I am officially in love with Switzerland.
This whole country looks like it is right out of a postcard.
From Venice to Switzerland
After showering and blow drying my hair with a vacuum-looking hair dryer in Venice yesterday morning, my family and I joined our tour group for a quick breakfast before making the drive to Lucerne, Switzerland.
Yes, that is the hair dryer. Crazy, huh? It had a tube attached to it and everything! Thank goodness it didn’t suck up any hair because as thin as my hair is, I’d be bald.
Fun at Rest Stops
During all of our drives to new European cities with our tour group, our big bus makes a few pit stops for those who need to use the bathroom and want to pick up a bite to eat. We’ve been so impressed with the quality of the rest stops. They are totally different than the scuzzy American rest stops and offer gourmet foods and fun trinkets. My sister and I have a blast looking around at all the goodies at each one.
A bar of chocolate the size of an adolescent? Don’t mind if I do!
Diet Coke is Coca-Cola light!
Common Swiss names on mugs! Loving Hildegard. I think I just named my first born.
The stuff at rest stops is seriously so cool. Yes, I am easily amused.
During our drive from Venice to Lucerne, our tour took a break for lunch in Lugano, Switzerland where my family and I sat down at an outdoor café and ordered some pizza and grilled vegetables with cheese to share.
We stuck to ordering Italian fare because our tour guide told us that Lugano is largely influenced by Italy and the Italian food is still perfectly Italian.
Check out the ooey gooey cheese!
The cheese tasted like a mix between Swiss and brie cheese. I wish I could remember exactly what it was called because it was delicious. In fact, this whole meal was fantastic. It was great to finally sneak some vegetables into my belly again!
First Day in Lucerne, Switzerland
After another short while on the bus, our group made it to Lucerne. I think everyone on the bus was in awe as we gazed upon the beautiful Alps.
Once we checked into our hotel, my family and I wasted no time and changed clothes quickly before heading out to walk around Lucerne and explore some hot spots and shops before dinner.
We made sure to stop by Bucherer, the company that makes watches such as the oh-so-spiffy Rolex.
Of course we weren’t there to by a expensive watch. We were there to pick up some free tea spoons that we received as a gift through our tour group.
You just may see this little spoon pop up on the blog in the future in some breakfast posts!
Once we had our free gifts in hand, we headed out and walked down the cobblestone streets in search of a restaurant for dinner.
We knew we wanted to try traditional Swiss fondue and after stumbling upon a cute place with outdoor seating, we knew we found our place.
My family and I ordered fondue, raclette and pork sausage with rotsi, making sure to hit the trifecta of traditional Swiss dishes.
This meal was super cheesy which meant it was right up my alley. I was quite a fan! Through I’ve heard more than one joke about the lack of cookbooks that come out of Switzerland during our tour on this vacation, I must say I’ve loved every single meal I’ve had here so far!
And on that note, I’ve gotta go get ready for tonight’s dinner! I’ll be sure to be back soon with a recap of today’s fun.
P.S. The Fashion page was updated today!
That 4th picture down from the “lion in the stone” water picture, (where you and Leslie are infront of a ‘fence” by the water- in front of the lake with buildings behind) is absolutely stunning. Frame it! I wish I had memories like that with my sister. I am lucky enough to be relatively well traveled in Europe, and Switzerland is incredible- I was blessed enough to stay there for over 2 weeks! I can’t remember where exactly you will be passing through and if you are going near Austria, but if you are going to either Salzburg or Strassburg, make sure your camera is charged. One is the ‘City of Mozart’ and the other on the border, and has the most AMAZING Cathedral I have ever seen. I highly recommend checking them out on Google images! Thank you so much for the beautiful images Julie!
Ps- I love the way your dad looks at whomever is taking the picture- so full of love!
I’m loving your tour through Europe! I did this exact same tour (only we started in London and continued to Naples and Greece after Rome) in 2008. Every day, it’s reminding me of everything my parents, my sister, and I did! I even have that exact same spoon you got in Lucerne!
What tour group are you with in Europe? I went a couple times but it was through my college and I would love to take my husband sometime soon and I swear tour groups would be the way to go because you get to see so much more!
I would love more information on that!
Have so much fun!! I traveled to all the places you have been and it is amazing! Drink the water from the fountains in Switzerland… mmmm I swear the best water I have ever had!!
Looks like so much fun! My mom’s name is Hildegard! She’s from Germany and she goes by Hillie in the US. 🙂
Everything looks amazing! I visited Lucerne about 10 years ago and all sorts of memories came back while looking through your pictures. That cheesy ooey-gooey-goodness looked amazing. You look like you’re having a blast with your family! Enjoy!
Switzerland is definitely beautiful. It’s the one country from my Europe trip that I have to visit again at some time in my life!
Wow Switzerland is gorgeous! And those pictures of the food is literally making me hungry. So glad you’re having an amazing time!
Julie, I’m so glad you’re still blogging even while you’re on vacation! I would have really missed your posts if you didn’t blog!! 🙂 P.S. I would have totally bought that toblerone bar if I was there! Hehe!
😀 All those names on the mugs are actually names that my a German/Swiss/Austrian woman in her sixties would have!!!
I’m German and I just love to read what you guys are experiencing because it’s fun to see what people from the US think about Europe!
Oh man, I’m so glad you guys are loving your time. The blow dryers are so funny there. ANd it’s fun to see what alcohol/soda mixed products they sell in the stores. Lucerne is such a cute little town. I liked walking along the gate and up into the lookouts over the city. And man, the raclette there, I will never forget my spendy $40 dinner made of cheesey, potato, fruit and bread goodness!
It looks like you are having so much fun! Where did you get the sweater/wrap that you are wearing in the picture with the giant toblerone? I LOVE IT!
I’m so impressed with your blogging while on a truly gorgeous European va-ca, Julie! Your pictures and descriptions make me want to hop on over and join you. Lucky girl! If you get a chance, a giant Toblerrone is on my want list – I’m sure you’ll have room in your luggage. 😉
are you buying all the jumbo things or just posing with them/
My grandma’s name is Hildegard but her family is German. My great-grandma (her mom) remembers coming to America on a boat from Germany, how freakin’ cool is that?!