First, I microwaved a slice of muenster cheese on top of my toasted cinnamon raisin bagel thin… only I forgot to remove the thin piece of paper that separates the cheese slices beforehand.
Thank goodness I use full-fat cheese, because the cheese grease allowed it to slip right off of the paper. Three cheers for cheese grease! 😀
Second, as I took my first bite of my bagelwich, I bit my lip. And I bit it hard.
I actually took a close up picture of my laceration but it was nasty, so I’ll spare you. As someone who can’t stand anything bloody or medical, rest assured that this blog will remain gore-free.
Speaking of blood and guts, I am a firm believer that all shows on television should have something pop up on the screen before showing surgeries or anything gory. Same thing with scary movie previews. I’d like a warning, please!
On the side of my hazardous bagelwich I had a bowl of fresh veggies covered in Italian dressing.
It was a good meal, but I’m still feeling hungry. I’m off to grab an apple and some peanuts from the café on the second floor of my office building before diving into more work.
Let’s hope no more hazards occur this afternoon!
Of Possible Interest
- The Fashion page was updated late this morning ( – Duh! 😉 )
- 10 Tips to Improve Your Running Technique (
- No Equipment Required Workout (
- Recipe: Healthy Goat Cheese Lasagna (
hahaha i love that you posted oopsies because i have had one of THOSE days, too. i went to the bathroom earlier and looked in the mirror only to see my shirt was on inside out!
omg, i seriously thought you were going to say you peed on yourself or something! haha – glad it was only the shirt!
Oh I hate days like that. And I totally did the same thing to my lip 2 days ago and now I keep biting the same area over and over again. Doh!
that happens to me too… but with my tongue! apparently the same part of my tongue gets in the way of my teeth a little too often.
Ouchh, that’s happened to me before lol I actually got a pretty bad blister >.<
the paper is def something I would do too
hope your lip feels better soon! 🙂
Haha omg I can’t stand blood/gore either. I hide my eyes and plug my ears. I can’t even handle Grey’s very often, and always feel kind of lame when someone tells me that their 5 year old LOVES the gore of it! I mean no, that’s just not me, never has been.
I hope your lip feels better! 🙂
i never watched that show for that very reason!
I saw this post on another blog that I follow and I thought you would love some of these PB recipes for breakfast.
I hate it when I bite my lip or the inside of my mouth. Especially when it is on my chew side. 🙁
Oww! I hate all things with blood or guts! So thanks for sparing us the photo. 😉
I packed a huge salad for lunch today and just realized I totally forgot the dressing! Oopsies! Time to get creative! 🙂
Oh no!! Sorry to hear about the cheese and your lip mishap!! Biting your lip when you mean to bite into food has got to be one of the most painful self injuries! Well, that and stubbing your toe on the corner of a bed…. I’ve done it so many times and all you can do is stand there and make strange faces while you try not to scream! Gah! Anyways, be safe Julie! 🙂
I hate biting my lip really hard. It always scares me and takes me by surprise, because I dont do it that often. I always make oopsies like not taking the plastic off the cheese. The other night I made ground turkey and forgot to take off the little pad under the meat. I had plopped it on the pan pad side down and it wasn’t until it was burning that I realized it. My husband was like whats that smell and I said…oh its my pad! He gave me the worst look ever!
The other day I bit down HARD on a metal fork while eating. It was painful!! Eat at your own risk…
ahhhh biting your lip or tongue is the WORST! Can totally ruin a meal 🙁
Leaving the paper on is totally something I would do… thank goodness for the cheese grease!!! I’ve let me oatmeal bubble over the pot two days in a row now. Oopsies 😉
Hurray for cheese grease!
I hate biting my lip — or stubbing my toe. Seriously I get so pissed off — at what I’m not sure!
I HATE biting my lip-it hurts sooooo much 🙁 sad. Glad you still had a good bagelwich to enjoy, though!
Biting your lip (or cheek!) is the worst! I tend to do it when I’m my hungriest 🙂
AHAHAH i HATE doing that with those stupid little plastic sleeves!!…
ASRH i HATE biting my lip- for some reason i get really angry at myself when i do it.. its totally not my fault, but i get so mad- tis weird!
first barf now blood, you’re killing me today! bahaha xo
Ugh, I hate that! I have totally done that before. I hate burning the roof of my mouth more than anything! That is the worst! I hope your lip feels better! 🙂
Ugh storyyy of my life. I literally bite my cheek, lip or tongue every time i eat! Im probably eating too fast! Hope yours feels better soon 🙂
I locked myself out of my apt 🙁 haha. Thankfully I live in a doorman building so it was a quick remedy. BUT I had to go to the lobby without shoes on. So embarrassing. Story of my life!
