Remember how I complained about the heat and humidity yesterday morning? Well, it was 47 degrees when we woke up today. Fall is here (for now)!
After grabbing a fleece, Ryan and I headed to the gym nice and early.
I started my workout with a two mile run followed by three sets of 15 – 20 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Superset: Step ups + Deadlifts
- Leg press
- One-legged leg extensions
- Lunges
- Bridges
It wasn’t a killer workout like Monday’s leg workout, but I think that’s a good thing because I don’t want to have lead legs on Saturday’s long run.
Breakfast this morning was homemade granola with milk!
I cooked up a double batch of granola last night and this morning poured it into a bowl, topped it with milk, banana slices and crushed pecans and dug in!
No picture of my bowl because it seems to be getting darker and darker in the mornings these days and I like natural night photos, so I figured I’d just post some of the granola pics I took last night to get the point across.
Daylight photos are so much prettier!
As Ryan and I were eating breakfast, we heard a faint “beep!”
We stopped talking, thinking it was just our imagination.
For the second time since we’ve moved into our rental house, the low battery notification beep on one of the fire alarms in our house was beeping away.
We stood under three different fire alarms before realizing the beep was coming from our home office.
The battery has been replaced and our sanity remained in tact!
The annoying beep of the fire alarm made me think about other noises that I find particularly annoying or cringe-worthy.
My list:
- Teeth scraping on silverware
- Squeaking treadmills/cardio machines at the gym
- Low battery beeps on cell phones
- The “this is just a test” sound on the radio
- Anything coming into contact with a chalk board
Question of the Morning
- What noises do you find annoying or cringe-worthy?
Squeaky annoying shopping carts!
Crying and screaming children in stores, etc… sorry had to haha
This makes me think of the Friends episode where Phoebe takes on the smoke detector! Great episode!
I think the most annoying or cringe-worthly sound for me has got to be duh duh duh… CAR ALARMS!! OMG I cannot express the degree to which I hate when ppl’s car alarms go off. This happens in my apt building all the time and its seriously like nails on a chalkboard. I swear takes everything in me not to go outside & find that car and hurt the alarm LOL. No really I’m not crazy the noise just makes me insane HAHAHA!! 😀
I too hate teeth on silverware! My significant other does it, and it drives me crazy! Not to mention you never get all of the food off the utensil, and I find it gross to put said utensil covered in food that has already been in your mouth back into your pile of food. Gross!
I also really dislike the sound of people scratching their scalp. When I hear it, I can visualize the dirt and skin cells lifting off of people’s scalp, getting imbedded under their fingernails, and flying off their heads into my personal space.
The sound of a pencil writing on paper.
Styrofoam rubbing against anything else but ESPECIALLY other styrofoam.
smacking and WHISTLING NOSES!! someone PLEASE tell me they know what i’m talking about when someone’s nose is whistling. I. DIE.
OMG….I cringed and got goosebumps just from reading your Top Annoying Things list. YUCK! I hate all of those things…
What bothers me more than anything in the world is the sound of Styrofoam rubbing or balloons…you know when someone puts their hands around them and it goes “screeeeeeeeach?!” EEK! I just got goosebumps again.
Don’t even get me started on those balloon-animal making guys…I’m pretty sure they give me the heebie jeebies.
On a lighter note…your granola looks GREAT! I’ve been wanting to make some morning meusli, so this gives me more inspiration 🙂
-When the landscapers blow those leaf blowers outside your window (which of course, always happens at the exact time you want to sleep or work)
-Knives sharpening/silverware scraping against each other
-Motorcycles (usually when they are zooming past, super loud)
Any eating noise bothers me so much. Chewing, slurping, swallowing–you name it, I hate it. There’s a girl in one of my Tuesday/Thursday classes who brings an apple to class every morning and eats it SO LOUDLY I CAN HEAR IT ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROOM. I can barely stand it.
The grossest/annoying noise to me is someone chewing a banana…freaks me out and makes me mad at the same time. Its my favorite fruit but the most annoying fruit, I cant even stand hearing myself chew it..bahahaha
The last smoke alarm that did that annoyingly annoying beep was promptly ripped out of the ceiling by me! Then it was taken to the garage where it was thrown against the garage door where it continued to beep :-/. No, I do not have anger management issues I swear. Our alarms are hard wired and you cannot simply pop in a new battery. After listening to that damn thing all night I had had enough! Needless to say, the hubs was none to happy with me after that little move. So with that being said, I completely understand why that sound is on your list.
Also, the sound of people eating. That lip smacking, moist noise makes me cringe! Slurping your drink too…argghhhhh! Stop the madness people!
I CAN NOT STAND to hear someone eat an apple! The sound totally grosses me out. Also, I don’t think regular alarm clocks should be allowed in commercials or TV shows or movies!
The sound of my dogs licking themselves or something.
Filing nails, silverware scraping against metal pots, screeches on chalkboards, super high pitched dog yelps…oh, the agony!
Oh my god teeth scraping on silverware is the WORST!! I cannot take it at all haha. ( sorry, catching up on posts 😉 )
I DESPISE the sound of teeth on silverware! Bahhh makes me cringe thinking about it!!
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Any utensil scraping a bowl or plate repeatedly by someone trying to clean out their bowl or plate or kissing IT’S LIKE ARE YOU DONE ALREADY?!
Oh and teeth grinding on silverware!! That’s the worst! >_< hurts just thinking about it