Something about this dinner simply screamed comfort food.
The smell of this meal was absolutely heavenly.
Combine chicken, veggies, chicken broth and spices in the crock pot and your house is bound to smell fantastic!
Comfort Crock Pot Chicken
- Serves: Two
- Prep Time: 7 minutes
- Cook Time: 4 – 6 hours
- 3 celery stalks, chopped
- 3 large carrots, chopped
- 1 large onion, sliced
- 1 teaspoon thyme
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 2 chicken breasts
- 1 can reduced sodium chicken broth
- Place vegetables in the bottom of a slow cooker and top with thyme, salt and pepper
- Place chicken on top of vegetables
- Pour broth over chicken and cook on low for 4 – 6 hours
I loved the veggies! I ate several servings of them and couldn’t get enough of the tender carrots.
Ryan and I both loved this meal and ate it up with some naan on the side. We loved it for the taste (obviously), but I really loved it for how easy it was to prepare. This meal will likely be a staple in the upcoming months as the weather continues to get cooler.
I am pumped for more crock pot meals in the future! I love set it and forget it cookin’.
After dinner it was more puppy playtime outside with Sadie before we both took some time to catch up with friends on the phone.
And now it’s time for Glee!
I fell in love with the show over the summer thanks to DVDs from Netflix and can’t wait to dive into the new season. (Thanks to you guys for telling me it premiers tonight!) I actually missed all of the most recent season, but I think I’ll be able to put the pieces together. And if not, I’ll just fall in love with the music like I always do.
Glad to know I have another #Gleek fan 😉 xo
Wow! How simple, but it looks so so so delicious!!
Mmm. Looks good!! I love Crock Pot meals..they’re usually something that even I can’t manage to screw up. 🙂
Our meal was super simple as well. Black bean burgers (frozen variety, please don’t get confused and think I actually whipped them up on my own..haha!) and sweet potatoes. Filling and delicious!
Crock pot meals are definitely the best! 🙂 I made Janetha’s beef stew on Sunday and I still have plenty of leftovers. lol. I might be sick of it by the end of the week!
I am a Glee newbie as well! Tonight is my first episode ever!
I love your blog and you are inspiring me to run more. I have really fallen off my workout routine lately!
I do have a question for you. What size crock-pot do you use? I love crock-pot meal but we only have a huge crock-pot.
(I am dying to make your pulled pork and chicken)
i actually have a crock pot that allows you to change sizes! here it is:
I love crock pot meals! And yay I’m so excited Glee is back! I loved the food fight that just happened!
I almost forgot about Glee! Thanks for the reminder! 🙂
I wish I had a crock pot up at school with me 🙁 These kind of meals always look so perfect for fall!
I love crockpot meals! They make my life so easy.
And I am watching Glee right now!
I must try this, I have a crockpot and never seem to use it…these seems too easy it would be a shame not to try it 🙂
I used my crock pot yesterday to make cinnamon apples that I turned into an apple pie. My roommates, me and my boyfriend demolished it in ten minutes. I can’t wait to make more delicious crock pot dishes for fall.
I’m actually in class right now and can’t watch Glee 🙁 Enjoy it for me!!
I lovee how crockpots just make the whole house smell amazing!! Looks great 🙂
I love making meals like this 🙂 I always use the leftover chicken to make chicken salad!
I’m SO PUMPED for Glee!
Ahhh looks so yummy 🙂 And so comforting!
I would seriously die without my crock pot, can’t live with out it 🙂
I have been dying to use the crock pot! Your dinner looks fabulous!
OKay I LOVE this recipe. Crock pots rule!
LOVE this recipe! I love crock pot meals! They are the BEST! There is nothing better than getting home after a long and crazy day and dinner is ready with little to no effort.
Oh my gosh, that looks delicious! Ironically I was just thinking today about this pot pie recipe I have, and how it’s almost time to bust it out since the weather is getting chilly here in d.c. I sadly do not have a crock pot though, so this recipe I’ve used doesn’t need one.. I def want one though! Do you know where is best place to find a good but inexpensive crock pot?
we got ours as a wedding gift, but i love it!
it’s not CRAZY expensive and it has many different sizes.
Oh my gosh, how funny, I am writing up my Crock Pot blog post right now!
I love crock pot recipes! They are so easy and almost always turn out delicious!
This looks amazing…true story though, ultimate comfort food = Cracker Barrel’s chicken ‘n dumplin’s….ohhh yeah!
Crock pot recipes? Bring em on 😀
Yeah. I need a crock pot stat.
Ah I’m so excited for Glee! I don’t have a TV and I have school all day tomorrow so I probably won’t get to watch until Thursday or Friday but I can’t wait to see it!
I love crock pot meals too, tomorrow I am doing Mama Peas’s Spicy Peanut African soup in a crock pot and can’t wait, it would be perfect with naan too!
I love Glee, going to watch it right now 🙂
I just finished watching tonight’s episode of ”Glee”! Did you catch ”New Girl”? It’s a new sitcom on after Glee (though I watched Glee later, recorded), and it was actually really funny!
i watched like 10 minutes of it and thought it was really cute! ryan wasn’t havin’ it though…
I know I will love this meal! Something about cooking chicken with celery and carrots is so heart-warming 🙂
I fell in love with Glee late last season! I caught up on netflix for season 1 but they didn’t have season 2 so I used Hulu Prime.
Someone asked above about a crockpot size, we have one that has 3 different sizes, love it depending on what we are cooking!
This meal looks great! I love cooking the crock pot. I can’t wait to use it more often this fall! 🙂
I was disappointed by Glee last night. It just didn’t hold my attention and I thought the song choices were off. I hope it gets better!
That seriously looks like the ultimate comfort. I can’t WAIT for Glee! I have it DVR’d and ready to be watched! SO excited!!
I love my crockpot too! I don’t know if you read Clean Eating Magazine, but their Jan/Feb issue will have a lot of clean slow cooker meals featured. I can’t wait!
i LOVE that magazine! do you work for them? i’ll definitely pick up the jan/ feb issue!
I don’t work for them but wish I did! I am just a subscriber. I just got the most recent issue yesterday and they had a teaser about the slow cooker issue. There is also a comfort foods issue coming out on newsstands Oct. 11.
The cover of this months issue has an awesome looking turkey meatball skillet I can’t wait to try!
Nice recipe! I like to di ie with zucchinis too, the carrots look very tender!
I should mention that most of the recipes are listed under their “discussions” tab. Enjoy!
Are you friends with the Crock Pot Girls on Facebook? They have hundreds of crock pot recipes. I’ve found quite a few that I’m going to try. Some are healthy and some aren’t but overall, its a great reference!
Haha the prep time vs cooking time makes me giggle.
Cant wait to break out our crock pot for some warm, comforting winter meals!