I like your idea of snazzing up vegetables w/ Italian dressing. Sounds like a great way to add a little zip to somewhat bland veggies!
OMG- completely agree with you about the much-needed TV warning! I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve had a snack-fest session in front of the TV ruined for this very reason (actually– maybe that’s not such a bad thing, as I need to be a snack-a-holic)!
That goat cheese lasagna from Shape looks awesome! I printed it out and can’t wait to make it! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Ah the bagelwich is back! Hooray for full fat cheese!!!! 😀 hahahaha
It must be everyone today. I forgot all my fruit at home and my bowl to cook my oats at work! And I am having a hard time using my words today. I said “leatherly” earlier instead of “litteraly” … thats not even a word.
sorry about your lip 🙁 don’t you hate when that happens? and then it swells and you bite it over and over…(hope that doesn’t happen to you!)
I have a lip problem too! I woke up with a fat lip, and I cant figure out why! must have been a crazy dream haha
oh no! I hate when stuff like that happens (the cheese!). And OW, nothing worse that biting my own lip. Well maybe a papercut – those little fellas HURT!
i’m with you on the medical/gruesome thing… i can’t watch grey’s or any of those shows (or movies) for that reason. law & order is bad enough!
Bahhaha — hazardous bagelwich! You crack me up girl.
And OBVIOUSLY yes, FULL FAT CHEESE all the way!! 😀
I hate the cheese paper! It must take a crazy machine to put those little dividers in….or a lot of time!
I always bite my lip when it’s one of my favorite meals. I just get so excited and forget how to eat. And when I do it twice in a row, I say to myself “c’mon, heather, geez” haha
Thank you for not showing the extent of your injury. This may be rude of me to say, but there is nothing that makes me unsubscribe faster than seeing somebody’s bloody running blisters.
you and me both, mama pea! 🙂
I remember when I had braces I’d always somehow damage my lip eating…super cute right?
Hope you enjoyed your lunch paper-less 😉
I absolutely love crime shows… CSI, SVU, etc. But dude, they really do need to warn me before a nasty crime scene shot or an autopsy or something. Especially since I am usually eating while I watch those shows. :-/
I hate when stupid things like that happen…hitting your head, biting your lip, biting your tongue?! They’re so frustrating, I always have to try not to curse out loud when stupid things happen!
Aww im sorry about your lip those are seriously the worst I bit mine last week and its still recovering 🙁
Aww, I’m sorry about the cheese fiasco and biting your lip! I CONSTANTLY hurt my mouth (biting my lip/tongue, stabbing my gums with sharp foods, scraping my lips with crusty bread), and it’s THE WORST! I’m glad you got to enjoy lunch anyway. 🙂
I wish they’d give warnings on TV before bloody or scary stuff too! I always have to close my eyes, ears and walk into another room. A little warning would be nice! 🙂
I agree – I need those warnings!! I hate gore. I actually flinched when you even mentioned your mishap!
Wr all have oopsie days..some of us more than others. 😉 Sorry about your lip, ouch!
Ugh I HATE biting my lip. Actually, about 6 months ago I bit my lip HARD (I was eating baby carrots) and apparently did some nerve damage because I still have no sensation in the lower right part of my lip lol. Needless to say I am MUCH more careful these days.
Oh my gosh that’s crrrraazy! So sorry to hear that!
can I just say scary movie rpeviews are one of my BIGGEST pet peeves? I HATE HATE scary movies, so WHY would I want to be scared to death while watching a comedy sitcom with a scary/gory/something popping out at you scary movie commercial? once I know they are coming, I mute it and close my eyes. No, I am not kidding.
Ugh, I’ve bitten the inside of my lip sooo hard before that it’s almost made me cry (I’m can be a baby when it comes to pain…) Another thing I hate? Burning my tongue on hot liquids! Bleh. My tastebuds are scorched for at least a day and a half… total bummer!
Sorry about your oopsies! I wholeheartedly agree on the disclaimer for bloody stuff on tv!!
Oh no, I hope your lip has recovered! I had one of those days yesterday when I was baking panko breaded shrimp and forgot to use the cooking spray before laying the shrimp down. Much messier than expected! I’m a nurse so the bloody doesn’t bother me but I think the warnings on TV should be mandatory!!
OMG, yes! I mean, if I am watching a regular show they need to WARN me if something gory is about to show up. I am super squeamish.