Ryan, our friend and house-guest for the weekend Ross and I woke up close to 9 a.m. this morning. As Ryan and I laid in bed, he suggested rounding up the dogs and going for a group hike on our favorite trail at Weikwa Springs.
After Ross responded enthusiastically to the idea and we ate a quick breakfast, our little five-some piled into Ryan’s car and headed for the trail.
Ryan and Ross were anxious to see how Sadie and Ross’ chocolate lab Kona would do hiking together since the dogs will be joining the guys on their big hiking trip at the end of May.
Sadie and Kona take the same approach to hiking. They like to be the line leader, sniff everything, sprint ahead and then sprint back to us just to make sure we’re still truckin’ along behind them.
As usual, we followed the orange blaze trail and completed just shy of six miles.
Are you ready for Where’s Waldo: Hiking Edition?
See if you can spot the reddish/orange and black kingsnake! It was non-venomous, but still freaked me out! Ryan, Ross and I spent quite a while trying to remember the rhyme about whether or not certain snakes are poisonous…
Red before yellow, kill a fellow.
Red before black, friend to Jack.
This one passed the test and is a “friend to Jack!”
After our hike, we hopped in the car and headed home, making a short pit-stop at 7-Eleven where the boys picked up some food.
Ryan bought a 1/3 pound “Bahama Mama” hot dog that was unbelievably thick! After expressing my skepticism over convenience store hot dogs, I shared a couple of bites and must say I was quite impressed!
We also shared a Mountain Dew Slurpee because you have to buy a Slurpee when you go into 7-Eleven. It’s a rule.
Sadie helped us polish it off.
Just what she needs… caffeine.
When we arrived home, Ross wanted to shower before hittin’ the road back to Gainesville, so I ate a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich and left the boys to go to Publix to pick up our food for the week.
For some reason our grocery bill was significantly higher than usual. I think it’s because it was a “restocking” trip where I had to pick up a lot of essential items that we ran out of simultaneously that we don’t typically have to buy every week like olive oil, frozen fruit, certain spices, etc.
Now I’m hungry again, so I’m off to make a snack before getting a head start on dinner. Veggie lasagna is sounding like a GREAT option…
P.S. The Fashion page was updated this afternoon!
Whoa, I did not know about that rhyme?! Good to know, for sure! Haha, I love 7eleven slurpees on road trips–makes the time fly by 🙂
Love the hiking photos! Have a great rest of the day, girl!
Aww I love that pic of you guys hiking! So CUTE!! And woah I can’t imagine seeing a snake on a walk here in England!! And Sadie is SOOO ADORABLE! 😀
ahh looks like a blast!! you have such cute hiking gear! i always look like a nerd…
sounds like such a fun time!!!! 😀
hope you have an awesome Sunday!!!
My husband and I did a close-to-6 mile hike this weekend also! Beautiful weather for it. Veggie lasagna sounds like a winner – enjoy! 🙂
I always hate the ‘essential’ shopping trip. Even though I know it’s all stuff we need (paper towels, toilet paper, dish detergent, and all that fun stuff) I always hate having to spend so much more…but I guess it’s necessary 😉
That snake would FREAK me out too! Holy cow- it looks HUGE! & Mountain Dew Slurpees are the best- I love ’em 🙂
how fun I love hiking! And i think that groceries have gone up just a tad bit!
It’s funny how little rhymes like that are similar from place to place, but still different. This is how I know it (from Canada)…
If red touches black, you’re okay Jack!
If red touches yellow, you’re a dead fellow!
Yikes! I hope I never see red touching yellow!
I would have FLIPPED if I saw that snake. I don’t even like spiders. Sadie is so cute, I showed her to my boyfriend and he wants us to get one right now lol
What a fun Sunday!! 🙂
veggie lasagna sounds delicious-can’t wait for the recipe! : )
Looks like a fun, leisurely day. I love pics of pups eating human food…adorable!
hikes are the best!
Mmmm veggie lasagna–I might just have to copy you! 🙂
Lasagna sounds like a great dinner for tonight! I think we’re having breakfast for dinner like we do most Sunday nights!
That trail looks like such a nice place — I love that you and Ryan are so active with Sadie!
Girl, I would have been running 10 miles in the other direction if I saw that snake! Definitely would not have hung around to snap a picture… regardless of whether it is poisonous or not!
Slurpees are the best, end of story!
Oh and I probably would’ve pooped myself seeing that snake!
Groceries are going up due to inflation. It’s going to get worse. Sigh.
That hot dog looks so good! I’m a sucker for hot dogs of any kind, lol.
I just wanted you to know I read your blog daily and today I started my own. I thought you might be interested in checking it out .
You had me thinking abou the rhyme too!! I started to think “…in the clear” but remembered a couple seconds later that that’s “liquor before beer”. Classy.
Veggie lasagna is on our menu this week too!!
ah, yes. i remember that one!
“liquor before beer, you’re in the clear. beer before liquor, never been sicker!”
Looks like a great hike! I’ve never heard that rhyme about snakes before – glad I’m not informed!
whoops – “now informed” not “not informed”
Hi Julie, What kind of car do drive? From your picture it looks exactly like what ive been looking for – white SUV with tan leather, navigation system, plenty of storage in back.
email me! i just try to keep my car/home info off the blog for safety purposes. 🙂 but i love my car and will gladly talk with you!
Yay for hiking! I’ve heard that rhyme before, but I can never remember the right words for it! Glad you enjoyed your slurpee, those are like desserts to me 🙂
I’m not sure what slurpees are, and what the ingredients are, but if it has caffeine, it is dangerous for dogs! I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but I was just concerned about Sadie 🙂
Yeah, I know… she literally had like 5 licks so we weren’t too worried. 🙂
Your post prompted me to review my Guide to Florida Poisonous Snakes by Robert Anderson. I can add one additional tip for identifying the deadly coral snake – it ALWAYS has a black nose. Your hike looked like lots of fun, except for the snake part! xo Mama
yuck i’m not afraid of snakes I USED TO HAVE A BALL PYTHON but wild ones really FREAK ME OUT! Unpredictable and scary!
Sadie is so cute, she lives quite the life, slupees and all!
I don’t care if it is poisonous or not! Snakes totally freak me out. I actually sat up straight and back when I saw that picture 🙂 Ahhh lol