After work today I hopped in my car and swung by JoAnn’s to pick up some crafting gear for a few projects I plan to work on this weekend.
According to JoAnn’s, the 4th of July is nearly here! Get ready to bust out your BBQs and American flags!
Fortunately I was alone, so I had all the time in the world to browse around and took my sweet time. I feel like Ryan is usually with me when I go to JoAnn’s since we’ll often run all of our errands together on the weekend. Even if he tells me to take my time, his presence always makes me feel a little rushed at the craft store because it isn’t exactly his favorite place in the world. I can’t for the life of me imagine why. JoAnn’s has stickers, cardstock, paint, fake flowers, wall décor… What more could you want!?
It’s gonna be hard to hold off on my crafting projects until the weekend now that I have everything in my hands. I love crafting and am feelin’ the itch!
Once my craft shopping concluded, I headed home and got to work on dinner since Ryan had to work late.
I cooked up a batch of whole wheat rotini pasta before tossing it in a mixture of marinara sauce and Italian breadcrumbs. I then added some turkey meatballs that I defrosted in the microwave to the mix before pouring the pasta into a baking dish sprayed with cooking spray. After topping it with shredded cheese, I broiled it in the oven until the cheese melted.
Then it was time to dig in!
It was so good that I went back for thirds! I am now left with a bulging pasta belly and that lethargic feeling, but I feel full and happy.
Ryan and I are now off to take Sadie on her evening walk. The heat of the day has burned off a bit, so nice walk in the warm evening air sounds perfect right about now.
Enjoy your night!
I wish I had your crafting skillz. My husband goes to Joanne’s more than I do. He’s a do-it-yourself-er to the extreme. Anything from new floors to door knobs to…new fabric for chairs. [enter Joanne’s] 🙂
does your husband fix faulty showers? because we could use his help at the moment…
lol! actually…yeah. our shower is crazy (house was built in 1948), so he’s made it usable. 🙂
I flippin’ love craft stores! I could hang out at them all day. So cooL, I know! I feel the same way about my husband – he is always SO patient, but when we go shopping to craft or women’s clothing stores, I just feel like I can’t take my time.
Craft stores are the bomb! I always walk away with way too many things.. Im not even very creative!
And I love one dish bakes. Easy peasy clean up and mine are always filled with copious amounts of cheese!
I’ve never understood why men get excited about stores like Home Depot, but not the stores with really fun stuff like JoAnn’s or Target. I mean, what’s fun about drywall and lightbulbs? I’m excited to see your crafting projects!
TOTALLY agree. ryan loves home depot. that place makes me want to cry. it’s where fun goes to die.
I totally know what you mean about having the man around when you are running errands. I always try to be super patient and helpful in his stores but when it comes to my stores its like…..ah ok nothing lets move on!
Can’t wait to see what your crafting!
I’ve noticed most of your workouts revolve around the gym. Have any tips for someone who’s trying to get fit for summer, without a membership!? And also, about how many minutes (hours?) of cardio would you say you get in a day??
I love crafting too, but I never have time for it! I can’t wait to see what you make!
Wow that looks delicious and sounds easy.
I am loving the pasta bakes lately. There is just something about it that tastes so much better 🙂
I love going to craft stores like Micheal’s. I always buy a ton of stuff even though I’m not the most creative person in the world. It’s always so much fun.
Your dinner looks great!
Funny when Craig is with me too, I always feel rushed. He always tells me to take my time, but I feel horrible at the same time making him sit through hours of shopping.
I totally feel the same way when I am shopping with the BF. Even though he tells me to take my time…
Hi Juli! I am a new blogger and I have been reading your blog for a while. When i saw your giveaway earlier, I had a question. When you receive products from a company, do you contact them or do they contact you? I would love to be able to do some reviews but I’m not sure what the correct process is. Thanks so much! 😀
I typically receive an email from the company. I’m sure you could reach out to companies you love though! Many really like to work with bloggers. When I first started, I emailed one company whose pumpkin seeds I adored and they were happy to do a giveaway!
Thanks so much for letting me know! I was so curious. And I just realized I had a typo with your name in my 1st comment, sorry!!!
YUM! I love pasta bakes!
And you’ll be happy to know that studies have shown that couples who go for walks together after dinner increase their life expectancies by up to 6 years! My bf told me that the other day…so I told him to be ready to get his walk on in a couple of years. 😉
Cheesy goodness, woohoo!
That pasta bake looks delish! I might have to try and make a gluten free version!
Memorial day IS right around the corner and that involves dusting off your fav USA stuff!
Michaels and JoAnns are across the street from each other here. It’s dangerous territory. I can never go into one without going to the other as well. Goodbye paycheck!
I love that the next big holiday is Memorial Day/4th of July — I feel like it is just barely spring/summer around here so that is hard to think about!
Lookin forward to seeing what you’re crafting! Even though my craft skills are unfortunately stuck in 3rd grade, I love the cool ideas people come up with! I’m hoping that part of my domestic side kicks in soon.
I can’t go shopping anywhere with my fiance unless it involves food or going to the hardware or computer stores. Whenever it’s anything to do with me, he gets bored after five minutes and waits outside. He was more than happy to take me shopping last week when I wanted to look at laptops, though. Can’t wait to see what kinds of craft projects you are up to!
Yah, my husband is not a super huge fan of the crafting stores either. Wonder why? hah 😉
LOVE the pasta bake idea, thanks!
Holy YUM! I love how comforting pasta is!
Hum this gratin looks greats! Cheesy and all! I’d love to go to that craft store, they seem to have a lot a decoration stuff and that’s what I prefer!
Im on a pasta fix lately- I just cannot get enough! Carbs, I’m coming after you 😉
I love craft stores like AC Moore and Michaels. It’s fun to be crafty. 🙂
And it’s fun to eat pasta till you burst too!
Did you know that blue plates are supposed to help keep your mind/body from desiring too much food? I read an article recently that red is more pleasing to the mind, which is why so many restaurants use the color red, rather than colors like blue!!
Saw this on my RSS feed this morning… I thought you’d appreciate it 🙂
I love going to craft stores! They have so many awesome things to look at! Speaking of which, I should probably head to one soon for wedding inspiration 🙂
That pasta bake looks delicious!!! 🙂
yummy! I will have to try this! looks easy and delicious. Do you guys have Hobby Lobby in Orlando? Or did you in Illinois? It is like JoAnn on STEROIDS!! I could spend hours in there and I usually go 1-2 times a month just to browse 🙂 (and I always leave my hubby at home)
i LOVE hobby lobby! we had one when i lived in palatine and they JUST opened one in orlando near our apartment!
When ever I hear the name joanns, it always reminds me of the House Bunny. When she says “JO-ANNN” in that creepy voice hahahahha.
I’ve never made a pasta bake, can you believe it! Would be great to throw in some fancy things like chopped lettuce, sundried tomatoes, and olives for a quick meal with friends!
As a bloke, I love hardware stores. Here in Australia we have a chain like Home Depot. It’s called Bunnings. My wife likes me to leave my credit card at home!