Hello and happy Tuesday!
This Tuesday began as most Tuesdays do around here… with a sweaty workout!
I hopped back and forth from the elliptical to the treadmill, completing this workout:
- 10 min. run
- 10 min. elliptical
- 10 min. run
- 10 min. elliptical
- 5 min. run
- 5 min. elliptical
The hotel gym was empty and the treadmill and elliptical are right next to each other, so I was able to do this workout without looking like a totally indecisive nut job. Woo!
Today’s morning meal was highlighted by a muffin top!
Who says muffin tops are a bad thing? I ate the top off a blueberry muffin while I cooked up a bowl of oatmeal in the microwave.
I topped my oats with peanut butter and some Raisin Bran cereal (aka poor man’s granola) before digging in.
Sadly the bran flakes didn’t hold their crunch once they were stirred into my peanut butter oats. Bust.
And now for a Sadie update! I miss my little girl so, so much.
Sadie Update
Every day my mom sends me an email with updates about Sadie. (Sadie is staying with my parents while Ryan and I live in a hotel in Ocala until we can move into our rental house.) My mom knows how much Ryan and I miss Sadie (we’re going to see her on Friday!!) and keeps us in the loop with her crazy antics.
I thought you fellow Sadie lovers out there might get a kick out of a couple of these completely unedited excerpts I pulled out of her emails:
August 9
- Subject: How do you make a bed with a wild dog in it?
Every day I face the same dilemma. Sadie wants to be loved and thinks the bed is her platform for special attention. She is right but I’ve come to realize that she has a limitless capacity. If I’m willing to hold her, kiss her and rub her back, she’s willing to just hang out there. She’s even developed a long reach to grab ahold of me as I walk by.
August 6
- Subject: Beach blast, or should I say squirt
We just got back from the Fort DeSoto dog beach and it is a winner. A puppy bit at Sadie’s ears and was driving her crazy (we wouldn’t recommend getting a new puppy as a pal based on this observation). She started drinking the salt water and we did our best to stop her. However, she had a few squirts on the beach and we decided she’d had enough.
August 5
- Subject: How to get a ball out of Sadie’s mouth
I’m wondering how you play ball with Sadie. She loves her new pink tennis ball and wants me to play with it BUT she wants me to pull on it while it is in her mouth. She LOVES it and is so happy with this toy. After saying "drop" seriously about 10 times, she loosens her grip a bit. Oh, she just dropped it by me from the sofa. I think she wants me to stop typing!
July 25
- Subject: Sadie meets Roomba
Sadie got to meet our new Roomba vacuum today. It was so cute. She was resting on Leslie’s bed to stay out of its way and it went into Leslie’s room. Sadie leaped over it to get out of the room.
Of Possible Interest
- Circuit-Style Workouts (My guest post on HungryRunnerGirl.com)
- Basic (Cheap!) Equipment for a Home Gym (FitSugar.com)
- What Registered Dietitians Order at Restaurants (ThatsFit.com)
I love these Sadie updates! These stories remind me of texts I get from my Mom when she’s watching our pup.
How cute! I love the e-mail that says Sadie has a limitless capacity of love…SO very true of Vizslas! I’m sure it’s so hard to be away from her but how great that you have parents who care about their “granddog” so much!
Your mom’s emails are so sweet 🙂 I bet they are really going to miss having her around. My parents watch our two dogs during the day while we are at work Monday-Friday and they get so lonely on the weekends without their grandpuppies. I don’t know what we’d do without them! 🙂
I love the e-mails. Sadie is keeping it classy at your parents house.
Last night I went out to dinner and the first salad on the menu was a watermelon salad made with arugula, feta, and something else. I instantly thought about your blog…
Happy Tuesday!
Oh my gosh you must miss her so much!! She is freaking adoarble. Mwahhh.
YAH for Sophie updates! I miss her. 🙂 I love that photo with her and the huge stick/log. SO FUNNY! You are so good at catching those great shots of your dog. How do you do that? Mine is much to fast and I only get blurs. 🙁
We took my dog to the Oregon Coast one year. She loved playing in the ocean and running around. Naturally she had tummy issues as well. Poor thing. We were walking through town past a house and I felt something warm spraying on my foot and I was like, “Wow, that’s a warm sprinkler”. Oh no, it was my dog spraying salt water out of her bum and onto my foot (I was wearing flip flops). I think everyone we were with about peed their pants laughing so hard.
