At the risk of sounding completely cultureless, I must admit that one of my favorite things we did in London was explore Harrods, a 6-story department store packed with people.
Since so many of you recommended heading to this hot spot, my family and I had a feeling it would be a winner but we had no idea the store would be as amazing as it was!
We literally walked around the Harrods Food Hall with our mouths open.
They had everything from gourmet meats and perfectly ripe vegetables, to an expansive prepared foods section, mini sushi bar, bakery, gelato shop, macaroon restaurant, oyster bar and more. My description seriously only cracks the surface as to what you can find at Harrods.
Though we loved looking around, my family and I came to Harrods with a purpose in mind.
Afternoon tea!
I selected a pot of peppermint tea to enjoy with the selection of sandwiches, scones and pastries my family and I ordered.
All of the mini sandwiches and sweet treats were fantastic.
With a bit more food in our bellies, we headed back out into Harrods to explore some of the expansive departments.
My favorite was the pet department and my heart started hurting when I thought about how much I missed my little furry girl and Ryan.
I wanted to get her this ridiculously wonderful pink bow collar, but it was nearly $200!
Before leaving Harrods, we paid one more visit to the Food Hall so my mom and I could get our hands on some Parisian macaroons.
Gosh these things are good. I am determined to make my own homemade version in the near future!
London Bridge and the Tower of London
Following our fun at Harrods, my family and I hopped on the train and headed off to see two famous bridges, the London Bridge and the Tower of London.
We walked a big loop around the bridges and after taking another train back to our hotel, we all voiced our hunger and decided it was dinnertime!
The hotel concierge recommended a restaurant recommended by a couple of you as the place to go for fish and chips in London! My mom was dreaming of fish and chips all day, so we were determined to get her some of the best!
We walked to the Seashell Restaurant where we grabbed a table and settled in to order.
My mom and dad ordered the massive plates of fish and chips while my sister and I stuck with roasted veggie salads loaded with goat cheese.
My parents shared their fish and chips which were absolutely delicious. We all enjoyed our meals a lot!
My mom, dad and I still had room for dessert once we were finished and
I opted for the chocolate tart with vanilla ice cream.
It was extremely rich and very good! My dad’s selection, the spotted dick (yes, that really was the name!) was also delicious!
After such a hearty and tasty meal, my family and I headed back to the hotel to pack and get organized for our early flight.
We’re still in the middle of traveling back home and are a little sad that our big vacation is officially over… but I must say I am really ready to get back into my normal routine and see RYAN and SADIE. I missed those two SO incredibly much! I want a big hug from Ryan and sloppy Sadie kisses now.
See ya again soon when I’m back to my regularly scheduled blogging! I am pumped to post about workouts and eat some healthy food again.
I loved reading about all of your European adventures! Thanks for taking us along on the ride 🙂
Spotted dick, that makes me giggle…haha.
your vacation looks awesome!
I can’t believe you’ve been gone for 11 days! It has FLOWN by!!!
That pink bow collar would have looked so good on Sadie!
It is sad when a vacation comes to an end, but now you have such nice memories 🙂
i LOVE the scarf you’re wearing with the green cardigan- where did you get it?!
all the info is on the fashion page!
That is the first place I’m going to when (hopefully) I go to London; Harrods!! I want those truffles. 🙂
$200 for a collar? Wow, London is expensive.
Ive loved your travel adventures and I just got on my vacation and so am loving blogging from vacay and have loved all your posts. Safe travels home!
I have never heard of Harrods, but it is now on my list of places to visit in my lifetime…haha! Glad you got back safely!
I would LOVE to go to London. Im still a little sad you didnt bump into harry haha
you and me both!
Safe travels home!! I bet Ryan and Sadie can’t wait to see YOU!
Your trip looks like so much fun, but I’m sure you are really glad to be heading home! You’ll have to make your own version of the macaroons.. and post the recipe!
What an incredible trip you all had! And way to end it right with delicious food and treats 🙂
Have a safe trip home!
Wow! I think I could spend all day at Harrods! 🙂
Sounds like a great trip! I just heard about spotted dick for the first time through the semi-new Bravo show Pregnant in Heels. I was shocked that they would name a dessert that. 😉
YUM YUM!!! Your food pictures are divine!!! I am so jealous.
