(Post title sung to the tune of “Breaking Up is Hard to Do!”)
After a somewhat restless sleep, the alarm felt like it went off extra early this morning. (Thank you, Sadie, for barking at the invisible squirrel outside at 3 a.m.)
While waking up at 5 a.m. does get less painful over time, it’s never exactly easy. (Some of you have asked about making the transition to morning workouts and may be interested in a past post I did about how to work out in the morning.)
Once we got to the gym, I woke up a bit and powered through my workout. I think it’s amusing that once I get to the gym, I have no problem going through a workout, but during our drive to the gym, all I can think about is how nice it would be to curl up in bed again.
But it feels awesome to have my workout completely done by 6:45 a.m., so I just roll with the punches and get my booty to the gym before the sun comes up. When I’m tempted to skip the gym, I always think, “I’ve never regretted a workout!”
Today’s workout began with a two-mile run, followed by three sets of 15 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Superset One: Incline bicep curls + Tricep extensions
- Superset Two: Chest press + Ryan’s awesome shoulder move
- Superset Three: Lat pull downs + Upright rows
- Tricep pull downs
- Push ups
- Seated rows
- Chest press with resistance band
Today’s breakfast was deeelicious.
A two-egg breakfast sandwich with muenster cheese and raspberry jelly.
I made one for Ryan as well and he is fully on board the cheese + jelly train. We both agreed that we now feel like egg sandwiches are missing something if jelly isn’t involved.
Time to do some behind the scenes blog updates.
See ya after lunch!
Edited to Add: After reading this post this morning, my mom emailed me a link to this cute video, “Waking Up is Hard to Do,” sung by a bunch of anesthesiologists. Very creative!
I wake up at 4:30 in the morning every day, 7 days a week! Sometimes i just want to sleep in but….training calls!
Ok, the music nerd in me has to share that there is an actual adaptation that Neil Sedaka himself did of BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO entitled WAKING UP IS HARD TO DO. Here’s a link to a youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaTB2Q3v6Zc
Heh. 😉
Girl, much props to you for getting up that early everyday. I am lucky if I hear my alarm going off at 6am every morning. *shame*
Thanks to you, I have been ALL ABOUT a bagel with a “dippy egg” and strawberry jelly for breakfast lately. And I am LOVING it.
I love the cheese and jelly combo. I often put jelly on my grilled cheese sandwiches. Have you tried fig butter? It’s sooo good paired with cheese! Also, thanks for the “I’ve never regretted a workout” mantra. I use it almost every day to motivate my butt out of bed!
You are right – I always say that I never regret a workout and I always feel better once it is done, no matter what it was!
I love jelly on my egg sandwiches. I have a serious sweet tooth and it just gives the sandwich something extra special! Workouts in the morning are the best because once you get in a routine, it’s harder to skip than workouts after a long day of work.
I totally agree that egg sandwiches are not complete without jelly! Thanks for introducing me to the wonderful combo! 🙂
Have you ever tried havarti cheese on your breakfast sammies instead of muenster? It’s phenomenal! I love muenster but grabbed havarti at the store to switch things up a bit and it’s delish!!
My problem with morning workouts lately is by the time I get home from work and make dinner I’m EXHAUSTED. So yes, it’s nice to be done, but I’m so tired at the end of the day I can’t use that extra time I saved to do anything. Any ideas on what might help?