Today’s lesson: Why you shouldn’t work out too hard.
Exhibit A:
Dead mannequin!
Clearly the mannequin at the Nike Outlet pushed herself a little too hard this morning. I tried to explain to her the importance of rest days in a good workout regimen, but I just wasn’t getting through to her. Maybe it was her lack of ears? Or head?
I’m such a cheeseball.
Ryan and I ran into the overworked mannequin at the Nike Outlet store when we were returning a pair of shorts I bought online early this afternoon.
We also ran into an amazing pair of red, white and blue gym shoes that would be perfect for an American Gladiator.
Of course I just had to buy them for with my Fourth of July skort.
Just kidding.
While at the outlet mall, we swung by several of my favorite stores including Banana Republic, J. Crew, Aldo and Le Gourmet Chef.
As I was browsing around in J.Crew, I ran into Holly, a blog reader who recognized me and introduced herself. Clearly she has excellent taste in clothes. Hi Holly! Thanks for saying hello… and I’m sorry I was wearing the same thing I wore yesterday and didn’t bother showering after my run. (I took a “washcloth shower” because I knew I was going to shower later and I don’t like to double-shower. Save the planet! And be lazy!) I’m so gross.
While at Le Gourmet Chef, I made sure to sample everything. My favorite sample was the buffalo blue cheese dip.
As I sampled the red pepper salsa, I accidentally knocked a jar over and it busted open all over the floor. I blame my purse. I felt so bad, but the women at the store were kind and assured me it wasn’t a big deal.
Ryan pretended like he didn’t know me.
During our time at the outlet mall, I purchased one thing and one thing only.
BBQ sauce! (Yes, we already used it, and yes it’s already almost halfway gone.)
This stuff is amazing. The name “Bone Suckin’ Sauce” made me think it would be spicy, but thanks to the bazillions of free samples provided at Le Gourmet Chef, Ryan and I were able to try it and were instantly smitten.
I fell even more in love with the sauce when I recognized everything on the ingredients list (a rarity for most store-bought BBQ sauces).
Once we arrived home from shopping, it was time for lunch!
Last night we enjoyed pulled pork and had some leftover that I incorporated into our lunch this afternoon. I coated the pork in the Bone Suckin’ Sauce and Ryan and I enjoyed BBQ pulled pork sandwiches with a side of roasted cauliflower.
BBQ pulled pork is southern cookin’ at its finest.
Now it’s time to change into my swim suit and get some color on this food baby belly of mine. I also promise to shower before our black tie event tonight.
Hope you’re having a fantastic Saturday!
P.S. Blogger Hope is in the running to win a fairytale wedding at Disney World! She and her fiancé are paying for their wedding themselves and could really use our help. All you have to do is click here to vote. Think of it as your good deed for the day!
Oh my goodness. Those sneakers are fabulous. 😉
Those American Gladiator shoes are hilarious!!! I can’t believe you didn’t get them! It’s never too early to start planning your Halloween costume lol
mmm love me some pulled pork!
they just don’t do it the same way here in Chicago 🙁
BAHAHHAAH cute shoes!!…..?
im such a clutz too.. i would have knocked over the whole display, so do not fret..
I think iv have that sauce before when i was in the US!>. ITs DANG GOOD! have fun tonight!
I am going to make a BBQ meal sometime soon here- I love your BBQ ideas. And PLEASE tell me how you got out of the outlet mall with only ONE purchase?? That is amazing girl. If I go into BR or Jcrew, I have to have at least 2 things from each store 😉 that is when my hubby pretends he doesn’t know me. haha
have a fun time tanning….it is freeeezzzing and snowing here. boo.
Honestly, I think I was dooped. We hit up all of Ryan’s stores first, so I was hungry by the time we got to my stores and clearly wasn’t thinking straight.
haha oh my you make me laugh… first of all I thought you really bought those shoes! I was beginning to question your sense of fashion!! Also, I thought it was hilarious when you said Ryan pretended not to know you… typical guy!
Hahaha, those shoes made me laugh. And I can’t believe they are still making skorts like that? I guess people keep buying them…who, I’m not sure.
Those sneakers are sexy. Nothing like flaunting your American pride with fashionable footwear 😉
NOT gross that you didn’t shower. I totally wouldn’t have either if I had a big event later in the night! I always want to shower as close as I can to leaving the house for something like that, the fresher my hair is, the better! 😉
hahahahaha That Nike mannequin made me laugh out loud!!!! 😀
Ohhhhh. I get the picture now. Anyhoo…
I’m a washcloth shower gal many times too. I refuse to shower 2x in one day. Refuse. Time is too precious! For things like blogging. And eating. Duh.
