House update: Our application checked out!
We have no criminal activity on our records. Our credit looks good. Sadie is not a rabid wolf. Check! Check! Check!
(Gosh, I miss her. )
So, that’s the good news.
The bad news? The realtor thinks we won’t be able to move into the new place until September 1.
We initially were told the move in date would be August 15 and were hopeful that we’d be in a home and reunited with our long lost dog in ten days. I realize this is not that big of a deal, but Ryan and I were both really bummed. We weren’t expecting to be separated from Sadie for nearly a month an a half. I hope she doesn’t forget about us!
At least we know she’s in good hands. My mom took her to get her nails clipped today and then bought her a plain cheeseburger from McDonald’s as a reward for behaving so well. She’s livin’ the high life.
Today’s workout took me outside of the hotel and to a real gym!!!
I headed to the gym Ryan and I will be joining to get our memberships in order (gotta love saving money on a “family plan” membership!) and stayed for a quality workout.
I headed to the weight room to complete a total-body workout that included three sets of the following exercises:
Lower Body:
- Leg extensions
- Leg extensions (one leg at a time, alternating legs)
- Seated leg curls
- Single leg split squat with exercise ball
- Hamstring ball curls
- Bridges (with 25 lb. weight)
Upper Body:
- Upright rows
- Bicep curls
- Tricep pulldowns
- Overhead press
- Front shoulder raises
I totally copped out of ab work today and rounded out my workout with 20 minutes on the elliptical.
Lunch today was so delicious. As good as frozen Amy’s pocket sandwiches are in a pinch, I really do prefer fresh, homemade meals.
When Ryan and I learned about the delayed move in date to the new house, I had a “that’s it!” moment and ran out to the grocery store to grab some “real” food. If we’re going to be here for almost another month, I want some substantial grub!
Today’s lunch was inspired by the salads we had at my mother in law’s house on Saturday.
Arugula + Watermelon + Feta cheese + Snow peas + Salt + Olive oil
I love this salad. I have a feeling I would make another one for dinner tonight if I didn’t already eat all of the watermelon.
After polishing off the salad, a cup of strawberry banana Chobani Greek yogurt and some string cheese, I went back for some more feta cheese, straight from the container.
For the longest time I bought the fat free feta cheese until I tried the full-fat, full-flavor feta and switched immediately. It really is so much better. Betta feta!
Off to do some fact checking. Doesn’t that sound like a blast!?
There is nothing like watermelon with feta! So crisp and clean as a salad or side dish. Absolutely superb! Thanks for the photos.
Oh no! That stinks you have to be away from Sadie that long. 🙁 I don’t know what I would do without my poochers on my runs.
That salad looks really good. In the most recent Clean Eating Mag (I think…I have a subscription so I get confused) they have a recipe for a salad like that where you grill the watermelon and then make a balsamic reduction to go over. It looks delish!
I agree about the unhealthier feta tasting better. And I know how you feel about being separated from your dog! Gosh, 1.5 months is a long time… I would die!
Love that salad! Fresh and simple!
I seriously need to try one of these watermelon and feta salads I keep hearing about. There is a very good chance that will happen this weekend.
Sorry about the move-in date change 🙁 At least everything else seems to be moving along, though!
I LOVE Feta cheese! I usually do spinach, cucumbers, maters, peppers, green onions, grilled chicken, and Trader Joe’s Goddess dressing for lunches! OH my! Costco is my best friend…seriously.
Sadie will NOT forget you! I am sorry though, I know how bad you guys want to move into your own house, but patience is a virtue…right?? O.o
I NEED to try watermelon on my salads.
The fat in your cheese is good for you. Most vitamins are fat soluble, so you need that fat to absorb the good stuff!
Glad you got the place you wanted! It may be a little later then expected, but the wait will be worth it in the end!
That’s great news that you got the place! I bought my place a few summers ago and really appreciated closing on escrow at the end of August with move-in over Labor Day (that way, more people could come over and help move furniture!!)
I know Sadie will have to be away for a little while longer, but she will probably L-O-V-E a dip in that pool of yours!!
Congrats & enjoy!! (Sounds like you need some FroYo to celebrate!!)
Feta is SOOOO expensive in Korea! It is $10 for two small packets or $5 for a jar of oil packed! I have only bought it once in a year and half- but I totally enjoyed it! I can’t imagine living out of a hotel room for so long, don’t you miss baking? I would! The food looks decent, there’s always PB&J! Hope you can see Sadie soon 🙂
I noticed your wedding pic was on A Cup of Jo! Congrats! 😉
Arugula is pretty much the best vegetable ever–healthy, a bit spicy, and totally delicious! I started eating it after I started watching the Barefoot Contessa and she made such delicious salads with it. Now, I wonder how I ever lived without it-I’d take it over regular lettuce any day of the week! I love getting it from our local farmer’s market.
looks good! be sure to use your coupon to try athenos greek yogurt. it’s not chobani but it’s still delish… it’s the best honey greek yogurt i’ve ever tasted!
Yumm! I just got back from dinner and that’s the exact salad I got! Except with radishes. Sooo good, I will definitely be making this combo at home
Hey, you need to peel off those coupon stickies when you see them and use them! You could have gotten a another free feta when you bought that one! I LOVE coupon stickies!
I love this salad! I’m happy your dream house is becoming real!
I’m so glad u guys found a house congrats!!! Let me know when your ready for a day in Jacksonville and we can make a girls day. have you been to Towncenter?? Awesome restraunts and shops. How did u do your workout all lower body then the upper or did u mix it up? Have a great day!!
yesterday i just so happened to do lower body and then upper body, but i frequently mix it up!
I’m sure the next month will fly right by! Sounds like Sadie is being spoiled at grandma’s house 😉
I move August 15th! Lucky for me I am still living with all three of my dogs…we’re just moving across the city (and it’s a small city lol). I hate when you don’t get the date you want though…moving is such a hassle, it’s fun and exciting but super stressful too. Hope it goes well though!!
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