Love your outfit!
Geeeez I can’t beleive you’re already on your way home…I feel like you were just blogging about the craziness of packing and fitting everything into your small suitcase! So glad y’all had such a great trip 🙂
If you really do plan to make French macarons, email me and I’ll send you a couple of key tips to prevent disaster :).
That’s not the London Bridge it’s the Tower Bridge. The London Bridge has actually been moved to Arizona. They are both very pretty bridges and when I went to Harrod’s I never wanted to leave. Looks like you had some great travels and I loved reading about them!
oh man super jealous of your trip!
I’ve always wanted to go to Harrod’s. What a great idea to do the classic British tea. Thanks for sharing all of your adventures 🙂
If you liked Harrods, you must go to Selfridges on Oxford Street! I lived 5 minutes away so it was literally like my 2nd home! Also call me immature but when I was in boarding school and they used to serve spotted dick for dessert, it always tickled me!
End of holidays are always such a bittersweet feeling but I am sure having Ryan to look fwd to (and Sadie) make it all the more easier to get back!
I can only imagine the mixed emotions of feeling sad that the vacation is over (I bet it flew by) and feeling incredibly happy that you get to see Ryan and Sadie again.
It looks and sounds like you had a fabulous time on vacay! I know I’ve said it before but thank you for sharing it with all of us through our blog!
There’s the bridge I love!! Glad you made it to Harrods and the bridge 🙂
Julie, I’ve really enjoyed following your adventure! Although I must admit I was a little surprised at first that you were spending time on internet when traveling. I hope you make a post with the highlights/recommendations/tips of your trip.
I used to work at an English Tea Room and I used to love making everyone giggle when going over our dessert selection and listing off spotted dick. I hope you have safe travels back home!
Glad you enjoyed Harrods and the food hall. I have loved reading about your travels these past 11 days, thank you for sharing your adventures.
Spotted Dick is a traditional English pudding, they even served it as part of school lunches when I was growing up, but it still makes me giggle every time I hear it. A few years ago, several local English councils and one English supermarket chain (Marks & Spencer’s) renamed it ‘Spotted Richard’ because they thought it was just too rude!
That’s Tower Bridge! (The Tower of London is something different – it’s a castle in Tower Hamlets). Mary is right, one version fo the London bridge has been moved to Arizona. There’s a new one in it’s place though (between Cannon Street Railway Bridge and Tower Bridge).
Glad you had a good time! Harrod’s is fantastic – the Food Hall is definitely the best bit hehe.
I love that you mentioned spotted dick! I remember my band trip my senior year in high school, and my best friend ordered spotted dick just for the name at some pub we went to…we thought it was hilarious!
Those macaroons look amazing. What are their flavors?
And holy goat cheese!! That dish looks delicious.
I’ve loooved reading all about your adventures in Europe!!! So glad you had a great time! 😀
$200 for a collar?! Seriously?! That is a LITTLE insane…
I’m so excited to go to Harrod’s!! That collar is adorable, but I feel like with a glue gun and some ribbon you could make your own version of it….who spends $200 on a dog collar?! Hope you had a safe trip home!!
I want to try a macaroon… never had one before!
You had such an incredible trip! I loved reading along! 🙂 I am determined to try a macaroon at some point in my life. They look so good! 🙂
Cute collar, but I agree with Gabriela and Cait! I’m sure Sadie misses you back, but she won’t be upset you didn’t get it for her.
They sell spotted dick at the grocery store in a can and I totally bought it as a gag gift in a recent holiday gift exchange!
I want to visit Harrod’s so bad! I’ll bet it’s 100x better than Macy’s in NYC. That is seriously the cutest collar ever, but $200? Yikes. And seriously, I need a recipe for the macaroons. I hope you make them soon. I’ve never tried them but something in me would try to healthify them but I need to try them in their full calorific glory!
Harrod’s is unreal isn’t it? Thanks for taking us along your vacation, it was fun reading all your posts!
I believe those cookies are macarons, not macaroons. Both start with egg whites, but there’s a difference. Still, should be fun to make them at home.