We left with the following:
- Bookcase (Home office)
- Desk (Home office)
- Sofa table (Home office)
- Coffee table (Living room)
- Television stand (Living room)
And now we will be subsisting on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the next month to regain our lost money.
The drive to IKEA from Ocala took us a little over an hour and we figured it would be a smart idea to get some lunch before heading into the madhouse.
We stopped by Greens & Grille, a delicious fresh salad and sandwich shop you may remember popping up on the blog before (the same day I announced we’d be moving to Ocala)!
I selected the “make your own salad” option and got a delicious mix of veggies, fruit and edamame, topped with balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
My salad creation was good, but Ryan’s was better. Not sure how I missed the candied almonds topping option.
With full bellies it was time for some serious furniture shopping!
As always our time in IKEA was an adventure. That store is the best for providing inspirational ideas but I also find myself getting overwhelmed with all the options.
Ryan was in charge of writing down the names of the furniture we liked and the number aisle and spot they were located in downstairs in the warehouse.
Once we got to the warehouse to collect all the items we had on our list Ryan asked me to read off the aisle numbers for us to tackle.
Someone selected the Spanish chart and picked random columns to jot down the applicable numbers.
I took AP Spanish in high school and one year of Español in college, so I knew enough to know that pasillo was “aisle” and my husband would’ve had us running around like crazies looking for aisles that didn’t exist.
I don’t think he would’ve cared though because he was having a blast on the rolling cart.
I’m not gonna lie, we both freaked out when he managed to do a 360 on that cart in the slender aisle without touching the ground. Totally cool!
We just finished the most delicious dinner (we have leftovers so I’ll likely blog about it when I eat those) and now it’s time to head back into the living room to help Ryan with furniture assembly.
Don’t act like you’re not jealous of our happenin’ Saturday night.
P.S. The Fashion page was updated!
P.P.S I finished decorating the guest bathroom this evening, so stay tuned for pictures. I’m a little obsessed with the Anthropologie towels we bought today!
Candied almonds in salad? No. You need them covered in dark chocolate and then rolled in cocoa powder. Trust me.
lol I can totally do that! I have some of those from WF 😀 I’ll trust you
You need these: http://www.recchiuti.com/226.html?area=05;id=MNjaYmBE
Worth the trip to SF.
hahaha I’d tooootally have fun on the rolling cart!! IKEA sounds so fun! But maybe it’s a good thing that I’ve never been there…yet 😛
Have fun! The furniture sounds and looks great already. I remember some very long furniture assembly nights – they have always ended well. Miss you. I’m looking forward to your bathroom pictures! You’ve waited so long to do your Anthropologie room! xo
It’s nearly 1 a.m. and we just finished assembling all of my office furniture and hooking up the new desktop! YAY! I can’t wait to show you. 🙂 And yes, the Anthropologie bathroom is a LONG time coming!
Aww I call my mom “Mama” too. Mootsie has always been a top name for her though as well.
Oh man, I cannot believe you passed up eating at Ikea!!! They have such good food for SUPER cheap!!!!! I love the Swedish meatballs with lingonberry sauce, and the 50 cent hot dogs are unbeatable!!!! (Not to mention $1 soft serve!)
Haha my hubby and I do the same thing with the rolling cart at IKEA! Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking of our “childish behavior”, but then I realize that I could care less because it’s so much fun.
I actually am pretty jealous of your happenin Saturday! I love Ikea and you got some great stuff! My boyfriend would totally be doing cart tricks in the aisle too..actually, we both probably would. So funny. 🙂
Men and shopping carts, I don’t get it. And I am soo not jealous of your assembling party, that stuff is hard to put together!
oh ikea – always an adventure! We’ve had many a nights putting that furniture! LOL a 360 on the cart?? haha
I also braved IKEA today! I bought all kinds of things I never knew I needed until today!
Ooo so exciting! Congrats on finding some furniture! I wish we had an IKEA close to here. Maybe we should go on an adventure sometime and pick up some furniture!
You guys didn’t eat lunch at Ikea???? They have the most amazingggggg food!!!!! trust me, you would LOVE it.
At least you have football on! Now that’s a Saturday night!
Haha, Ryan looks like he’s having a blast :). Glad you guys found some good stuff! And I think your saturday night sounds wonderful!
Good golly, I love IKEA—even if all the options make my head spin.
And that is absolutely something my boyfriend would do with the rolling cart. In fact, a few weeks ago, he tried to pull that off in Target. Unsuccessful!
I LOVE shopping for new house stuff! I’ve moved like 100 times it feels like and it’s definitely the best part 😀 Good luck putting everything together! I’ve seen Greens and Grille near the UCF area when I went to school there but never actually tried it. It looks good!
wow.. i can honestly say i had NO idea ikea worked like that (shop upstairs/pick up downstairs)! we don’t have one in my area and i have never made the 2 hour trek to visit the nearest one. given how much money i drop at a measly trip to target, though, i have to think it’s better i stay away from ikea. it seems like a super size target… but better!!
have fun decorating the bathroom! i LOVE anything and everything anthropologie!!
