This afternoon, the rain cleared in Orlando, leaving blue skies and slightly chilly air for us to enjoy on our evening walk with Sadie.
This is how Sadie waits for red lights…
And then we sprint across the street like crazies, flailing our arms, Phoebe Buffay style!
Our walk took us around a lake near our apartment and home within 40 minutes. Since the weather was so nice outside, we decided to kick back a bit and relax on someone’s swing on our way home…
Totally kidding. What is that? A swing for ants? 😉
By the time we made it home, our tummies were grumbling. Dinner time!
For dinner this evening, we enjoyed fish tacos.
I made the fish tacos by cooking tilapia on the stovetop and seasoning the fish with half a packet of reduced-sodium taco seasoning.
After topping some hard shell tacos with the fish, lettuce and tomato, dinner was ready!
These babies were good. I went back for seconds and really wish there were leftovers for a big taco salad for tomorrow’s lunch. Oh well!
If you love tacos but aren’t a big fan of fish, you might enjoy my recipe for slow cooker chicken tacos. It’s super easy and might be more up your alley.
Off to chill with the husband and pup for the rest of the night. See ya tomorrow… FRIDAY!
i love how patiently she waits at red lights 😉 also love your zoolander reference!
I have been searching for some good fish taco recipes. It looks like I will be giving this one a try!
Fish tacos are always so good but I have never made my own. I like it!
Thank you for referencing Friends. I might just like you even more for that reason! Enjoy your night, Julie! 🙂
Haaaa love both of your tv/movie quotes here. That episode on Friends ALWAYS makes me laugh. But i love pretty much just about every episode of Friends. And zoolander=amazeballs. “MerrrMAN!”
Glad the weather cleared up… same thing happened here in CLT! Super rainy then cleared up beautifully 🙂
I bet the swing is for birds?! How cute!
I just pictures you two parking yourself on that itty bitty swings and laughing away..then the owner of the house coming out and wondering what the heck you were doing. 😛
Um…you referenced Zoolander AND Friends!!!! Two of my faves. Not to mention those tacos look delish! I love fish tacos and I’m definitely going to try your recipe.
Fish tacos are the jam. I love topping mine with chopped red cabbage and carrots and chipotle sour cream. I love how simple your recipe is; I’d never thought to use taco seasoning. Good idea, girl!
mmm i love fish tacos! i am making tilapia cakes tonight for dinner… cant wait!
haha, a swing for ants. I love Zoolander.
A recipe for fish tacos actually popped into my Inbox today via AllRecipes Healthy Bites and I almost made it for dinner! I have actually never tried fish tacos before, but I think I really need to… They look so delicious!
hahaha omg that video of Phoebe, i LOVE it!
Yum, Tilapia tacos sound so good right now!!! maybe this weekend!
I love Fish tacos! They are super easy to throw together and taste so good!
I love reading Friends references — it is amazing how many little things each day remind me of that show.
A Friends reference AND a Zoolander reference? Well, tickle me pink! 😀
I love fish tacos!! 🙂 Yummy dinner, Julie!
I am definitely going to be using that taco chicken slow cooker recipe this week!
I find taco mix to be too salty, so I like the low sodium option!
YUM i love fish tacos 🙂
Man! Those tacos look delish!
Hahahahahabahahahahahhh oooh my gosh the zoolander quote made my night!
Sadie is adorable! I love hearing about her little antics.
hahahahah I seriously just laughed out loud!! Your dinner looks great too!
Tacos are joy in a crunchy shell! I’ve said this before, but I love your dog. So beautiful.
I have so many fillets of Tilapia in my house and I never know what to do with them. Love the taco idea! 😀
you are awesome for making that reference to phoebe…”thats not running lets gooooo!” i may be overly obsessed with friends but i have no shame…are you a big time friends fan?
I love fish tacos…however, that is the nickname I have given my husbands old girlfriend from long ago, therefore fish tacos in my house are eaten with laughter the entire time! Maybe we need some fish tacos over at our house this week.
I’ve never had fish tacos and I would love to try these!
Mmmm tilapia is amazing…fish tacos? Even better 😉
Gosh I love Sadie!!
Fish tacos = so good! Even my kiddos love them — which is no small feat 🙂
i love fish tacos! they were my birthday dinner last year 🙂
I can’t stop laughing at the swing comment! Too funny.
How is giving up sweets? Have you lost any weight? Is your stomach flatter?
I haven’t noticed any physical changes at all… but it has also only been two days. 🙂
I made fish tacos only once, and it was messy, but so delicious!
Oh, yum!!! Those tilapia tacos look amazing!
OK I’m putting these on my dinner list for next week! YUM!
What a yummy dinner! I love tacos! I’m not a big fan of fish so I’d rather have chicken tacos but they look so good! 🙂
I love tilapia! You should try Swai… it’s not bad. It doesn’t have a strong fish taste. I actually think its less fishy than tilapia.
I love “make your own tacos, burritos, tostadas, etc.” So fun!
oh tilapia tacos are so so amazing!
your recipe is superb! i have been making tilapia tacos for so long and just wanted to share a new way of making it if you ever want to try it out!
so also cooking the tilapia stove top i always use very light lemon and herb (dash seasoning, no salt!)
i either use corn tortillas (the best) and sometimes whole wheat soft tacos… and load it with black beans, pico de gallo, and you can make this cilantro sauce… it is SO sooo good girl hopefully you’ll try it out one day 🙂
love your blog btw you are such a great writer/inspiration!
and forgot to add but i use a cole slaw as a topping (obviously without the sauce lol) so so yummy ! 🙂
I LOVE that episode of Friends! When I first watched it I died laughing. 🙂 So glad you enjoyed your walk! I’m jealous of that beautiful Florida weather!