Back in March I gave up sweets for Lent. I defined sweets as basically anything I would consider dessert. For example, ice cream = sweets, granola bars = not sweets.
Well, guess what? We’re on the home stretch, my friends! Only three more full days remain until I can dive, face first, into a bowl of ice cream!
I already requested fro yo for dinner on my birthday on Wednesday and I can’t wait!
As I expressed on the blog before, eliminating desserts and most baked goods/frozen treats from my diet affected me differently than I anticipated. Often times I didn’t find myself craving a brownie… I wanted something salty and greasy!
Well, those strange cravings raged on again today.
After work, I swung by the grocery store to pick up some goodies when I saw it.
A bag of Dorito’s.
Though I’m budget-conscious, I definitely fall victim to impulse buys every now and then, but typically those impulses smack me in the face when I walk by the bakery. Must. Have. Oreo parfait.
Today all I wanted was a bag of fantastically cheesy chips… and that’s just what I got!
Did I wait until I got home to open the bag?
Puh-lease. You’re lucky I waited until I got back to my car! I have a habit of opening food in the grocery store and snacking while I’m shopping. It drives Ryan crazy.
Since the bag was a “Hunger Grab” and I didn’t want to take in nearly 500 calories of chips right before dinner, when I arrived home, Sadie got to be my chip assistant and polished off some of the Dorito’s as well.
She was a happy camper.
(Details about the outfit above can now be seen on the Fashion page. No bathroom picture today!)
Since I’m convinced that eating 5 million chips still wouldn’t make me feel full, the half of a bag of Dorito’s did nothing to affect my appetite, and I was ready for dinner at the usual time after a nice evening walk with Ryan and Sadie.
On the menu for tonight: A smoothie!
I know, I know. Another smoothie?
I made my smoothie after posting this confession on Twitter.
I am honestly shocked at just how often I want smoothies. I love variety in my meals and usually get bored really easily, but for some reason I am all about the smoothies lately.
I wonder if it has any correlation to me missing ice cream and fro yo? My chocolate smoothies are the closest thing to frozen sweetness, after all.
In tonight’s mix:
- 1 1/2 c. almond milk
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tbsp. peanut butter
- 1 tbsp. ground flax seed
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 large handful fresh spinach
- 2 pinches xanthan gum
Git in mah belly!!!
Now I’m off to fold some laundry and hopefully hop into bed a little early. When we wake up it will be Friday! Woo!
Hi Julie!
Your addiction to smoothies can be likened to my addiction to your blog! Anyway, as a speech-pathologist-in-training, when we get patients with sever swallowing issues, we try to put them on a thickened-liquid diet (i.e. smoothies) so they can still get their nutrition. They often become really sad because they can’t eat their meats and such. If only they could learn about your delicious, nutricious smoothies and share the same passion for them as you do! 🙂
giving 1 chip to a dog is equivalent to a human eating a mcdonalds cheeseburger.
Hey Julie!!
Lent ends actually TODAY!! at DUSK! We go by the Jewish tradition of the next day is actually at dusk, that’s why if you know how keen we are on church on sunday’s, but people can go saturday night to a “sunday” mass, that’s why!!!! I promise, I’m close friends with 3 priests and one nun!!
ps…i seriously love your blog 🙂
by “we” i mean the catholic church, hahaha…i guess i should have clarified
Hey, Julie, I’ve been noticing that you love making smoothies, and wondered what kind of blender you used to make them. I have a huge cuisinart ( i think that’s how you spell it..) which is super loud and a little annoying to use, and i also have a magic bullet. I’ll keep on checking out other comments for now to see if someone had asked about it before! xoxo
i use the vitamix and LOOOOVE it!
Vitamix! Now, that is something i should invest in! I’ve heard way too many great things about it! Thanks for the quick reply! =] xoxo