use you as my motivation and do early morning workouts during the week as well!
Have a fun afternoon! I know what you mean once you get your Saturday started…please don’t stop me to work out! haha
Yummmmm mocha green monster! 🙂
I like doing cardio in the morning since I HATE cardio and will put it off all day long…but I like to have a few good meals in me before I hit the heavy weights 🙂
you went to the gym and you went hiking????? I would have just counted hiking as my “gym.”
I’m the same way…workouts get done early or they’re subpar. I can’t til the weather here gets warm enough to exercise outside!
Have a fantastic afternoon! 😀
Totally agree. I just get up and go running and try not to even think about it. Waiting until later means my run doesn’t happen or is cut short.
hope you had a great hike!
I totally agree…gotta get it done first thing! If I lay around, forget it. I meet my team (Team in Training) Saturday mornings at 7:30am. As hard as it is to get up that early on a Saturday (especially when it was pouring this morning), I feel so good when it’s done and I have the whole day ahead of me….to be lazy. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this, I cant wait to try it! I shared this on my blog: http://vixenmade.blogspot.com/2012/02/10-delicious-smoothie-recipes.html
Im thinking a healthy thickener would be chia instead of the xanthan gum. Great for hydration as well. Just an idea….
This sounds yummy! I love to make green smoothies because you can use the greens to balance out the sugars in your smoothie. I’ve really been liking this one I posted a video of on my youtube channel. It’s honestly soo yummy and easy to make! http://youtu.be/Pi1tqJX00ZU