I’m totally slacking on the food pictures today, but sometimes we all need a break.
Plus, me eating a cupcake for breakfast and cold leftover ribs and a buttload of cinnamon sugar pita chips for lunch doesn’t exactly make for beautiful photography, so I figured I would take a blogging breather and instead share with you some of the adorable animal pictures my sister and I fell in love with on Pinterest on our side-by-side laptops today.
Yes, I got her addicted to Pinterest, too.
Here are our favorite finds of the day…
My undying love for the movie Babe is just solidified by this adorable piglet.
Dear Lord, please give me an otter as adorable as this one.
I’ve selected this little vizsla, Fred, to be Sadie’s male suitor.
I had no idea baby giraffes were so freakin’ cute!
I’m not gonna lie, I see a little bit of myself in this hamster.
Hey, looks delicious to me too, buddy.
And I wasn’t totally unproductive on the blog today… I updated the Fashion page!
Hope you’re enjoying your Saturday. See ya after dinner!
love the baby giraffe and the baby piglette!!!!!!!!!! cute cute cute
omg the baby giraffe!!!! so cute!