I love house decorating! Anything from Anthropologie is usually GORGEOUS too!
first…looks like you did a great job blow drying your hair…it looks great!!!
second…can’t wait to see pics of everything put together and the guest bathroom of course!!!
Thank you, Colleen! The home office is coming together, too! Can’t wait to show you guys!
Candied nuts in salad are seriously the most amazing thing in the world.
I’ve actually NEVER been into an IKEA in my life! I think I would get totally sucked in so that might not be such a bad thing 🙂
i love ikea!! me and my boyfriend went there last week and got a ton of stuff. the 2 hour drive is worth it.
congratulations on your new place!
They have a Greens n Grille around the corner from UCF 🙂 mmm!
IKEA has the cutest stuff, but it is totally overwhelming. Their food section is pretty cool to look through, especially the desserts! Yum!
We have an IKEA about an hour away. Sounds like a holiday weekend trip to me! Maybe we will drive down tomorrow or Monday. See what they have going on. AND I think there is a Trader Joe’s near there.
How was the hair? I only blowdry my hair about once a week as well. Just no need otherwise.
How were the assembly instructions?
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….
yay for Ikea! I want to go shop there for some things once i get settled into my new apartment in Austin 🙂
A 360 is pretty sweet in an IKEA cart. Your husband has Some serious skills that I’m rather jealous of. 😉
I will relay the message. I guarantee you he will appreciate this comment. 🙂
Amen for all that is great..Love to see Ryan has his priorities straight…College Football on the tube, while he sets up the new furniture..good man…oh and nice wife for letting him watch without complaining
I could totally get LOST in Ikea. Such a great place! And good finds, lady!!
Candied almonds are thebombdotcom!
i’ve never been to ikea…and though i love their stuff (we have a coffee table and an end table), i’m sorta afraid to go because i get so overwhelmed in warehouse type stores!
We got a couple pieces of furniture from ikea…a shelf. coffee table, patio set, and after my husband put it all together, I don’t think he’ll ever let me buy furniture there again! Glad you had fun:)
i really am bummed that you switched to the “click to read more” method. it’s way way way less convenient to read. switch back por favor????
The current posts are displayed in full, but then the next five most recent posts you have to click to view fully b/c I wanted the ability to display six posts on a page as I’ve had readers say they sometimes don’t realize when they miss a post since my homepage used to only display two posts. I’m sorry you don’t like it! 🙁 Hopefully it will grow on you with time! It’s only one additional post that’s not displaying in full. :/
Hahaha you two seem to have a blast with everything you do! That salad looks sooo good! I love it when someone else makes a salad for me! I get so lazy to make one for myself!
By the way please take a look at our new blog! I really don’t like saying this desperate sounding sentence! haha
I love how Sadie needs to be apart of all the furniture putting together action. What a little stinker 🙂
When my fiance and I moved into together, we had Ikea furniture building contests since we’d often buy two bookcases, two bar stools, two lamps, etc. We’d see who could master the crazy instructions and Allen wrench the fastest. It’s probably why most of our furniture fell apart in the last move, but was worth it for the fun!
IKEA furniture assembly …. I swear those damn instruction booklets are a recipe for assemblers to BICKER! Hehehe 🙂 Hope it all goes well on your end!
I, too, have a cart riding boyfriend! I can’t take him anywhere without him trying to turn the cart into a ride! Yesterday, he rode the cart all the way down the drink aisle in Costco. It’s like, “are you suuuure you’re almost 26, sweety???” LoL.
I love how much fun you two genuinely have in each others company- truly something special!
Hey Julie!
Most of our apartment furniture is from Ikea…and the pieces have actually held up quite well! A lot of people make fun of Ikea because it’s cheap and things break but our bed is from Ikea and it’s really sturdy, we’ve never even had a loose screw.
I love your blog! You and your husband are so cute and work together so well. I just discovered your blog when I was searching information about wedding stuff. I found your wedding section SO helpful and it gave me a ton of idea’s of how to organize the actual timing of the reception…It relieved me A LOT! SO thank you!
i’m so glad to hear that. thank you, sarah jane!
yeah, we have the same television stand 🙂
Living off PB&J sandwiches sounds all right to me! 🙂 Good luck assembling the IKEA furniture and getting settled into your new place!
Its so fun to buy new stuff! The not fun part is building it, lol! I can’t wait to see the bathroom pics!
I’m so glad you’re sharing your new decorating ideas! Love it!
I’m glad also that Ikea was a success. I LOVE Ikea for their awesome prices & cute stuff, but have always had major issues when it comes to customer service. 🙁 Oh well!
Wow, you managed to get a lot in one trip! We just got an ikea in Denver and I can’t wait to chek it out! I’m in need of an office desk-blogging is currently done at dinig room table!:)
Hope u got it all put together!
Your trip sounded like so much fun. Have fun building all the furniture!
We are looking for furniture this weekend too- biggest need: a new bed! Yay, congrats on your purchases and starting to spruce up the new home 😀
I read a quotation online a while ago, that went something like, “I just assembled 4 pieces of IKEA furniture with my girlfriend and we are still on speaking terms, WIN!”
I LOVE Greens & Grille! I always go there when I’m in Florida! 🙂