How funny that your mom emails you updates! The ball situation is a frequent event in my house…how do dogs expect you to play if they don’t drop it?! And the roomba is too funny.
Loved this post. So so adorable, i didn’t want it to end!
When I was in college, the family dog “wrote” me emails once a week. She would tell me about the new birds in the trees or that she tried a new flavor of dog food. They made my day.
Love these and i love love love your silly comments on her pics they make my day!:)
Muffin tops rule my world…seriously addicting 🙂
I love those crazy little Roomba vacuum cleaners. We got rid of ours before we got Chipper, but I imagine he would go completely nuts if he saw it roaming around the house!
I love the Sadie stories! Too cute! I can’t imagine having to be away from my babies (2 schnoodles) for that long. I have so much sympathy for you! Hopefully the time goes fast and she will be back with you before you know it!
Haha love that you call it poor man’s granola!
I feel so bad that you have to be away from your baby for so long! 🙁 That must be so tough! Hope Friday comes quick!
LOL! OMG Julie, those emails are golden! Your mom is the best. Sadie and her “love platform”…hilarious. So glad you get to see her crazy little butt soon!
These are the best!! Very cute emails from your momma 🙂
Sadie is adorable! I bet she and my dog would get along great! I have a shitzu poodle, named Charlie 🙂
I love the captions you put on Sadie’s photos. They always make me laugh out loud – and good thing I work at home by myself! LOL! You and Sadie always make me smile so thanks for that. 🙂
awww love the Sadie stories!! My charlie seriously does NOT want anyone taking his toys. He loves us to chase him around but will not give them up!
I really want a dog and don’t have one yet, so I live vicariously through yours:)
My sister’s dog is a 14-year old deaf-as-a-post labrador mix. We call her the ‘grandchild’ because under no circumstances can she be left at home alone – she will start howling and run around the neighbourhood and onto the road. Curiously, she is quite happy being left in the car alone for a couple of hours. My sis was dying to go for a run the other day, so she put the dog in the car, drove 50m around the corner and parked the car, then went on a run for an hour. Sure enough, when she came back the dog was totally chill, and they drove back around the corner home!
I love this post and can totally relate to the dog update emails! I started a facebook for my dog (Riblet) just so my mom can stay in the loop about his adventures. Riblet is her only facebook friend, and she constantly asks me to post more photos and videos of him.
Haha! Loved reading about Sadie’s adventures! Your mom is a great writer. How funny would a book about life with Sadie be?!
seeing these posts about sadie makes me want to go out and get a puppy (i know sadie’s not a puppy) of my own! but she may not do cool things like sadie and then i might be disappointed ha!
Poor mans granola- ha ha love it, SO true!
How fun.
Your mom is so creative 🙂
That is so precious! 🙂
I love the email updates- especially about the Roomba- hilarious 😀 That’s awesome that your Mom sends you these- it’s like a little link to Sadie! & YAY for seeing her Friday!!!
Not sure if you guys have a way to get Sadie to drop the ball when you’re playing fetch with her, but when I was growing up, we used to play fetch with two balls with my dog. She would go grab the ball we threw for her and when she brought it back, she wouldn’t let go of it no matter what…except when she saw the second ball. Then the first one was totally forgotten about and we’d throw the second one for her. It worked brilliantly!
Julie – I know this is an old post, but I was wondering if you could post about the goods and bads of having a dog before marriage and babies and all that. I’m 26 and my man is 36 and we are both employed full-time, but live within walking distance of our places of employment and come home frequently during the day. I grew up with dogs and thus REALLY want one, and he didn’t, so all he sees are the liabilities. I know it’s work – but can you expound on how worth it it really is? This is totally a personal favor but something I thought others might find interesting 🙂 And also, how has it impacted your relationship positively and negatively, if you don’t mind sharing? We’ve been together 2 years now and also just made a major move together. I think we can do it! Send in the reinforcements!