Bahahah we have the same sense of humor! That Nike girl needs to ressst, and get dressed 🙂
Haha I love those shoes! Poor mannequin, they must have made it work too hard ^^
I hate knocking things over in stores; I always feel so bad, like I should pay for it at least, lol.
Love pulled pork!
I think you should have bought those American Gladiator shoes to wear with your outfit tonight 😉 haha! Sounds like a fun day of shopping!
haha omgsh! i was already thinking “nooo not the DON’T WORK OUT TOO HARD” lecture! 😛
That sauce was my FAVORITE a few years back! I cannot find it anywhere anymore though 🙁
Enjoy an extra spoonful on your pulled pork for me 😉
Love the tennis shoes, haha!
I love Bone Suckin’ Sauce!!! It’s so delicious and I love the ingredient list too!!
Those pulled pork sandwiches look amazing!! Have you ever tried Blue Front BBQ Sauce? It’s made in Florida we have our family ship it up north it’s so good!
so funny, I was just at that outlet a couple days ago, which is ironic because I’m from Michigan, not Florida. I had to check your website to remember where you were from to see if it was really the same one (I get email subscriptions hehe). Just weird because normally when I read your posts, I’m so far away from all these happenings. Love the blog!
I LOVE Bone Suckin’ Sauce! I went for over a year without barbecue sauce when I went gluten free, only to find that sauce at WF about 6 months ago. I love it so much. It is like liquid gold to me.
No big deal about not showering either. I go out looking like a hot mess most of the time – which is why I could never live anywhere remotely close to where I teach. I’d be afraid to see my students out and about!
Hahah sweet kicks!
I remember when I used to have swim practice twice a day. I would spend the entire morning reeking of chlorine because I didn’t want to shower and wash my hair twice :S Hahah good times
Did you smack yourself in the eyeball when you knocked over the salsa??? HAHAHA 8]
We love bone sucking sauce too! My mother in law makes the best dip with it using cream cheese and onions! So good!
hahaha too funny!
Makes me think of “momm had a baby and it’s HEAD popped off”
Your food always looks so yummy! Roasted cauliflower is one of our family favorites!
I always feel so bad when I break store things and they don’t make me buy it! When I was in high school, I went shopping with my dad at Menards (a home depot-type store) and ended up knocking over a giant stack of extremely long (well over 7 feet long) fluorescent light tubes that were propped up at an aisle cap. When they crashed down to the floor, it literally sounded like a gun had been shot. It was totally mortifying!
hhahahahahaha the entire beginning of this post made me seriously LOL- from the washcloth shower to knocking over the jar in the store… i am SUCH a klutz, would probably have done the same thing, and josh would have been halfway across the parking lot before i could turn to look for him for backup, hahaha.
that cheese dip looks yummy…
“Maybe it’s the lack of ears…or head” made me laugh! It was cheesy but cheesy is fun and you pulled it off!
ps- I couldn’t help but think of you today (okay, technically, Sadie). My friend and I took our dogs to Jax beach today (I shared some pup faces/action shots on my blog) which meant tons of quality towel time!
Completely agree with you on the double showering thing!! That, and I can get pretty lazy too. 😉 Glad I’m not the only one!
i think if anyone could rock those sneakers it would be you.
Haha! This blog entry had me cracking up! I love your writing style 🙂
ah yes, american gladiator…i used to LOVE that show! the shoes are fabulous 😉
You dnt need to apologise, if anything you should be commended for doing your bit for the environment 😉
LOL @ the first picture!! Oh man, those shoes definitely make a statement 😉
I have no words for those shoes… just lol
i LOVE le gourmet chef! I found one around christmas time and had to buy MYSELF lots of presents.. They have so many fun and cute things 🙂
I maaaaay or may not be guilty of a washcloth shower or two (or four) in my time…(emphasis on the may…)
No shame, Julie, No shame!!!
You are so funny, your blog is quickly becoming a top favorite of mine. And it’s okay, I’ve done the washcloth thing plenty a time. I can’t stand having to wash my hair more than once a day
I was reading through some of your past wedding posts (because you just posted pictures from Leah’s wedding), and happened to stumble upon this one! Those SHOES! They would have been PERFECT with that American flag wedding dress! lovely lovely 🙂