This morning I awoke feeling excited about my new life. Of course I am looking forward to essentially being my own boss and working from home, but part of me is also nervous about not having anyone to hold me accountable other than myself. Fortunately I’ve always been pretty self-motivated and I am determined to work hard every single day. I plan to approach my new working from home lifestyle with diligence and vigor.
I figured the best way to get my new career path started on the right foot was to go with what I know: A morning workout!
Since I had a lot on my mind this morning, I figured I would take my new coworker for a run… unplugged.
No iPod, no Garmin, no heart rate monitor. Nothing.
As I set out on my run, I praised myself for wanting to spend my time running alone with my thoughts and for being so introspective. How adult of me!
Well, about three minutes into my run these thoughts changed and I was cursing myself, wishing I had some kind of a beat blasting in my ears to keep me going.
About a mile into my run, my thoughts changed again and I found myself enjoying the sounds of my breathing and the light tread of Sadie’s paws on the sidewalk. I switched my running plan from running our usual five-mile loop to doing whatever I wanted to do for that five mile loop. Running, walking, cartwheeling, whatever!
I ended up running about two miles to the path by the lake downtown where I ran the straightaway parts of the path and walked the curvy parts before walking half a mile home. I really enjoyed getting out there in the morning air and doing whatever workout my heart desired at that moment.
Breakfast this morning was a redeeming one. After making the world’s worst ginger-peach-vanilla smoothie yesterday, I had to prove to myself that I hadn’t lost my smoothie-making knack.
I stuck with a chocolate base because that’s always a safe bet.
Into the blender went:
- 1 1/4 c. almond milk
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 handful fresh spinach
- 1 c. frozen strawberries
- 1/4 c. vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 pinch xanthan gum
Much better!
Time to begin my first day at my new job! I plan to first try to fix the serious speed issues on the site (sorry it went down for a bit yesterday and is so slow lately) and organize my PBF g-mail box. My g-mail box is out of control right now and I feel like the only way I can possibly keep track of freelance projects and blogging to-dos and emails is to be organized. Time to roll up my sleeves and dive in!
I love taking time to organize! Happy organizing 🙂
Hooray for your first day girl!!!!! I just had a SIAB that was almost the same! I didn’t add fruit though, just a chocolate smoothie!
all chocolate = all good!
I am so excited for you! I love your blog and I can’t wait to see where your new adventure takes you! About 6 months ago, I was ready to improve on my own blog and since I really enjoy your blog, I thought…what is it about her blog that keeps me coming back?! It’s the personal stories and pictures and food and workouts…the whole package! So, I started incorporating more of the same into my own blog and it’s never looked better! Thank you for inspiring me!
I agree about adding more personal information, but for some reason I haven’t made that leap yet. I love blogging, especially (and obviosuly) about food, but shy away from putting the rest of my life on the blog. I don’t know why…
i’m so glad you’re happy with the direction of your blog! that’s awesome!
I started running unplugged last summer and hated it at first…but now I absolutely LOVE IT! I can focus more on my breathing, my posture, and keeping a constant pace while enjoying nature. Maybe give it another try 🙂
I’ve never ran totally unplugged–I’m a little scared to do it! I think that the music is the only thing keeping me going sometimes.
Julie–I’d love it if you could do a post about how you got into/are getting into freelance work! As another blogger who went to school for one thing and is finding herself in love with blogging and writing, I’d like to know where or how to start freelancing.
Best of luck on your first day of the new job! I’m sure you will do great! 🙂
Congrats on your first day Julie! Hope your co-worker lets you get to work today! So excited to see future changes on the bloggie! 🙂
I recently left my iPod in TX when I visited a friend…the first run I was spitting mad I left it at home, but then the 2nd run got soooo much better. I listened to my breathing and my feet and it was pretty easy to keep a steady pace. By third run I was fully enjoying myself 🙂
Good luck with your new job and have fun with it too 🙂
I can’t work out without music, but I always admire those who can. I need something to keep me going.
good luck getting organized, lady! I know I certainly have trouble doing so….aka most disorganized person EVER.
thanks for your thoughts on running unplugged! I have never tried it for longer than a mile, so your shift in gears piqued my interest!
I ran unplugged this morning too, partly because i couldn’t find my iPod, but it was nice to just have some time to think and listen to myself huff and puff instead of jam (although jamming is way more fun-does anyone actually say jam? cool person alert)…major motivation to get in better shape!
I am so happy for you that you get to pursue your dream and be your own boss! You must be so excited 🙂 as a new blogger seeing blogs like yours is really inspiring to me. Your blog is one of the first ones I ever ready and made me want to start blogging. Thanks so much Julie for being an inspiration!
P.S. I was wondering what tips you have for beginning bloggers like me?
Oh my I find your decision to follow your passions so inspiring! I am in a place right now where I don’t feel like I am fulfilling my real potential and I hate it! This gives me the courage to go out there and to find it!
I’m so excited for you and this next step! Congratulations on following your passion, you sound so happy and I can tell that it’s something you love to do!
It’s been a few days since I’ve popped in, so I must say congratulations to you! This must be so unbelievably liberating for you! I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor!
Happy first day and congrats on taking the leap! My husband is self-employed and we always joke that our cat is his “assistant” even though she basically sleeps on the job 🙂
Happy 1st Day of the new job! 🙂
I HATE unplugged runs. It’s more the Garmin than the iPod, but I would miss both. I feel like such a pansy runner for that! lol 🙂
It just helps me stay motivated!! Enjoy organizing!
I’m really looking forward to hearing how you organize your days as you get into your new career. I have always worked in a corporate environment, too. I seem able to focus on my side projects at home, but they are not my “day job” and I wonder how I’d need to adapt to be really productive if I were self-employed.
I also keep meaning to ask you how you trained Sadie to run alongside you so well — my newest canine friend has some learnin’ to do on that front 🙂
Yay for following your heart! I’ve run parts of my runs unplugged before (taking my headphones and putting them on my neck just for a few minutes at a time) but I’ve never had the courage to go full out. Perhaps today is the day?? 🙂
What an introspective post, girl! I’m so glad that you realized after you were further into your run that you can make that run whatever you want. I went for a period of about 3 years w/o any form of music (my old-school ipod died and I didn’t have the funds for a new one…) and i LOVED running without music! It wasn’t until December of 09 that I got an ipod again (for my birthday), and even now, I don’t always use it. It’s interesting — doggies LOVE to be outside and run and be in nature… and they never need music to enjoy it! Sometimes I think it’s best to follow the examples are pups set. (Like that one post you did about Sadie a long time back, I LOVED that post!).
if i don’t have xantham gum could i use corn starch in my smoothie? or is there another substitute?
I didn’t get a chance to say congratulations yesterday. As an everyday reader, I want to tell you how inspiring your decision is, and one I hope someday to make as well.
First, I should probably decide what direction my blog will take. As I noted in a reply above to Stacy, I love blogging, especially (and obviosuly) about food, but shy away from putting the rest of my life on the blog. I don’t know why…clearly it’s successful (!)
hope you had a great first day!!
I am so totally proud of you! I find your choice to be gusty and inspiring. I love the way you write and enjoy your posts. I think you made a great decision for yourself and family. I hope to be able to do the same someday.